Super Resource Empire

Chapter 129 The Adorable Nine-Tailed Fox

Chapter 129 The Adorable Nine-Tailed Fox
In the car.

"Su Wen, your dad probably doesn't know we're coming, does he?" Long Yun asked.

"I don't know yet. I wanted to talk to my dad last night, but I forgot about it when I was happy." Su Wen was busy testing his animal language ability last night, and he really forgot everything. Yun mentioned now that he took out his mobile phone and was going to make a call to his father.

"Don't tell your dad, we'll surprise him later." Long Yun said with a smile.

"Long Yun, why are you doing this now!" Tang Long laughed.

The car soon arrived at Lingyin County, and then headed straight for Shixiu Village.

In the field, there are many trees and dense shade.The breeze came out, and it was cool. Several people were talking in the car, and a fiery red unknown creature flashed past.

"What?" Tang Long slammed on the brakes hastily, "It can't be a farmer's dog. If it hits and kills you, will you have to pay for it?"

When several people heard this, they immediately sighed.

Long Yun looked forward and found that there was nothing in front of him, and said in his mouth, "I guess I didn't hit it?"

Su Wen opened the car door. He walked to the front of the car and saw nothing, but when he looked into the woods opposite, a thin figure with only half of his body exposed was looking at him like a civet cat.

"Haha, little guy, it was you just now, right?" Su Wen laughed, "It's fine if you didn't hit it, be careful next time."

"What's wrong, Brother Su Wen?" Lin Xinyi shouted.

"It's okay, it should be a civet cat!" Su Wen thought for a while, and when he looked towards the opposite side again, the little guy had disappeared, "Okay, let's go, we're home here."

The car continued to drive and arrived at the door of Su Wen's house 10 minutes later.

Su Wen didn't know that after he left, several people appeared in the direction where the little fox was escaping.

"Mom, I'm back."

"Hey, it's strange, why is there no one?"

At this time, Mrs. Huang from the next door came out: "Su Wen, why are you back at this time? Could it be that you are unemployed?"

Huang Pozi was still so mean when she spoke.

Su Wen's family and Mrs. Huang have been neighbors for many years. Su Wen has long been used to Mrs. Huang's mean look, so she didn't get very angry. She just asked, "Aunt Huang, do you know where my parents are?"

"Everyone in the village has gone to the county. Recently, Lingyin County has a new county magistrate. This no-nonsense guy will dig up the mountain behind our Shixiu Village as soon as he takes office." Mrs. Huang scolded.

"You still want to mine the big mountain behind?" Su Wen looked back, "Isn't the lesson from that year not enough? There are only stones left in this mountain. Once the construction starts, what will we do in Shixiu Village? The noise How can a man live with the dust?"

"Who knows what that stupid county magistrate is thinking. Not only does he want to mine the mountains behind, but he also wants us to move the village away."

"This is a place that has been passed down from generation to generation. How can you just move away if you say you want to move away?"

"Who says it's not, especially your house. Someone used to ask for 100 million yuan. If you move it away now, wouldn't it be a loss?" Huang Pozi said, "Anyway, no one in the village is willing to let the county magistrate do this, so Now it has reached the county, and it has been several days."

Su Wen heard this and looked at Tang Long.

"Let me do it!" Long Yun thought for a while.

"Thank you, Uncle Long." Su Wen said.

Long Yun took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and hung up after explaining a few words: "It's all right, no one will dare to move this mountain anymore."

Su Wen knew Long Yun's ability, so he was not surprised.

"My dad will be back in a while, let's go in first!" Su Wen said, and took out a bunch of keys from the crack of the door. "My mom used to leave a bunch of spare keys behind the door, but I didn't expect that there would be a bunch of keys." .”

Su Wen opened the door, and several people walked in.

"Brother Su Wen, I'll go home and have a look first." Lin Xinyi also felt a little homesick.

"Okay, if there is no one at home, come to my house first." Su Wen thought for a while, "By the way, I also bought a lot of things and put them in the back compartment. You pick some and bring them back to your parents."

"Brother Su Wen, there's no need for that." Lin Xinyi hesitated and said.

"I bought a lot of things, you'd better bring some back, or I'll deliver them to your home in person later." Su Wen smiled, "You'll know if you look at them, they're not worth anything, they're mine. Your parents have always treated me well."

Lin Xinyi nodded when she heard this.

Tang Long and Long Yun looked at Su Wen's old house, and Long Yun couldn't help saying: "When I was in the army, your father always said that there was a good old house at home, and now it seems that it is true. Such a house, Putting it in Kyoto is worth hundreds of millions."

"It was handed down from my ancestors. I plan to find someone to repair it when I come back this time." Su Wen brewed a pot of tea, "It's a good place to live. It's warm in winter and cool in summer. It's backed by mountains and the air is fresh. It's definitely not Kyoto. Comparable."

"That's true." Long Yun nodded.

"Su Wen, it is said that there are many rare birds and beasts on the Dapan Mountain behind your village, and it seems that there are also many medicinal materials." Tang Long pointed, "When your father was in the army, he told me more than once about the wild boars and hares on it. It was delicious, and it made me hungry at the time."

Su Wen smiled: "Dapan Mountain is an undeveloped mountain with a steep terrain, but if you talk about rare birds and beasts, there are real ones. I saw tigers in it when I was young, and then saw wild deer one after another. , monkeys, etc., and near the foot of the mountain, wild boars and hares are infested. At this time of year, many villagers should hunt wild boars and hares. If you are lucky, Uncle Tang will be able to eat delicious wild boars and hares tomorrow. Hare."

Tang Long licked his lips, looking forward to it.

An hour later, Su Wen heard the roar of cars at the entrance of the village.

"Everyone in the village has returned." Su asked,

"Come on, let's go out." Long Yun couldn't wait.

When the three of them went outside, they happened to see the familiar figure.



"Haha, are you surprised?"

Su Donghe rubbed his eyes, with an expression of disbelief: "Why are you here?"

Long Yun went straight up and hugged Su Donghe, his eyes were a little moist, Tang Long kept muttering something beside him.Seeing this, Su Wen said to his mother: "Mom, let's go in first. They have a lot to say, so let's not bother them."


Mother cooks, Su Wen lights the fire, and the sound of laughter keeps coming from the next room.

"It's been a long time since I saw your dad so happy." Mother sighed.

"Mom, my dad has worked hard these years. When I come back this time, after my dad's leg is cured, I also want to take you to Jiangning to live for a while." Su Wen thought for a while.

"Go to Jiangning?" Mother hesitated, "Let me discuss it with your father, but according to your father's temper, I don't think he may be willing to go."

Su Wen thought about it for a while, but if his father's legs healed, he might not want to go for a walk.

The three people in the room drank until the evening, and finally they were all drunk. Su Wen helped them to the bed, and seeing the sea ganoderma in his hand, he was speechless.Originally, he planned to heal his father's leg as soon as he came back, but now it seems that he will have to wait until tomorrow.

At night, around eleven o'clock.

Su Wen was sleeping on the bed when he heard a sound.


"It's me, let me ask you something?"

Su Wen looked towards the door, and by the moonlight, he saw a fox: "You little fox looks familiar, have I seen you somewhere?"

The little fox looked at Su Wen with contempt: "You almost hit me with your car."

Su Wen was stunned: "It turned out to be you. I didn't see it clearly at a distance, so I thought it was a civet cat."

"You are the civet cat. Your whole family is a civet cat. They are noble demon foxes."

"Okay, you are a demon fox, so what do you want to ask me?"

"I can understand what you said. It's so strange. I want to know if you are a fox who has achieved success in cultivation?"

"Why do you think so? No matter how I look at it, I'm human!"

"My grandmother said that if a fox cultivates into a fox fairy, he can take human form."

When Su Wen heard this, he understood.

The little fox thought that Su Wen was transformed into a fox, so he could communicate with him. However, Su Wen was not a fox. As for the fox who cultivated into a fox fairy, Su Wen didn't believe it.
"I'm not a fox. This is one of my abilities. I can communicate with many animals."

The little fox seems to understand.

"It's fine if you don't understand, anyway, I'm not a fox, and I don't have any malice towards you."

"Well, I don't think you're a bad guy either."

"Why did you run in such a hurry during the day?"

"There are bad guys chasing me."

Su Wen was dumbfounded: "Why are they chasing you?"

The little fox glanced at Su Wen: "I don't know why they are chasing me. Anyway, they are chasing me, so I can only run."

Su Wen smiled: "It's very straightforward and makes sense."

One person and one fox chatted all over the sky there. The night is beautiful and the picture is also beautiful.

"It's so cold, why don't you go to bed!"

Looking cute, the little fox jumped to Su Wen's feet.

"You actually came up, don't be afraid that I'm also a bad person."

"Didn't you say you didn't mean anything to me?"

"You can believe it."

"Why don't you believe it?"

"So simple!"

"what are you saying?
"Hey, you actually have two tails?"

"Don't touch my tail."

"It must be a genetic mutation."

"certainly not."

"Then how can you have two tails?"

"I am a nine-tailed fox, I only have two."

"Su Daji..."


The next morning, Su Wen yawned.

"Little demon, keep your fur away from me, it makes me itchy, it makes me feel so uncomfortable."

"I want to sleep, don't disturb me."

Overnight, Su Wen became the little fox's best friend.

The name of the little fox, Little Demon.

It was given by Su Wen.

Pushing the door open, Su Wen walked towards Java Mountain. He couldn't neglect his cultivation, and he also wanted to meet Yang Xiao. According to Yang Xiao's past habits, he must be doing Tai Chi in Java Mountain now.

On the mountain, there was a mist, and Su Wen had already seen that familiar figure.

(End of this chapter)

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