Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 339 Smoking Through the Miasma Forest

Chapter 339 Smoking Through the Miasma Forest


As soon as Chen Hu said this, a barrage of bullets immediately appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Waves for rowing: What the hell is miasma?"

"Misty rain: miasma is the poisonous gas produced by animals or plants in tropical primeval forests after they rot. favorable conditions have been created.”

"Master Tiger, I love you: The popular science above is right, miasma is indeed the poisonous gas produced by the rotting plants and animals in tropical forests."

"Elegant and helpless: what should I do then? Or, Mr. Tiger, turn around and walk back, after all miasma is poisonous."

"Sui Feng Xiao Le: Go back? Wouldn't it be possible to meet those black boxers? It's almost the same if you should go in another way!"


Seeing the barrage, Chen Hu smiled. Nowadays, there are many things that he does not need to introduce, and tourists will also popularize science by themselves, but at this moment, he will not turn around and go back, or waste time to change roads.

Although the miasma doesn't appear 24 hours a day, Chen Hu didn't have time to wait for the poisonous white mist to dissipate, so he quickly searched around the edge of the miasma.

But where there is poison, there will always be some plants that can neutralize the poison. After a while, Chen Hu stopped and found many green or yellow vegetation.

Chen Hu reached out and pulled out a dead plant, then smiled and said:
"I found a way to cross the miasma forest."

what way?The tourists were all taken aback, and Chen Hu looked at the withered and yellow plant in his hand and said:

"That's it, tobacco!"

tobacco?In an instant, millions of tourists were collectively stunned!They can understand tobacco as a plant, but tobacco can solve the problem of miasma, are you sure you are not joking?
At this moment, a large number of barrage scrolled instantly.

"Salted fish love turning over 233: Master Tiger, are you kidding us? Can tobacco pass through the miasma forest?"

"Little Wolf LG: It feels so nonsense, do you want to take tobacco?"

"Guangmao City Third Hospital - Physician Hu: Heck, at this time, it's time for me to speak."

"Old driver: Don't make blind comparisons, just see what Lao Hu has to say."

"The Third Hospital of Guangmao City - Physician Hu: Tobacco, pungent in taste and warm in temperature, slightly hot in nature, is used to treat the exterior, good at expelling all yin evils, cold poison, mountain haze, miasma, rheumatism, evil closed interstitial muscles..."

There are a lot of balabala, speaking like classical Chinese, which instantly confused many tourists. Fortunately, Dr. Hu sent out another barrage:
"Guangmao City Third Hospital - Physician Hu: Lord Tiger is probably planning to make a cigarette and then use it to pass through the miasma forest. This method is indeed effective."

When Chen Hu saw the barrage, he immediately nodded with a smile and said:
"Not bad!"

Immediately afterward, he began to collect dry tobacco leaves, obviously intending to make cigarettes, but Dr. Hu's explanation made some sophisticated parties question again.

"I have to complain about itchy scalp: Smoking? I have never heard of smoking cigarettes and being able to travel through the miasma forest! Obviously nonsense!"

"The world of mortals will always be with you: yes! I didn't expect Mr. Hu to deceive people, and that Dr. Hu is probably a fake!"

"The Third Hospital of Guangmao City-Doctor Hu: There is a saying in "Jingyue Quanshu" that the teachers and brigades went deep into the miasma, and all were infected with diseases, and the only battalion was safe and sound. It is said that today, in the southwest, there is no distinction between young and old, and day and night cannot be separated."

"Guangmao City Third Hospital-Doctor Hu: Although I am a psychiatrist, I will never lie, and at the same time prove that Mr. Tiger is a very professional wilderness anchor! So, if you don't understand, please don't make comparisons!"

When Dr. Hu presented the materials with reason and evidence, those doubting voices immediately quieted down, obviously being slapped in the face.

Chen Hu collected a lot of dry tobacco leaves, and immediately rolled them into a big cigar as thick as a thumb and about the length of chopsticks.

After seeing the barrage content just now, he couldn't help but smiled and said:

"In the face of nature, we are always in the process of learning. If we haven't seen it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just means you don't know it."

After finishing speaking, Chen Hu immediately made fire tools, picked up a few dry logs, and then dug a groove with a skirmisher, but he was going to use the fire plow method.

This is a tropical primeval jungle, the temperature is relatively high, and now it is approaching noon, so it is not difficult to start a fire. It took only a few minutes for Chen Hu to start a small flame, then immediately lit a big cigar, and then quickly extinguished the flame.

You can't let the burning smoke reveal your position.

And then, Chen Hu looked at the tobacco cigar in his hand, with a thick thumb and long and short chopsticks, and couldn't help smiling wryly:

"It seems that today is going to make an exception for smoking."

After finishing speaking, Chen Hu immediately took a mouthful, then breathed out the green smoke, and leisurely stepped into the deep forest full of miasma. It didn't look like he was trying to survive, but just wanted to play.

Smoking a cigarette, walking through the deep forest full of poisonous miasma, I will ask you if you are awesome!
Others don't know, but the barrage in the live broadcast room has already been rewarded by countless rewards and dominated by 666!Because Lord Tiger looks so handsome when he smokes!
squeak... squeak...

Chen Hu in the miasma forest stepped on the thick dead leaves, making creaking noises. The ground was soft, as if he was stepping on the sea, and there was a strong rotten smell all around.

Chen Hu frowned, opened his mouth from time to time and pulled out the tobacco cigars held between his middle finger and index finger, puffing out smoke all the way, looking extremely coquettish!
And the behavior of crossing the miasma forest is undoubtedly correct. I believe that there are definitely more than one or two black boxers who choose Chen Hu's direction. When they encounter miasma, they probably won't have this way to deal with it and can only change their paths.

In the meeting room of the military base, everything Chen Hu did was displayed on an electronic screen. He used vines to calibrate his progress, and made cigarettes to travel through the miasma forest.

But during this process, Chen Hu on the screen never said a word, which is obviously different from the scene. After all, he has explained to the tourists in the live broadcast room many times.

Obviously, this is the ability of the system. Chen Hu in the conference room was modified, so that the researchers didn't know that this guy was still a wilderness anchor.

Bordeaux, the chief designer, is always paying attention to the 46 electronic screens. When he found that Chen Hu was making a cigarette and walked into the miasma forest, his eyes lit up.

This Chinese player is a bit interesting, Bordeaux immediately smiled and said:

"Number 42, focus on it."

The researchers immediately obeyed the order, zoomed in on Chen Hu's picture, and at the same time locked it at the forefront, next to the top three most powerful black fighters.

But at this moment, on other electronic screens, almost all the black boxers were exploring the surroundings. Some encountered a thorny forest, some encountered a miasma, and even encountered a swarm of hornets, and those who were chased ran away desperately.

Among them, the second Chinese-faced man chose to go in the same direction as Chen Hu. When Qin Lei came to the miasma forest, he looked at some traces on the ground, then took a deep breath, and did not hesitate in the next second. Walk into the deep forest full of miasma.

Did not take any protective measures!

(End of this chapter)

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