Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 310 No matter how fierce I am, I am not as fierce as it

Chapter 310 No matter how fierce I am, I am not as fierce as it
In the eyes of all the tourists and the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, Chen Hu stood in front of the test machine and took a horse stance on the spot.

Then he raised his right hand, but instead of making a fist, he closed his fingers together, forming a palm with one hand, and moved his elbow backwards. Then, like a spring, his arm slammed into the grasp.

The speed was almost too fast to see clearly, but the system slowed down the picture fifty times, so that the audience could clearly see that when Chen Hu's palm was about to touch the target, his knuckles suddenly bent, and then slammed into the target.

boom! !

With a bang, the target immediately fell backwards, and the boxing strength testing machine immediately reported the result of this blow.

Ding! ~780 lbs

Fuck!Nearly [-] pounds, the tourists watching around were shocked, but Chen Hu's move was using an inch of force instead of a fist.

Cunjin may not be as powerful as a fist in terms of strength, but its lethality is definitely several times that of a fist. After all, it concentrates its strength on one point. If it is an actual combat, this one-inch punch may break the opponent's bones Lose.

However, in modern society, Inch Strength Fist is a Chinese stunt that attracts countless foreigners!In the special forces of many countries, there are training courses for learning inch strength.

The reason for this situation is that a martial artist named Bruce Lee showed people the power of Cunjinquan.

But one point of view is wrong.

As we all know, Cunjin Fist was carried forward in the hands of Bruce Lee, so many people think that Cunjin is the style of Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do.

This point of view is extremely wrong, as just said, Cun Jin is just a style of fighting, not a type of boxing, nor can it represent any type of boxing.

In fact, similar technical structures can be found in traditional Chinese boxing such as Baji, Xinyi, Xingyi, etc., because the method of exerting force is the same, all of which are to stick to the clothes and exert force, sticking and hitting.

Just like Chen Hu is practicing Shang's Xingyi Boxing now, there is a move called "Yan Wang Three Points Hand", which is a kind of advanced inch-strength boxing, although he has not fully mastered it yet.


780 pounds, or 353 kilograms?
After Chen Hu punched, he nodded very calmly, but the tourists around him and the audience in the live broadcast room didn't think so.

"I just don't believe you. Update: Damn! 780 pounds, this punching power is catching up with Tyson, what the hell!"

"Earl Kress: much is Tyson's punch?"

"Soul is expensive: Tyson at his peak had 800 pounds for his right fist and 500 pounds for his left fist, while Bruce Lee had 1500 pounds for his side kick at his peak."

"Great Reaper gg: Bruce Lee is still awesome! A side kick weighs 680 kilograms, what the hell! Just kick people out!"

"Little book boy who sees flowers blooming: Talking nonsense upstairs, the strength of the legs is better than the strength of the fist?"


At this moment, the tourists in the live broadcast room were talking about it, and after Chen Hu's blow, the people around him were frightened immediately, but then Chen Hu was about to throw a second punch.

However, Chen Hu, who was straddled on the spot, clenched a fist with his left hand, and then exerted force on his spine, loosened his shoulders, and punched hard.

boom! ! !
The second punch was louder on the target, and the data immediately appeared on the punch test machine.

Ding! ~1025 lbs

The four-digit number immediately frightened everyone around them into stupidity, what the hell!Is the machine broken?But at this moment, Chen Hu punched the third time.

boom! ! !
With this punch, he used all his strength, and the target exploded like a firecracker.

Ding! ~1301 lbs

"3106 lbs total, 1035 lbs average."

Not to mention jumping out a four-digit number again, the total score is more than [-] pounds. At this moment, whether it is the tourists at the scene or the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, they are collectively petrified.

The last punch weighed nearly 600 kilograms, which could kill a bison on a cliff, but Chen Hu was not very surprised by his own results, after all, he now has a strength value of 25.5.

This kind of power has broken through the limit of human beings, so it is not surprising to achieve this result, but others don't think so.

"Hold the grass! Master Tiger, you are too fierce, aren't you?"

Mao Yu opened his eyes wide and said, feeling that Chen Hu is not human at all, he is a beast in human form, but these words made Chen Hu smile wryly:
"No matter how fierce I am, I am not as fierce as it!"

As he spoke, Chen Hu raised his finger and pointed at the red-haired gorilla. After he punched, everyone in the audience looked shocked, only the breeder looked calm.

"Orangutan? Master Tiger, are you sure you're not joking?" Ao Cheng asked with a frown.

"Just let it try and you'll know."

After Chen Hu finished speaking, he asked Susie to communicate with the breeder. After spending [-] baht, he was finally able to invite the orangutan to come to the boxing test machine.

However, the orangutan also didn't wear gloves, and under the breeder's command, he punched the target very casually.

boom! ! !
The sound was deafening, and the whole test machine shook and was almost torn apart by the punch. The breeder immediately reprimanded it, but in fact he was very happy in his heart, and rewarded the orangutan with food.

The reason for this is that the power of this blow is displayed on the boxing strength testing machine as follows:
Ding! ~2786 lbs

All of a sudden, everyone was confused, how many kilograms is 2786 pounds?No!It is 1.26 tons, which is simply too scary!Seeing this, Chen Hu had such an expression on his face, and then smiled wryly:

"We humans, no matter how powerful we are, are still no match for orangutans."

In terms of strength, orangutans are ten times stronger than humans. This is definitely not empty talk, and the orangutans obviously didn't use their full strength, otherwise this boxing strength testing machine would definitely be broken.

In an instant, the tourists watching around applauded one after another. The original protagonist was Chen Hu, but now he turned into a red-haired gorilla.

Many tourists stepped forward to take photos, and the orangutan was also very interesting. When he saw a male tourist, he shook hands actively, and the female tourist stretched out his arms to hug him, and then kissed his cheeks with his mouth shut, or put his hands on the female tourist's breasts. - on the microphone.

Such a funny orangutan made the tourists laugh again and again. Obviously, this orangutan is definitely a big star in the Bangkok Safari Park.

Even Chen Hu and the five of them couldn't help but spend money to take a photo with this orangutan. However, not many people noticed that, except for the first punch, he used the following two punches. All are left-handed.

Is Chen Hu left-handed?Obviously not, so this guy is still hiding his strength. If he punches with his right hand, it is very likely that the number will be higher.

Not long after, many of the tourists in the live broadcast room reacted and issued barrages one after another:

"Xuanyuan Yuyi: The strength of the red-haired gorilla is indeed terrifying, but it is not human after all. Generally speaking, it is still fierce like a tiger!"

"Is Xiaodou okay: Have you noticed that Lord Tiger uses his left hand for the two rear punches?"

"Xiaoyao Wusheng: I'll go! If the anchor punches with his right hand, wouldn't the strength be doubled?"

"Drunken Beauty and Darkness: Doubled? Grab the grass! It means two words, pervert!"


Seeing the barrage, Chen Hu smiled and shook Ruo's head, is it abnormal to double it?If you use all your hole cards, instead of doubling, it's that simple, but doubling ten times!
A punch of more than [-] pounds, just ask you believe it or not?
Of course, even if such punching strength can be punched out, this amateur-level punching strength testing machine will be reimbursed for it.


(End of this chapter)

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