
1.21.2 – Realisation


2.1 - Edited by: Rellawing, AlliterativeArts, Raleon, Trismegistus Shandy - 1/13/2021


Leona woke up, for real this time. Her body felt heavy at first and she was disoriented. More than that her sheets clung to her naked body thanks to being soaked through with sweat. After a short time, she clambered up and stretched, yawning, feeling liberated. Her eyes moved down to the globe of Angel Down on the shelf, she picked it up and returned it to where it had been before she slept. Inside, the down was no more. There was nothing but ash left within.


Leona ran her fingers through her sweat-soaked hair and sighed. “Ugh… weird dream…”


She stumbled to her door and opened it, though it took a few attempts. Her hand was quite oily and sweaty. Leona sighed and groggily stumbled into the bathroom. Something almost snagged up when she passed through the door frame, but she still rushed to plunk down on the toilet and sighed as she relieved herself. Her eyes closed as she allowed her thoughts to catch up to her. There’d been a flicker of something odd in the mirror as she passed it. She took a deep breath and her chest felt far heavier, as though she was wearing weights in her bra. Leona panicked and opened her eyes. She took a deep even breath and looked down as she gathered a bit of tissue to dab herself dry, but what she saw made her spasm. The tissue went flying!


“Hyaaaaaa!” Things spilled from the nearby counter to the floor. She’d had a huge growth spurt! Her breasts were at least D-cups, which was two sizes larger than before. She examined them, searching for stretch marks, and absolutely nothing marred her skin. Not only that, it was a glistening cream color, but had a slight, yet pleasant tan, considerably less than Dark Angel’s good side. She turned and saw perhaps the most crucial change. They were pure snow-white wings which shimmered with a golden aura.


“NO FREAKING WAY!” Leona gaped, leapt to her feet and bolted toward the mirror. When she caught her reflection she almost fell backwards. They were real. They moved and stretched and everything. This time she really did fall on her butt, creating a racket when more countertop articles spilled to the floor. Unable to resist it, she reached and took a wing into her arms and stroked it. She couldn’t help but to gasp and smile at the sensation. They were so soft and nice. She bit her lip, worrying about the noise she’d made in her surprise. She stayed seated for a moment, giggling. She always hoped she’d grow bigger breasts, but she didn’t expect them to become so big so quick! She was taller too, looking around eighteen years old or older. Beyond that, her hair had turned silver.


Her nipples were perky and her new boobs seemed to defy gravity. Leona hopped up with a greater grace than she’d even managed with her running and parkour training. She realized something more important at that moment. When she’d relieved herself, it had dripped out instead of… of… IT WAS GONE!


She confirmed it and blushed when her fingers came away covered in damp. She washed her hands quickly and picked up the little bit more tissue to finish wiping up. At that moment, there came a knock on the door. Someone had indeed heard her. OH NO!


“Leona?” Goonie’s voice asked. “Are you okay? I heard ya fall.” Her soft knocking continued. Leona’s eyes widened. Impulsively, Leona locked the door. “Leona?” Her voice raised and became more concerned.


“What’s wrong? Did you actually lock the door on me? I wasn’t barging in on you. Just tell me you’re okay, hon.” Goonie pleaded.


“Mommmmm! I’m trying to sleep!” Quinn’s yell came from up the stairwell. Her voice was tired, but also quite annoyed.


“I think something’s wrong with your sister!” Goonie yelled back. “She might need a little help. She’s not responding. I’m beside myself with worry!” She knocked even more. “Leona, sweetheart. Please open the door. You’re scaring me!”


Leona hesitated. But just as she was getting ready to gulp down her nerves, there was a strange sensation of cool air about her body. In a flash she reverted to her normal semi-awkward body. Leona spot-checked herself incredulously, but still opened the door promptly.


Goonie barged in instantly, just like she said she would do. Leona tilted her head and blinked as she threw her arms around her. “Hah?” 


“Are you okay? My goodness, you’re so wet! Did you have a fever? Is everything alright?” Goonie was going up a wall with her worry.


“I’m fine, Goonie… really... It was just a really bad nightmare… I mean, I was disoriented… and stumbling around… I lost my balance for a second there… I’m sorry I worried you…” Leona semi-lied, feeling bad all the while for the deception. She didn’t know what to do with what had just happened to her just now or in the dream.


“It’s okay… Look, to tell the truth, I was having some trouble sleeping too.” Goonie ran her hand through Leona’s hair comfortingly. “So sweaty...“ She smiled and winced. “Must have been a real bad one.” She sighed deeply. “I’m sorry to have bothered you. I was just… for some reason I… I just thought… bah…. Forget it. We’ll talk more in the morning.” She swatted Leona’s backside, causing her to pout and stomp. “If you’re in this state, your sheets are probably in a real bad state. I’ll change them for you… but you need to take a shower in the meantime. Okay?”


“Okay mom.” Leona rolled her eyes. Goonie smiled warmly at Leona and nodded.


She left Leona alone to think about the situation.


Meanwhile, a gaze fell on a certain window. A shadow lurked outside. Blue eyes tilted speculatively and platinum blonde hair waved in the night breeze. The figure flew away soon after. A portal opened in the sky and zipped closed.



~ FIN ~


Thank you so much for making this story a wonderful success! Every favorite, every comment, every view cheered me on and made me so happy! Probably too much, but I'd love to see more! I hope you would too. *winks* An announcement will follow to cap this first Arc's completion! There's more on the horizon, so spread the word! You'll make me a happy kitty if this explodes! I just need a little bit of a break from the sprint writing!

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