Super Resource Empire

Chapter 145 4P!

Chapter 145 4P!
Su Wen looked at Xiaoya, and finally noticed something wrong: "Why are you so happy? If it's because you got the Shengji Pill, then it's unnecessary. I made a decision when I came here today, and I will take the Shengji Pill no matter what." For you."

"You are such a good person, Su Wen!" Xiaoya's eyes were sincere, not like she was joking.

"I hate hearing this sentence. Generally, after girls say this sentence to boys, the two basically don't even have to be friends."

"Really?" Xiaoya didn't quite understand.

Su Wen was about to explain why, but when he saw Yi Xue walking over, he unconsciously shouted: "Yi Xue, come here quickly, I have something to discuss with you."

Yi Xue frowned and walked over.

"Yixue, this is Xiaoya, the Pirate Empress, as you know."

"I found out yesterday, why is she still here?"

Su Wen didn't know how to explain it. The reason why Xiaoya didn't leave was because she didn't get Shengji Pill.

"Sister Yixue, I'm here to discuss business with Su Wen, and we just finished." Seeing that Su Wen didn't answer, Xiaoya said.

"Are you talking about business with Su Wen?" Yi Xue was a little surprised, what kind of business could a pirate talk to Su Wen about.

"Yes!" Xiaoya laughed, "Su Wen is really a good person, we will be a cooperative relationship from now on."

"It's true." Su Wen followed, "I planned to set up a shipping company. I didn't know what to do, but Xiaoya helped me a lot. She planned to hand over all the things I robbed in the future. We split it fifty-fifty."

"You've already made a decision?" Yi Xue's expression was a little strange.

"I think this is a business that can make money without losing money, so I must agree immediately." Su Wen still didn't understand what went wrong, but from Yi Xue's tone, he seemed to have made a big mistake.

Yi Xue gasped, she really wanted to scold Su Wen.

"Yixue, did I do something wrong?"

"What are you talking about?" Yi Xue's voice was cold, "You know what the pirates robbed. They are stolen goods. In our country, all stolen goods have to be turned in. If you help the pirates sell the stolen goods, if you are found out, your What kind of shipping company is waiting to be seized!"

"No way?" Su Wen was dumbfounded.

"You think I'm joking with you. If you can sell something for a billion to [-] million, it's not bad." Yi Xue really hated iron and steel, "You still share her [-]-[-], which is really righteous. I don't even know what to say about you."

"Xiaoya, is that so?" Su Wen's face was livid.

"Sister Yixue is right." Xiaoya nodded, a little embarrassed, "The things we rob are either destroyed or sold at extremely low prices to the vicious mercenary group."

"You are pirates, it would be nice if a mercenary group dared to trade with you." Yi Xue said coldly, "If you don't want to harm Su Wen, then don't let him handle the stolen goods for you."

Xiaoya looked at Su Wen, gritted her teeth and took out the Shengji Pill: "Return this Shengji Pill to you, I can't harm you."

Su Wen didn't blame Xiaoya, but was moved by Xiaoya's behavior.

"You don't need to return the Shengji Dan, you keep it well." Su Wen thought for a while, then he said again: "Yixue, Xiaoya is not easy, she didn't intend to lie to me, so don't be angry. Actually, I think that as long as it is handled properly, no one will care about stolen goods or not. You are so smart, Yixue, you must have a solution, right?"

Yi Xue looked at Su Wen, really not knowing what to say.

"If even you can't do anything, then forget it."

"If you insist on cooperating with her, I will only say three points. First, the shipping company you set up must be bigger and stronger, and it is best to comply with national policies. Second, your main business is not to cooperate with pirates, but to Others. Third, some of the things Xiaoya robbed can be traded, while others can’t. As for what is acceptable and what is not, it depends on who the original owner of the goods is.”

"Yixue, why is this?"

"Not many big companies engaged in shipping are clean. The first of the three points I mentioned is to allow you to obtain the support of the state, and the second and third points are to allow you to do a good job of covering up and let people investigate. It’s not that you traded with the pirates. Of course, if you are someone above, you can be more courageous. But this is not something glorious after all, it’s better to do it secretly.”

Hearing this, Su Wen nodded: "Then do it this way. From now on, the cooperation between me and Xiaoya will be regarded as an add-on. Let's set up a shipping company, and we must do some serious business. Yixue, you said we will do business. what's good?"

Yi Xue looked at Su Wen and sighed: "I don't know if you are lucky. The film and television industry you invested in earlier has a good prospect, but now you want to invest in shipping. The prospect is not so good. But in shipping Among them, the most profitable thing is energy transportation. If you can find a good seller and trade some oil back and forth, you can definitely make a lot of money every year. Of course, if you want to earn more, you can go abroad , especially if some metal deposits are discovered in Africa, and then transported and processed by ourselves, it will definitely be a huge profit.”

When Su Wen heard this, his face was full of smiles: "Yixue, what you said is too tempting. If I find a gold mine in Africa, mine it myself, and transport it back by myself, it will be hard for me not to think about it. Tricking things upside down is far worse than finding money by yourself."

Yi Xue smiled bitterly, she thought Su Wen was too naive.

Su Wen thought of the Datiandao recovery system. Xiaotian said that this system can detect everything, and it will definitely not be a problem to discover energy ore deposits in the future.

Xiaoya looked at Yi Xue with some admiration. She had tricked Su Wen, but Yi Xue saw through it at a glance. Recalling the first time she saw Yi Xue on the cruise ship, she felt more and more that Yi Xue was not simple. , that wisdom at least surpasses ordinary people too much.

"Is this the woman Su Wen swore to marry?" Xiaoya thought, not knowing where her mind went.

"Xiaoya, let's leave it at that. I will contact you when I set up a shipping company." After Su Wen finished speaking, he suddenly murmured: "We don't seem to have a freighter yet, as I said so much earlier, there is no freighter." No way."

"If you want to buy a freighter in Huaxia, it will be very troublesome." Yi Xue looked at Su Wen, she thought Su Wen had already planned it, but it turned out that it was just empty talk.

"Su Wen, don't you know Baker and the others?" Xiaoya thought for a while, "As far as I know, it is easy to buy freighters in the West, and second-hand freighters are even cheaper. If you want to buy freighters, you can find them."

"It's a good idea, so it's settled. I'll ask them out tomorrow to have a talk." Su Wen said.

As soon as the words fell, Su Wen's cell phone rang.

"This is Sayat's number." Su Wen looked at the caller ID, a little strange, "Could it be that they knew that I was looking for them, so they called here."

Yi Xue and Xiaoya smiled wryly, it was just a coincidence.

"Hey, Sayat, did you know that I was looking for you, so you called me in advance?"

"Help, Su Wen!"

"what happened?"

"The three of us have been arrested, come and rescue us quickly."

"What did you do?"

"We..." Before Sayat could finish speaking, the phone was snatched away.

A deep voice came from over there: "Are you a friend of these three Westerners? If so, quickly redeem them with money. We caught the three of them whoring and prostitution last night, and they are now in the courtroom." It's locked inside."

"Ha ha!"

"why are you laughing?"

"What do you think the three of them were arrested for?"

"Whoring! Prostitution! People get stolen goods. Although they don't admit it, the lady they prostituted has already recruited. Listen to what the lady said, three people prostituted her, 4P! In their situation, The circumstances were extremely bad, and one person was only fined 3000 yuan, which is simply too light!"

Su Wen couldn't help it anymore, and laughed again.

"Don't laugh, go to the Jiangning Public Security Bureau and pay the money. These three poor ghosts don't have any money on them. They are paying foreign friends. I'm really embarrassed to talk about them."

After the man finished speaking, he hung up the phone, Su Wen held back his smile and said, "Yixue, Xiaoya, let me tell you something very funny, absolutely funny!"

"You don't need to say it, we have all heard it." Yi Xue was a little dumbfounded.

"How could the three of them do such a thing? It's too embarrassing!" Xiaoya wondered.

"Okay, don't hold back, laugh if you want, I'll rescue them." Su Wen laughed again after finishing speaking.

Jiangning Public Security Bureau, Zheng Fei's office.

"Brother Zheng, did you arrest three foreigners last night?"

"You are really well informed. You raided some clubhouses in Jiangning last night and indeed caught three foreigners."

"They are my friends, let them go first, and I will explain to you what is going on in a moment."

"Okay, I'll make a call to let the people be released." After Zheng Fei finished speaking, he quickly made a call, "Okay, the people have been released."

Su Wen then briefly explained the matter to Zheng Fei.

At the gate of Jiangning Public Security Bureau, Su Wen saw three guys with dark circles under their eyes.

"Are you really going to prostitute?"

"No way, the three of us opened a private room for drinks. The lady asked if she wanted special service. We thought it was a waiter. Who knew she was a lady."

"What about the money on the three of you?"

"The young lady said a lot of inexplicable things when she came in. What is 300 for a trip, 800 for a night package, and double the number of people. If the three of us are together, there will be more."

"Then you gave the money?"

"Baker said that she was asking for a tip. The three of us couldn't figure out how much we should give, so we simply tipped her with all the money on my body. But when she saw so much money, she didn't say anything, and immediately started to take off Clothes, the three of us didn't understand what was going on, and then we were caught by the people who broke in and took us to the Public Security Bureau."
Su Wen looked at the three of them and couldn't help laughing again. This is the fate of not knowing China's national conditions!

(End of this chapter)

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