Suppress Naruto World in the name of Otsutsuki

Chapter 249 I'm Sorry, I'm Going to Work

Chapter 249 I'm Sorry, I'm Going to Work

Runyi, who was walking on the road, felt really tired.

This feeling is no different from that of ordinary people.

But you must know that the current Runyi is not an ordinary person at all.

So, basically, it can give people an explanation, that is, this person has a brain problem, his elder brother is wrong, and he insists on being a mortal.

Many people think that his idea is wrong, but how can Runyi let others know about this kind of thing? In his opinion, if others will not know about his current situation, then no one will Feel like what you're doing is a no-brainer.

In this case, he will continue to enjoy such a process, which is an unprecedented process, so he did not enjoy it at all a long time ago, which makes him feel very comfortable when he is doing this. He is also willing to do this.

Runyi walked along the river and he came. When he got to the bridge, he looked at the water, there was no waves there, no one was exercising there, and this was the place where he was attacked.

In fact, Runyi already has a lot of ideas. In his opinion, if there are many people who are willing to do this, then there is basically no problem, but more people feel that there are some problems in this place. , so many people will walk here, but for Runyi, this is the only way for him. Now that his legs are disabled, if he can't walk from here in this way, then basically It proves that he is already a complete useless person.

So on such a basis, he can't waste time, he can take shortcuts to make himself on his way quickly.Runyi quickly walked towards the bridge, found nothing, it was very safe, no one came to influence him, but when Runyi just walked to the opposite road, he didn't walk a few minutes. After a few steps, a figure appeared in front of him.

The other party appeared suddenly. After he appeared, Runyi retreated continuously, but because of his lameness, he didn't fall to the ground at all. Instead, it seemed that the whole person had no problems because of the quick movement. , but anyone who really understands this kind of situation is just one of the unique phenomena seen before him, because his instinctive movements strengthened the damaged parts of his body, making him look like a It's the same every day, and if the behavior just now is a normal person, then the movement of his legs and the reaction of his brain form an effective linkage, and it is easy to fall down.

"Who are you, you, you, you? Why did you suddenly appear in front of me? Do you want to attack me?"

Runyi saw the other party appearing in front of him, and he immediately shouted loudly, this game was like emboldening himself, but after this income has gradually calmed down, he felt that he was completely retiring, because it affected His own movement made his backward movement much slower.

It seems that under the current situation, he doesn't feel that the situation he is in is so dangerous. On the contrary, he feels that his behavior may be a little extreme, but this is just right to express the situation he is in now. a state.

Run Yi's shout made the other party understand his presence immediately, and it really scared the other party. A man dressed as a black shadow said to Yi Yi: "Because there are some other situations in the village, so I represent The will of the village will protect you to ensure your safety, and now you have not found any danger, so I plan to report to you, so that I may not appear here for protection in the future!"

"protect me?"

Runyi never thought that this person from before was actually here to protect him, so at this moment he looked at the other person and felt that what the other person said was completely irrelevant to him. If he really came to protect himself, then How could it suddenly appear in front of me, it was completely unnecessary.

Because I don't understand the other party at all, and I don't know the existence of the other party. In that case, its existence, appearance and disappearance will have no meaning to me at all, but the other party came out and told me these evidences, which made people feel a little bit Strange to make an inquiry of these counterparts in the way a normal human organ behaves.

"It is indeed to protect you, because you were attacked and injured last time, and you stayed in the hospital for several days. This incident also alarmed many people. There can also be other mandatory Sneaking in to attack you, then as a strong person in the village, it is natural to protect the people in the village, so at this moment I appeared in front of you."

"So that's the case. Thank you so much for protecting me. If possible, please let me express my gratitude to you, but now I have important things to leave here to go to work!"

It's morning now, for Runyi, he needs to change to the place where he is going to work in a hurry. He doesn't want to take a detour, because his leg is not fixed, and he simply has no ability to make way for a longer distance, which will waste more time. If there is too much time, he will definitely have no way to find Shide to go to work, so at this time he can only tell the other party that he needs to go to work now, and he can't continue to waste time here.

What Runyi said made the other party completely unexpected. In his opinion, this ordinary person in front of him should show extreme gratitude to him, instead of just talking about it. After all, a strong man like himself should protect him. Or at least let the other party know.

His value is very strong, otherwise, how could anyone pay attention to him at this time, so after seeing what Ruyi said, he asked curiously: "Aren't your legs injured?" Is it? Since you were injured, why did you make a report at this time? Do you think such an behavior is very incomprehensible?"

Runyi found out that maybe the other party has always been in a high-ranking environment, and I don’t understand the living conditions of ordinary people at all, so how could I experience the purpose of doing this?

So he thought for a while and said: "You may not understand at all, because if we ordinary people want to live, then we must do things according to the regulations, and as an ordinary person, if I can't arrive at the factory on time to work If so, it is very likely that wages will be deducted. Originally, my salary was not very high. Such a customer's self-help will be a large part of the jewelry box, and many benefits are not necessarily gone, so it also explains They'll explain more to me that I'd probably lose my workload and I wouldn't be able to live because I don't have other sources of finances."

People like Runyi explained and then moved forward. He had already expressed his sincere thanks just now. If the other party still refuses to let go, then for Runyi, he still has more ways to solve this matter. , After all, trying to find a place, it is impossible to completely restrict one's own freedom.

Seeing Runyi walking forward, the other party thought about what he just said.

Maybe at this time the other party also fully understood why they did this, so he acted very unbelievable, and at the same time the other party disappeared quickly, Ruyi felt the other party's departure and said goodbye, and found that he was in the lower corner at the same time Look behind secretly, search to see if that person has followed, and when he does this, he also carries someone from a distance to observe. These people were found in the next level of prison reform, but But they didn't know what Ruoyue was doing at this time, and in order to ensure that there would be no other accidents, they made Ruorun appear completely abnormal.

When I came to the place of work, I met your boss here and asked the other party. Because of your physical condition, you didn’t come to work because of the reason, and you didn’t feel any problems. On the contrary, it seems that you have never had such a problem. It's like a worker coming to attack and attack, but now that the other party has come, he remembered that this person was injured. If this is the case, there is no problem at all, so the surroundings have the opportunity to continue working.

Runyi's work does not need to do other things, so his legs are completely unaffected and his hands are very easy to operate. If Runyi's hands do not have any problems, so there is no problem with his work. Lu Yi can continue to work here because of the influence. In his spare time, for Lu Yi, he actually does a lot of work design, and he doesn't say that he can't walk around, so he doesn't do anything.

After the whole person gets busy, he understands the outside world more differently. After seeing a situation like Runyi, everyone is also curious. Although this person is very ordinary and you don’t usually see him, But now that I see it, I will also use some things about the other party as some talking points.

Runyi actually has a lot of ideas, in order to make his work unsatisfactory and have an impact, so he can really stay here, eat some simple meals at noon, and then talk about it after a short rest .

The world that Runyi has raised his head is actually a certain situation. Everyone is very curious, whether he offended this or because of our reasons. Of course, the situation of being attacked in this way is even greater. Everyone has heard some news, but this news they I didn't even think that it was shared by myself, so when everyone continued to explain at this time, they also slowly left the world together, and this situation made it easier to talk about this matter.

Runyi’s personality is very good. He can explain a lot to everyone at this time. Under such circumstances, many people are willing to listen to him. If you do this, more and more people are getting such After a situation, everyone began to continue discussing this matter. There is no problem for everyone. Everyone wants to do more things, and at the same time, they can feel that they will be able to finish these things at the same time. will be easier.

During the discussion, everyone knew more about Runyi. Sometimes such a person may appear very ordinary, but even if such an ordinary person cannot remember in normal times, he will be willing to go Cooperate with each other to be able to do something.

Now that they have such an opportunity, they will be willing to do a good job in this matter and being able to understand each other is the most important thing. Now what everyone can see is themselves, and they can use other methods to connect with the competition. It is enough for people to understand it.

Runyi's working hours are very long. When it was almost dark in the afternoon, he finished his work here, and he continued to go back after the work. Everyone saw that the disabled legs were easy to drag along the long road to meet each other. I felt very worried when I turned down, but now that there is such a situation in the village, I feel very troublesome. Everyone actually has their own ideas.

But they also have their own families to raise, so everyone wants to make their own world, there is no risk of doing this at all, and it is easy to carefully watch the silk on the river and the bridge when walking along the way I want to judge whether those people who are hiding here are still there. Of course, this is just an action, and it is for others to take down their own feelings and see themselves.

The behavior of these people who have been hiding early is an observation. It seems that their duty is like this, but they are also a waste of labor, but even so, they must occupy a seat. After all, their immediate boss It is arranged like this.

Fortunately, no one appeared in front of him this time. It seemed that the reason why these people did not appear was to tell attention that they had to appear. It was very likely that nothing appeared on Runyi's side, so at this time I am also very dissatisfied with the current situation.

Runyi didn't see that it was Zhang Weiming in front of him, so he went towards the house, so after this matter continued to be resolved, he would behave very ordinary.

Because he behaved ordinary, no one would bother him. If so, it would be as he wished. This is Runyi's main plan this time.

(End of this chapter)

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