Supreme Super Brain System Technology

Chapter 24 Driver and Bodyguard Application

"Xiao Bai, is everyone here?" Liu Haoyu asked while squinting his eyes and rubbing his temples.

After hearing Liu Haoyu's question, Xiaobai condensed his virtual body in the office.

"One person has already arrived, and two more people will arrive around noon. The remaining one gave up the interview." Xiaobai answered his question.

There were four people who applied for the job. Now that one person has given up, there are three more people.

After agreeing yesterday and following Hu Gang's interview this morning, Liu Haoyu asked Xiaobai to send a message to these applicants and change the application time to two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Who gave up?" Liu Haoyu raised his eyebrows and asked.

Yesterday, he read the information of these people, including two of them. After reading the information, he felt quite satisfied.

"Zhang Xiaoli!" Xiaobai replied.


Liu Haoyu nodded with relief. This person was not on his favorite list.

At noon, while Liu Haoyu was eating, Xinhuanet also officially published the content of the morning's interview. The entire content was completely in a question-and-answer format.

The title is "Exclusive interview with the founder of Universe Technology, the "surprise" you want"! The whole news is a question and answer session between Hu Gang and Liu Haoyu in the office.

The content is word-for-word, with no extravagance or embarrassment.

In fact, this was because Hu Gang wanted to maintain a good relationship with Liu Haoyu. If he said some nonsense, the relationship would be broken.

Therefore, after Hu Gang handed the manuscript to the editor-in-chief, he specifically requested not to change its content or delete it!

Liu Hao glanced at this exclusive interview news and nodded at the same time. He was still very satisfied with Hu Gang's approach of not adding any extravagance.

However, when he saw the comment area, Liu Haoyu couldn't help but smile. Many netizens were scolding the editor, and some were scolding Liu Haoyu, but Liu Haoyu didn't care. Since he dared to speak, he was not afraid of being scolded by netizens.

"Where is the surprise? Can the editor tell me where it is?"

"The editor is so damn good at talking nonsense and there are no surprises in the whole story!"

"You go to hell editor, don't tell me the surprise, it's the new version of Tai Chi Cloud Assistant."

"Liu Haoyu is showing off again!"

"Boycott Liu Haoyu and boycott Tai Chi voice assistant!"

1:50 p.m.!

Liu Haoyu got out of the elevator, walked out of the office building, and walked towards a coffee shop on the opposite street.

This coffee shop is where Liu Haoyu arranged the interview this time.

I learned from Xiaobai that the three people had already arrived at the coffee shop at this time.

In Liu Haoyu's hand, he took a few pieces of white paper and a few pens.

Soon, Liu Haoyu walked to this coffee shop. In this coffee shop, he had reserved a private room in advance yesterday.

This coffee shop is surrounded by mostly office buildings. Therefore, this cafe has designed many private rooms, mainly to serve business people.

Under the guidance of the coffee shop waiter, Liu Haoyu came to the private room he had reserved.

Pushing the door open and walking in, I saw three people sitting side by side on one side of a table inside. They were all tall, tall and energetic.

Fortunately, the tables and chairs are very wide, so three people can sit on one side without feeling crowded.

When Liu Haoyu walked into the room, the three people in the room stood up quickly, looked at Liu Haoyu, and nodded, but no one spoke.

Liu Haoyu didn't pay attention, walked over and sat down opposite them.

"Everyone, please sit down!" Liu Haoyu said to them.

After hearing Liu Haoyu's words, the three people across from him all sat down.

"Do you guys want anything?" At this time, the waiter who followed Liu Haoyu walked in and walked to the table and asked.

Without answering hastily, Liu Haoyu glanced at the table and was speechless.

These three grown men have been here for so long and still don’t order anything. If he hadn't already paid the private room usage fee for today, they would probably all be kicked out!

"Just order 4 cups of coffee! Thank you!" Liu Haoyu nodded to the waiter and said.

"Okay." The waiter bowed slightly, smiled, turned around and walked out.

This kind of customers are also common in their cafes. Generally, when customers want to order something casually, they will order mid-priced ones.

At this time, Liu Haoyu looked at the three people opposite him carefully, and the three people opposite him also looked at Liu Haoyu with curious faces.

Neither of them expected that their employer would be so young, looking like he was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

"As for the salary, you must have seen it before applying for the job. Now that you are here, it means that you are quite satisfied with the salary I offered. And what I want to say is, if any of you apply successfully today, The salary will only be higher, not lower.”

Several people across from him were listening to Liu Haoyu's words very seriously. When they heard that the salary would only be high and not low, a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes.

A few minutes later, the previous waiter walked in with several cups of coffee.

After placing the coffee in front of several people, the waiter said to them: "Please use it slowly, please press the pager if you need it!"

After saying that, the waiter closed the door and walked out.

"Okay, let's get started now!" Liu Haoyu handed out a few pieces of paper and a few pens to the three people who applied for the job.

The three people looked puzzled, took the pen and paper, and waited for the next step.

"Now, let me ask a question. You write your answers on the paper. Everyone writes their own. Please don't look at other people's. You only have 10 seconds to answer each question, and no alteration is allowed." Liu Haoyu said to they said.

After hearing what their friends said, they all nodded.

"The first question is, for the remuneration I made before, how many hours do you think you should work? How many days a month?" Looking at them, Liu Haoyu asked the first question.

The three people on the opposite side all picked up their brushes and started writing.

Ten seconds passed, two people had stopped writing, and one was still writing.

Liu Haoyu didn't say anything and asked the second question directly.

"Second question, when you are working for me, if you are suddenly recalled by the army and say that you are needed, what will you do?"

Another ten seconds passed!

"The third question is, if one day, without being able to tell who is right from wrong, the government and I stand on opposite sides, which side will you stand on?"

"What would you do if the government, or your previous superiors, wanted my information from you?"

"Last question, as long as I don't fire you and keep paying you enough, how long will you work for me?"

"Okay, the questions have been asked. You all write your names and give them to me!"

Soon, the three of them dedicated their names on their respective papers.

Liu Haoyu took their answers and began to browse them one by one, while asking Xiaobai in his heart.

"Xiaobai, do they look at other people's answers when answering questions? Are they the truest thoughts in their hearts?"

"Based on detecting their pupils, brain waves, brain activity, heart rate, expression changes, etc., we can draw conclusions that are all our own answers, which are basically the truest thoughts in our hearts."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Liu Haoyu nodded imperceptibly and began to look at the answer seriously.

These three people are Chen Qiang, Gu Zhizhi, and Gao Peng. Among them, Chen Qiang and Gu Zhizhi were the ones Liu Haoyu initially determined to be more interested in after reading their information.

However, when Liu Haoyu read the answers, he was a little disappointed with Gu Zhi. His answers to the third and penultimate questions were not very to his liking.

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