Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 355 The one that glows is the earthworm

Chapter 355 The one that glows is the earthworm

After eating three papayas, Chen Huwo rested in the tree hole for a while, but then he was attracted by the scene outside, and saw many blue light spots suddenly appeared on the ground outside the tree hole.

Those spots of light flickered, as if they were squirming.

This strange scene was also discovered by the tourists in the live broadcast room, and countless barrages appeared immediately.

"Hun Shanghao: Damn it! There are stars on the ground again! Lord Tiger, be careful!"

"God's oath: What the hell are these things?"

"In the name of Han: The anchor said last time, it should be some glowing bugs."


Seeing this weird scene again tonight, Chen Hu immediately stood up and decided to take a look in his heart to find out what these light spots were.

After Chen Hu came outside the tree hole, he immediately looked at the ground, and by the moonlight, he found that these light spots were not on the ground, but in the soil.

Seeing this, Chen Hu couldn't help stabbing a spot of light with a paratrooper knife. After the tip of the knife was inserted into the soil, he pried the soil away with all his strength, revealing the scene below.

A long black worm was wriggling in a blue spot of light, and when its body was exposed to the air, it quickly thought of burrowing into the ground.

It turned out to be a glowing earthworm.

Chen Hu breathed a sigh of relief, but the tourists in the live broadcast room were once again frightened.

"Young and frivolous Yu: I'll wipe it! What kind of bug is this? It even burrows into the soil!"

"You're drunk: Feels a bit like an earthworm, but are there really glowing earthworms?"

"Singing with the clouds: Lord Tiger, do you know what kind of creature this is?"


Seeing the barrage, Chen Hu couldn't help explaining with a smile:
"This is a kind of luminous earthworm, but this kind of earthworm itself does not emit light, but a kind of luminous mucus it secretes."

Is it slime that glows?The tourists looked at the light spot one after another, and saw that after the earthworms got into the soil, the luminous body remained in place. It really looked like a luminous liquid.

And Chen Hu continued:

"In fact, what we've seen is one of a dozen species of earthworms around the world that produce glowing slime to confuse and intimidate predators."

After getting a reasonable explanation, the tourists breathed a sigh of relief, secretly almost frightened to death, thinking it was some ancient species, alien creature or something.

After Chen Hu returned to the tree hole, he opened his mouth and said:
"Okay, that's all for today's live broadcast, everyone rest early, see you tomorrow."

After bidding farewell to the tourists, Chen Hu asked the system to close the live broadcast room, and then lay down on the ground to rest, but he was thinking about many things in his mind.

The material box in that water pool must be obtained, just wait for the tools to be made in the past two days, and then we can start to act.

However, Qin Gou and other black fighters may appear at any time, and Chen Hu must also make some self-defense weapons, and the paratrooper knife alone is far from enough.

It is best to make a bow and arrow. Chen Hu does not lack materials for arrow branches, but he has not found suitable materials to make the bow body and bow strings. Although he can also use tough branches and vines to make bows and strings.

But it takes a lot of time, and even if it is done successfully, it may not have much lethality. I'm afraid it's okay to use it for hunting, but it's better to forget it if it's used to kill those black boxers.

At this moment, Chen Hu somewhat misses the five-stone strong bow in Africa. The tough arrow bamboo is definitely the best bow material he has ever seen.

There is no way but to use the surrounding resources as much as possible and arm yourself to the maximum extent.

In the dark, Chen Hu suddenly thought of Su Qian, is he doing now?
paralysis!How did you think of that drug girl?
Chen Hu cursed secretly, but people are like this, they are obviously very concerned, but they just act like they don't care or hate it.

Afterwards, Chen Hu opened the private message and checked it.

Shou Shuang, Liu Tao and other girls sent many messages, to the effect that they should pay attention to safety and not die no matter what.

Mao Yu and Ao Cheng also sent a message that they left Thailand two days ago and took a flight back to China, and complained at the same time.

"Bumpman: Lord Tiger, we are back in China! But Susie has locked herself in the house for the past few days without seeing anyone. Did something happen?"

"Ah Brother Big Mao: Women are meant to be coaxed. If Lord Tiger doesn't have time, I can do it for you (smirk)"


These two bastards!The corners of Chen Hu's mouth twitched. He said that he had no choice but to deal with that Yao Niang. After all, he was a straight man, and he would not change his ways no matter what.

At this time, the metal watch on Chen Hu's wrist changed instantly, and the hour hand that was moving normally jumped to another place in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Chen Hu couldn't help saying in a low voice:

"Has anyone discovered it?"

Seeing the change of the hour hand, Chen Hu was unmoved, and he was still lying in the tree hole, but he didn't have to worry about being attacked.

A few minutes later, the hour hand on the metal watch did not return to normal, and was still pointing in that direction. Chen Hu knew that Duo Fu was coming here.

At this moment, the sky outside was pitch black, but the ground was covered with starlight. In the jungle seven or eight kilometers away from Chen Hu, a figure was stepping on the starlight and moving forward at high speed.

Apparently, this person also discovered that the starlight in the ground is a kind of luminous earthworm, which is not dangerous to humans.

But within ten minutes, the figure came to the open space where the mutated willow tree was. The visitor glanced at the metal watch, saw the hour hand pointing to the willow tree, and immediately sneered.

Afterwards, the figure quietly approached the willow tree without making any sound during the whole process, obviously wanting to approach the opponent unknowingly and then kill him.

Of course, this person was also very careful in the process of advancing, guarding against Chen Hu planting some traps around him, but in fact the latter had no defenses, and even hoped that the other party would come and kill him immediately.

However, the figure was getting closer and closer to the willow tree. When he got closer to within 20 meters, as if an alarm had been triggered, countless willow branches struck past like lightning.

what! ~
A loud and clear scream sounded immediately in the night, and the figure retreated quickly, and Chen Hu in the tree hole, after hearing the scream, the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly raised.

And when the wicker was retracted, Chen Hu immediately smelled a trace of blood, obviously that guy was injured.

Hehe, this is called stealing chickens and losing rice!Chen Hu smiled, then closed his eyes, and began to rest. As long as he stayed in the tree hole, he didn't care about any danger.

Even if all the black boxers rushed here, I'm afraid there will be nothing they can do with this mutated willow in a short time.

Of course, this will also restrict Chen Hu's actions. Although he is attached to the mutated willow tree to gain temporary safety, if he leaves the protection range of the mutated willow tree, he will be hunted down immediately.


(End of this chapter)

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