Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 359: To Live, You Must Die!

Chapter 359: To Live, You Must Die!
Chen Hu under the mutated willow tree was slaughtering sun bears, but this process took a lot of time.

It wasn't until an hour later that the sun had already appeared directly above, and at noon, Chen Hu finished slaughtering the sun bear.

At this moment, under the mutated willow tree, there are many vines hanging, and there are pieces of bear meat falling from them, including four bear paws, a large bear heart, and a bear head.

Obviously, Chen Hu didn't even want to let go of the bear's head, so he could only keep the edible parts.

But almost all the bear meat hanging on the tree exudes a pungent smell of heather. This special smell is disgusting even to flies, even though the meat is very fishy, ​​it doesn't attract them.

Chen Hu smiled, although the meat smelled even worse after applying heather juice, but at least it could be kept so that it would not be stolen by those willows.

And it can also repel flies, which is more conducive to preservation.

Afterwards, Chen Hu took the paratrooper knife and walked into the jungle again, looked at a few wooden sticks, returned to the mutant willow tree, and made a shelf, then used vines to tie the black bear skin to the shelf, and then Place on the ground to expose to the sun.

Fortunately, there were no trees near the mutated willow tree, allowing the sunlight to shine on the ground normally. After dealing with the bear skin, Chen Hu was also very hungry.

"Molei Xiaoyu: Lord Tiger, when can I eat bear meat? I'm so hungry!"

"Little Demon Fairy Bala: What are you waiting for? Hurry up and start a fire, and eat the meat!"

"Fuck me back my hard-earned money: light a fire? The upstairs is stupid! If Lord Tiger starts a fire, the cliff will reveal his position, and he will definitely be discovered by those black boxers."

"These dried tofu: if you don't light a fire, how can you eat it? Does Lord Tiger want to eat raw meat?"

"Chew daddy: Raw meat? That... is too disgusting, don't do it!"


When Chen Hu saw the barrage, he smiled, and then said:

"Of course I won't eat raw meat, but I plan to light a fire to roast meat. Not only that, but the bear meat hanging on these trees also needs flames to remove the moisture from it."

In the absence of salt, it is impossible for these bear meat to dry naturally, otherwise, the bear meat will definitely deteriorate and even smell rancid by the next day.

How to store this bear meat for a long time without rotting, either apply a lot of salt, or smoke it with flames, and dry the moisture in it thoroughly. Only when the meat turns black and hard can it be stored more Long.

Therefore, it is necessary to light a fire. As for exposing one's position, there is no way to avoid it.

certainly!There is another solution to the problem.

That is a meal, eat all the bear meat, or give up most of the meat.

Sorry, Chen Hu can't do these two things!Wouldn't do it either, it's a shame to waste food, especially in the wild.

Afterwards, Chen Hu began to collect wood for burning. There were many dead trees in the jungle. In order to save time, he found a dead tree with a height of eight or nine meters, and then used the serrations on the back of the knife to saw it back and forth.

Click! ~~
More than ten minutes later, the dead tree, which was as thick as an adult's thigh, fell down in response, and then Chen Hu dragged the dead tree back to the camp.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Hu swung his knife and cut off the branches of a few dead trees, and immediately got a large pile of dry firewood, and then began to make fire.

The method of making the fire did not use the fire plow method. Chen Hu took out a black flint, which was the item taken out of the storage capsule on the first night.

Together with the three powerful antibiotics, they were placed on the body, but now one of the antibiotics has been used.

As for why flint is used, it is also to save time. Although the temperature in the jungle is not low, the humidity is a bit heavy. In order to ignite the fire quickly, Chen Hu planned to use flint.

However, Chen Hu used a small piece of dead grass as tinder, and then held a flint in one hand and a paratrooper knife in the other, and immediately scraped at flint with the metal blade.

Bark! ~
Even in the daytime, there were still dazzling sparks. After Chen Hu scratched it a few times, some sparks fell into the withered grass, and then ignited it.

Seeing this, Chen Hu immediately put down the things in his hands, and then held the tinder with both hands very carefully, and blew gently, and a puff of blue smoke suddenly appeared.

The blue smoke floated directly onto Chen Hu's face in the breeze, but it was very choking. He held back his discomfort and blew a few more puffs. A small orange flame burst out from the dead grass in his hand.

After the flame was successfully produced, Chen Hu's eyes lit up, and he immediately put it on the ground, and then covered it with the twigs he cut before. After a while, the flame continued to burn, and it became more and more intense.

In just a few minutes, a raging fire appeared in the jungle, and at the same time, a large amount of blue smoke appeared above the fire, quickly rising into the sky.

In a green jungle, this kind of blue smoke looks very eye-catching. Many outdoor explorers, after getting lost in the jungle, use fire to get rescue.

But for Chen Hu, this was to show his position to those black fighters who were also in the jungle.

But at this moment, after Chen Hu successfully raised the flame, the first thing he felt was warmth, and at the same time he lifted his spirits, and unconsciously brought a smile on his face.

Only those who have their own fire are qualified to survive in the wilderness.

No matter how dangerous it might be in the future, Chen Hu decided to guard his own flame, just like guarding hope.

Afterwards, Chen Hu took down the palm-sized bear heart from the mutated willow tree, stuck it on a branch, and put it on the flame to smoke it.

And within tens of kilometers, many figures appeared in all directions.

On a certain tall bush, a Thai black boxer stared closely at the blue smoke rising from the far-away jungle, then immediately jumped off the big tree and ran towards the area where Chen Hu was.

On a certain hillside, there was also a dark-skinned boxer standing there. When he saw the rising smoke, he rushed over without hesitation.

After a while, many black boxers ran towards the green smoke one after another. To them, the green smoke seemed to be a signal, representing two things.

One is where the people are, and the second is...the food!
Flames are only used when smoking and roasting food. Many black boxers these days, even if they get their prey, most of them will choose to eat it raw instead of lighting a fire.

Obviously, Chen Hu's behavior of lighting a fire is simply unreasonable, even insane!

But at this moment, under the mutated willow tree, Chen Hu was smoking the bear's heart with a smile on his face. He glanced at the green smoke constantly rising from the fire, and while smoking the bear's meat above, he also floated to a higher place .

I believe it won't be long before a large number of black boxers will rush over, right?
Chen Hu guessed, and the live broadcast room had already exploded, and all kinds of barrages of Mr. Hu's tricks to kill him appeared endlessly. Although they all hoped that he could use flames to smoke and roast food, but then felt that such an approach, Some are irrational, even desperate.Seeing the reactions of the tourists, a gleam flashed in Chen Hu's eyes, and then he said with a smile:

"If you live in this world, you must die!"

If you don't try to die, how do you know if you will die?

(End of this chapter)

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