Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 23 Scary Blood Python

Chapter 23 Scary Blood Python

Afterwards, Chen Hu continued to move forward and walked for about half an hour. He would encounter that kind of winding animal path from time to time, which made him secretly guess in his heart.

Anaconda?Komodo dragon?
These two creatures should not appear on the islands in the Atlantic Ocean, but they are not absolute. After all, this is the Bermuda Islands, and any weird things will not appear very surprising.

At this time, Chen Hu found a white thing on a tree in front of him, and couldn't help but take a closer look, it turned out to be a snake skin the size of a washbasin.

"Second Ao!"

Chen Hu's expression changed. Originally, he had full confidence after owning the stone hammer, but seeing such a large piece of snake skin instantly made his scalp explode.

"Master Tiger, what is that?"

"It looks like snake skin."

"Snake skin? Are you kidding me upstairs? Is there such a big snake?"

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room, but Chen Hu became vigilant, and then he paid attention to his surroundings, especially the trees, and continued to move forward very carefully.

After a while, a big tree that two people could hug appeared in front of it. This was the tree with the thickest girth on the island that Chen Hu had seen, and in the middle of the big tree, a boa constrictor the size of a bucket was coiled on it basking in the sun.

All I saw was that Chen Hu's hairs were blowing up all over his body, and the audience in the live broadcast room almost died of fright when they saw this scene.

"My God! What a monster is that!"

"Python! The cliff is a python!"

"Run anchor, this thing is simply a monster!"

At this moment, Chen Hu already had the intention of retreating. On the big tree was a blood python with a length of seven or eight meters. It was covered with blood-red stripes and shone with a strange light. It was really terrifying.

The waistline of this blood python is larger than that of an average forest anaconda. It is impossible to imagine how it grew to such a large size. Chen Hu immediately lost his desire to continue exploring and prepared to retreat quietly.

However, a gust of wind blew up, the sky darkened, and many dark clouds appeared, and then there were bursts of thunder in the distance, obviously it was going to rain.

The thunder alarmed the blood python, and it couldn't help spitting out a scarlet letter, as if smelling something, it immediately turned to look at where Chen Hu was.

The cold vertical pupils locked onto Chen Hu instantly, and the blood python let out a hiss and jumped down from the tree in an instant.

Chen Hu's face changed greatly in fright, and he immediately activated his sprinting skills, turned around and ran away, but before he left, he had a quick glance and found that there seemed to be an airplane wreckage not far from the big tree.

But now is the moment of crisis, he can only seize the time to escape for his life, and then ran more than 30 meters in just 300 seconds, and then turned on the sprint skill again, and ran for his life.

After rushing out of the 600-meter distance, Chen Hu felt that the sense of danger had eased a lot, but he didn't dare to stop, and still ran fast.

He thought that with the stone hammer, he could walk sideways on the island, but when he came across a blood python that looked like a monster, Chen Hu felt that he was really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

At this moment, the sky was dark, a flash of light appeared, and then the rolling thunder sounded.

The sun was shining just a moment ago, but now it was thundering. Chen Hu had seen the ghostly weather in Bermuda. After the thunder sounded, the sense of danger gradually disappeared, as if the blood python had given up hunting.

"Anchor, you are so lucky! According to my guess, that boa constrictor is about to pass the catastrophe, so I have no time to talk to you!"

"Crossing Tribulation? Can you talk a little more fantasy upstairs? As long as animals have the instinct to avoid thunderstorms, okay?"

"Scared me to death! I thought Lord Tiger was going to turn into snake dung this time."

Chen Hu ran towards the camp with all his strength, but he didn't have the time to answer when he saw the bullet screen. He wanted to go back before it rained, otherwise he would easily lose his way if he walked in the rain.

Fortunately, running at full speed, Chen Hu returned to the camp in just 10 minutes, then threw the stone hammer aside, and looked up at the shed.

I saw that Deng Shuang was hiding in the shed and shivering, while Liu Tao was comforting him.

"It's okay, it's just thunder, don't be afraid Shuangshuang."

After Chen Hu came back, the two girls looked at him one after another. Seeing that the fire was still burning, the former couldn't help exhaling, and then said:
"It's going to rain soon, so we may only have some kelp soup tonight."

Liu Tao opened the basket, revealing the conch and oysters inside and said:

"Just before the thunderstorm, the two of us collected a little seafood in the reef area, which should be enough for a meal."

Chen Hu nodded, but Liu Tao found that his face was pale, so he couldn't help asking:
"what happened to you?"

"It's okay, I just ran all the way back, I'm tired." Chen Hu lied, if he told the news about the blood python, I'm afraid Deng Shuang and Liu Tao would be frightened crazy.

Afterwards, Chen Hu started to make dinner, and outside the camp, thunder was already ringing. Deng Shuang covered his ears with his hands, obviously very scared, and even hid in Liu Tao's arms.

After finally waiting for the thunder to pass, it started to rain heavily outside.


The three people in the shed were all taken aback, it seemed that it was not rain?Chen Hu raised his eyes and saw hail the size of soybeans falling outside.

There was crackling and explosion on the roof, which made the two women doubt whether the dilapidated shed could withstand the devastation of hail. Chen Hu smiled and comforted him:

"Don't worry, the shed I built will not be damaged by hail, no matter how weak it is."

Even though he said this, Chen Hu actually didn't have any confidence in his heart. Then, in order to divert his attention, he filled a large bowl of seafood with shells and handed it to Deng Shuang.

However, the other party lowered his head and blushed:

"I do not want to eat."

Chen Hu was taken aback for a moment, while Liu Tao said:
"She's not feeling well, let me feed Shuangshuang some seaweed soup."

In the live broadcast room, many tourists immediately played a barrage:
"I bet 100 yuan, it must be my aunt who is cool!"

"Add one hundred! Guess what brand of auntie towel Shuangmei uses?"

"Zhuge Wan'er: Shut up all you dicks! Say no more!"

"Cute little boy: +1"


Chen Hu was speechless, then looked at Deng Shuang's slightly red face, and guessed in his heart:
"Could it be that my aunt is here?"

If this was the case, there was really nothing he could do. Afterwards, Chen Hu sat alone in front of the fire, eating a small dinner while watching the hailstones falling rapidly outside.

It seems that tonight, there is no need to worry about those wild boars.

Thinking back to that terrifying blood python, Chen Hu is still afraid for a while now. It is estimated that only the group of alligators in the north can compete with it.

As for the wreckage of the plane not far from the big tree, it aroused Chen Hu's strong interest. Obviously, at some point, a plane crashed on this isolated island.

It may be due to the turbulence in the clear air, the influence of geomagnetism, or other faults, which eventually caused the plane to crash into an isolated island, but Chen Hu doesn't care about this problem. What he really cares about is... metal!
Looking at the big shells for cooking in front of him, Chen Hu was full of resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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