Chapter 32: Setting Sun
Alexander turned and walked over to Sam before pulling him away for a private conversation. "Sam," he called, his voice carrying a sombre weight. "When we head inside. If we meet the wendigo, I… I'm going to act as bait to draw it away, just like before."
"What?" Sam interjected. "Is that your plan? That's a terrible idea. You said it yourself, last time you got lucky. No, let's keep thinking I'm sure we can think of something else." Plead Sam. "You know what, why don't I act as bait while you and the others rescue everyone? I'm the monster hunter here, not you." Sam said firmly, his back straight, his feet steady and his gaze unwavering.
Sam wouldn't take no for an answer.
Since they stepped into the forest Alexander had done so much for the group, mediating, taking care of the group, Keeping the group calm, and keeping Hailey and Ben safe, Alexander had done so much. While he, where was he? He was busy throwing a temper tantrum, causing more problems for Alexander and the group. Fuck, Roy died and his brother was taking yet he was still picking fights with Alexander. Thinking of his past behaviour Sam clenched his fist in anger. The loss of his fiancée didn't excuse his behaviour.
This was his first step towards atonement, to finally start acting like a goddamn hunter.
Alexander could see Sam's resolve, he was not going to allow him to carry out such a risky plan. "I know it's not the best plan-
"Best plan? It's not a plan at all."
"Sam. " Alexander called, "What else can we do?" His voice was weak with helplessness and acceptance.
"Then, like I said I'll go. I'll be the bait." Sam shook his head unwillingly to allow such a plan.
Alexander sighed, "I just shot it Sam… And we've all seen from what it did to Roy that thing tends to hold a grudge. Whether you like it or not, I'm the best person for the job. If you do it, there is a chance the monster could ignore you and come after me. And if that happens what happens to the others, huh? We can't take that risk."
"But…" Sam's voice cracked, then his eyes flashed. "I could shoot it. Draw it's attention." A desperate suggestion.
"No Sam." Alexander interrupted. "You just need to rescue the others, get Dean's lighter, then get me." Alexander laid out, trying his best to hide the tremble in his voice.
Sam looked at him with a difficult expression. "You would have to keep that monster busy till we find you. I don't think you can do that... No one can."
"Don't worry, just get to me as fast as you can." Alexander chuckled forcefully. "Beside I can use this to buy some time." He said raising Roy's bloodied rifle.
Sam didn't speak, he couldn't. Try as he might he couldn't refute Alaxander's plan nor could he think of a better one. "Don't worry Sam, just get to me and everything will be alright," Alexander assured.
Sam looked at the man before him, probably around his age, yet he couldn't help but feel inadequate in front of him. This man was risking so much for people he had only recently met. At that moment, he promised himself, to do his utmost best to get back to Alexander in time.
He reached out his hand for a handshake. Alexander looked at the hand then at the determined Sam then reached out to shake the offered hand. The forest bared silent witness to the shared moment of mutual respect.
A goodbye between two men.
With that finished Alexander and Sam returned to the group. When he returned he spoke to the siblings, "Guys, when we go in there we might have to slip up."
"What?" Hailey exclaimed but Alexander motioned for her to wait.
Taking a deep breath Alexander continued, "When that happens I want you to follow Sam. Do as he says. He will keep you safe."
"Why do we have to slip up? Why can't we stay together?" Hailey grabbed Alexander.
Alexander looked at her tearful eyes, strengthened his resolve, and replied, "Cause it's our best chance at saving everyone... At saving your brother."
"What about you?! What about saving you?" Hailey asked helplessly. Alexander had done so much for them and even now he was risking his life for them, she could not help but be overwhelmed with gratitude and shame at her helplessness.
Alexander hugged her tightly in his arms. "It's alright save everyone then come get me."
"No." Hailey broke out of his arms. "Why you? Why does it have to be you? Why is it always you? You have done so much already. We can think of a better plan. There's no need for you to do this." She pleaded desperately but with sad heavy eyes, Alexander weakly shook his head.
Seeing, that she wasn't getting through to him, she turned her anger and helplessness at Sam, " What about you? What have you done? Just standing there, aren't you even going to say anything? Tell him to stop." Sam looked away, unable to meet her gaze.
" Why does it always have to be Alexander? He has done enough already." Hailey asked her voice weak with emotion. Alexander slowly pulled her in.
She soon calmed down as best she could, then pushed herself out of his arms, wiping her tears away, her eyes, now burning with a newfound determination, "Okay, we'll come get you. But promise…promise me you will stay alive till we get there."
Alexander looked at her tired pained filled eyes, the white now red. This journey had taken a toll, one that might be difficult to heal. Alexander wanted to promise her. He desperately wanted to believe in his promise that he would stay alive till they got there but he was not sure. He had gone up against that creature before and he truly got lucky then. He would not have such luck again. This time the monster will be more cautious. Still looking at Hailey's sorrowful yet determined eyes, "I promise." Was all he could let out.
Ben walked up to him and hugged him tight. It was a hug filled with all the emotion and gratitude the boy could muster. It was a hug of one saying goodbye to a loved one. Alexander hugged back tousling his hair with brotherly compassion. "Thank you." The boy whispered.
After a long moment, Alexander exhaled sharply, forcing the weight in his chest to settle. He steeled himself, adjusting his grip on Roy's rifle. "Alright. Let's go."
With that, they stepped forward into the cave's gaping maw, the air growing colder with each step. Behind them, the last embers of daylight painted the forest in dying hues of orange and red—perhaps the forest's final farewell to the weary group.
GUYS!! I desperately need you to give me some constructive criticism 😭😭 because I'm basically kinda reading ahead and DAMN.
I'm getting a bit too cocky for my liking. Like seriously, like, I don't know if any of you are writers yourself but have you every writing something, and after you're like DAMN.
Like, have I low-key been bless by heavens, am I the destined son of heaven, or did I like serious cut a deal with some demon or something? Cause guys!!! These ideas are high-key fire. I'm seriously contemplating running to my Livingroom and shouting "ARES, DESTORY MY ENEMIES AND MY LIFE IS YOURS".
So guys please help. help me 😭😭😭. Some criticism please🙏. I'm getting Kartos-level confidents here.
Anyway, all jokes aside, I do hope you enjoy this.