Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 374 What Should I Do If I'm Overtaken?

Chapter 374 What Should I Do If I'm Overtaken?
Woohoo! ~~ Aww! ~~
In the jungle behind, the sound of howling wolves gradually came one after another. Chen Hu's face changed drastically in an instant, and then he immediately activated his sprinting skills and flew towards the camp at a high speed.

Now there is still about an hour away from the camp, so I have to expend my energy to activate the sprinting skills, otherwise I will definitely be caught up by those wolves.

The sound of howling wolves can be heard, which means many things. One is that the wolves are not far away from Chen Hu, and the second is the signal sent by the gray wolves to each other, which means that the target is still not far away. Full speed chase.

The wolf has a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, even in the complex jungle, it may not slow down much. However, Chen Hu's sprint skill is only effective at 36 kilometers per hour. Counting the original physique and agility, he can reach 60 kilometers in front of him. about.

However, the items on his body and the complicated environment in the jungle made Chen Hu's speed decrease again and again. If the targets of chasing him were those black boxers, he would not feel any pressure at all. able to escape successfully.

But this time, it was a pack of wolves chasing him, a pack of cunning and ferocious beasts!

When Chen Hu quickly went crazy, the millions of tourists in the live broadcast room, after hearing the howling of wolves, the barrage had already exploded.

"Time Angler: Grasshold! What's going on? Are these howling wolves?"

"Guan Hongyun: The anchor, run! Listening to the voice, it should be a pack of wolves!"

"I shoot you innocent: run away! Don't coax, just do it! I allow you to kill!"

"The best shot in the world: The upstairs is too stupid to explain, if you have the guts, why don't you go up?"

"Zhou Xiaobiao: Well, why do wolves chase Lord Tiger?"


Chen Hu, who was running at top speed, didn't stop at all after seeing the barrage. Although there were many tourists who were out of rhythm, at this moment, he knew very well in his heart that he had to take advantage of the time before the wolves came after him. , You can run as far as you can, otherwise once you are surrounded, you will fall into an extremely dangerous situation.

The red parrot was circling in the air, and when it saw Chen Hu galloping, it immediately chased after it, and said at the same time:

"So they are wolves. I thought they were dogs before, but why did you run away? Why didn't you climb a tree? Those wolves can't climb trees."

Chen Hu, who was running fast in the forest, immediately rolled his eyes when he heard this, but he didn't bother to explain to this guy, if he climbed a tree by himself, he would have nowhere to go.

It was still an hour and a half before dark, no matter how conceited Chen Hu was, he would not let himself be alone in an unfamiliar jungle, especially at night, as he might encounter other wild beasts at any time.

Five or six minutes later, two-thirds of the duration of the sprint skill remained, and Chen Hu's stamina was completely enough to activate it two or three times in a row.

Judging from the current situation, Chen Hu only needs to use his sprint skill twice, and he can rush back to the camp within half an hour.

But the actual situation was very bad. At this moment, Chen Hu was carrying the prey and holding the grass basket in his hand. Although his speed was fast, his speed was still slower than the pack of wolves behind him.

The red sun flying in the air could clearly see that the distance between the wolves and Chen Hu was shortening bit by bit, so he immediately reminded:

"Scum! You have to hurry up and run, those wolves are about to catch up."

Hearing the bad news, Chen Hu's expression was not good, and he couldn't help thinking about whether to give up the harvest this afternoon, so as to reduce the burden and speed up his escape.

But just as this idea came up, he was vetoed by him!

Giving up the harvest meant that this afternoon was all for nothing. Chen Hu would definitely not do such a thing, and even if he was caught up by the wolves, as long as he wasn't surrounded, he wouldn't necessarily be afraid.

Thinking of this, Chen Hu, who was running extremely fast, immediately shouted to the red sun in the sky:

"Sun, you pay attention to the movements of the wolves in the sky, and report their positions at any time."

When the red parrot heard this, he was very unhappy and said:

"Call me baby!"

Chen Hu was speechless and could only add one more sentence.

"Okay baby!"

This time, the red sun immediately flew to the rear, staring closely at the group of gray wolves, which numbered more than 30, while Chen Hu was still running with his head buried in his head, but he was very aware of the tactics used by the wolves. , will use containment tactics, some wolves continue to chase the target, and some wolves will detour to the front to encircle themselves.

If it was a person, Chen Hu might really give up the harvest and run for his life alone, but with the Red Sun as air support, the possibility of being surrounded would be greatly reduced.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, more than a dozen gray wolves separated from the wolf pack and circled towards Chen Hu from the left rear, obviously using containment tactics. Seeing this, the red sun from the air immediately flew back and gave an early warning.

Knowing the location of the dozen or so gray wolves, Chen Hu responded very well. Since I came around from the left rear, then I'll just run to the right front. Let's see how you surround me!

After a while, the wolves surrounded Chen Hu many times, but they all ended in failure. I have to say that the red parrot is very powerful as an air unit!
The leader of the wolf pack, after realizing that the encirclement was ineffective, immediately let out a wolf howl to call back the dozen or so gray wolves sent out to encircle them, and then they all moved forward at full speed, directly killing Chen Hu.

When the duration of the sprinting skill expired, Chen Hu's running speed immediately doubled, and then he activated the second sprinting skill without hesitation, continuing to run at extreme speed.

But at this moment, only tens of meters away from Chen Hu, more than 30 gray figures appeared in the jungle, and they were the wolves chasing the former.

In less than 3 minutes, the wolves caught up within ten meters behind Chen Hu, and within a few seconds, they were able to launch an attack.


At this moment, Chen Hu could hear the dense footsteps behind him. This sound was the sound of his limbs stepping on the ground, and in the live broadcast room, countless tourists had already started to tremble with fear.

"Hey, reading bug: Damn it! Lord Tiger, the pack of wolves is catching up! The few that are running fast will be ten meters behind you."

"Wounded love: I'm scared to pee! The picture showing wolves chasing humans is really scary!"

"I don't think it's a thousand years: According to the situation on the scene, there are at least 30 wolves, and the strength is too great. Once the anchor stops, he will kneel! Be firm!"

"Domineering Brother Ritian: When are you on your feet? Are you still comparing yourself? Lord Tiger, run!"


Chen Hu, who was running wildly, didn't have time to watch the barrage at all, but the voice behind him made him guess that he was definitely overtaken by the wolves.

At the same time, the problem came, now that Chen Hu was caught up by the wolves, what should he do?

(End of this chapter)

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