Super Resource Empire

Chapter 564 Huge Keel

Chapter 564 Huge Keel
The fate of the entire human race, the fate of the earth, is a heavy burden for Su Wen.

Feng Nianzhi didn't say anything, he knew it was unfair to Su Wen, but there was nothing he could do.

Su Wen took a deep breath: "Next, I will work hard to cultivate, and at the same time, I will try my best to cultivate some strong people in the real god realm."

Feng Nianzhi smiled, but didn't say anything.

With great ability comes great responsibility, this sentence has been verified by Su Wen.

Just as Su Wen was about to leave, he suddenly said, "There is no need to collect resources on Mars. I'm going to give him a way out. Are you interested?"

Feng Nianzhi nodded: "Outer space is beautiful, Mars, it's worth visiting."

There are many legends about Mars, and human beings started the plan to land on Mars more than ten years ago, but sending people to Mars still only exists in the plan.

The E1 interstellar warship set off from the earth and went straight to Mars.

Su Wen didn't bring many people with him this time, only a dozen Fei Tianwei and Feng Nianzhi.

There are Li Huan and Cheng Jin in Feitianwei.

Especially Cheng Jin, even though he now has the cultivation level of the True Alchemy Realm, he is still a living treasure.

The closest distance between Mars and Earth is less than 6000 million kilometers. If the E1 starship is at full speed, it can reach Mars in about [-] hours.

Perhaps because he felt the pressure Feng Nianzhi said, Su Wen never forgot to practice even on the spaceship.

Twenty-two hours later, the spacecraft has entered the orbit of Mars.

The time was more than two hours longer than planned, but everything was reasonable. Firstly, the spacecraft did not fly in a straight line. Secondly, it was impossible for the spacecraft to maintain a speed of 300 million kilometers per hour.

"Boss, it's Mars." Li Huan woke up Su Wen.

"I see." Su Wen opened his eyes, and he was a little stronger, "Mars! What a beautiful planet, no one would have thought that Mars would look like this until Mars came here."

"Boss, shall we go down now?" Cheng Jin was also in the universe for the first time, so excited.

"What are you holding in your hand?" Su Wen saw a jar.

"Oxygen tank!" Cheng Jin said proudly, "There is no oxygen on Mars that we can absorb, so I brought an oxygen tank with me. Boss, do you think I am smart?"

"You idiot!" Su Wen almost yelled, "The people here are at least at the True Alchemy level, even if they don't breathe for a day, they won't be able to suffocate to death. Come to Mars once, and take so much effort to bring an oxygen tank. are you idiot!"

"Uh, is that so?" Cheng Jin looked at Li Huan foolishly, he still trusted Li Huan more.

"It should be!" Li Huan thought for a while, his education level is not high, he only knows that people need oxygen to breathe, and there is not much oxygen on Mars.

Su Wen was completely speechless to the two of them.

Cheng Jin threw the oxygen tank aside in embarrassment, and sneaked behind the crowd.

"The intelligent system orbits Mars and detects the environment of Mars!"

"Yes, Master!"

The spacecraft is exploring the environment of Mars, and everyone is also checking out the landscape on the surface of Mars.

three hours later.

At the center of Mars, Su Wen's eyes suddenly lit up: "That's..."

Cheng Jin almost shouted: "Boss, I saw a huge skeleton, golden..."

Others obviously saw it too.

"Intelligent system, lock the place just now."

"Yes, Master!"

This time everyone could see clearly that it was a continuous mountain range, and the yellow dust painted the entire mountain range yellow.

But in this yellow, there is a long touch of gold.

It was a golden skeleton.

It is ten thousand meters long.

Su Wen let the spaceship approach, and they could see it more clearly. The skeleton looked a bit like a mythical dragon.

All the way to the head of the skeleton, that huge head has proved everything.

It is really the dragon in Chinese legend.

Su Wen couldn't describe his shock. Humans on Earth said they were descendants of dragons, but whoever has seen dragons would prefer to regard this as a legend.

But on Mars, he unexpectedly discovered the skeleton of a dragon, which was ten thousand meters long.

That's twenty miles!
Such a large skeleton is completely beyond imagination.

Su Wen could feel that everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them, even Feng Nianzhi was the same.

"Shall we go down and have a look?" Li Huan said, but he obviously couldn't wait to go down.

"Don't go down for the time being, let's finish detecting the environment of Mars first." Su Wen said after pondering, now that the skeleton of the dragon has been found, who can guarantee that there are no other things on Mars, what should we do if we go down now and encounter danger.

In this way, it took almost six hours for the spacecraft to finally complete its exploration of Mars.

The intelligent system provides a large series of detection results, including various data, including the reserve and location information of indium ore.

The detection data shows that there is no life on Mars.

This made Su Wen feel relieved.

After marking the location of some ore, Su Wen steered the spaceship straight to the location of the dragon's skeleton. Such a large skeleton is worth studying.

The spaceship landed slowly, and a group of people ran out excitedly.

Su Wen touched the bones of the dragon. He didn't know how many years had passed, ten thousand years, 10 years, millions of might even be longer, but the bones were still golden, and he couldn't break even one of them with all his strength. bone.

Following the bones from the tail to the head, Su Wen didn't find anything valuable.

For everything is corrupt except this skeleton.

"Su Wen, this dragon bone is definitely a good material for refining magic weapons." Feng Nianzhi smiled, "Is there any way to transport this bone back?"

"Such a large skeleton, unless it is divided, it is very difficult to transport it back as a whole." Su Wen replied, "Why, do you want to refine it too?"

"I recently looked through the ancient books and found that what is most needed for refining magic weapons is fire, and my Phoenix Divine Fire is the supreme flame for refining magic weapons. If I study the refining equipment, I will definitely have great achievements in the future." Feng Nianzhi didn't know if he was joking with Su Wen, or if he really planned to refine the weapon in the future.

Just when Su Wen wanted to tease Feng Nianzhi, Li Huan suddenly shouted: "Boss, come here quickly and see what I found?"

Su Wen was startled, and quickly ran over, with Feng Nianzhi following closely behind.

Seeing Su Wen approaching, Li Huan pointed to the underside of a keel: "Boss, there is steam coming out from here from time to time, like magma."


A dozen people were dumbfounded. Why is there magma under the keel?
(End of this chapter)

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