Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 58 Blue Starfish History

That said, it's pretty awesome. Lin Ran asked.

That's natural. According to legend, in ancient times, the human species just appeared in this world, and at that time, alien beasts were the masters of this planet, and this planet didn't have 56 regions like it does now. At that time, there were only 5 regions. It is a primitive area, and for the newly emerged human beings, life on this planet is extremely difficult.

But with the passage of time and the continuous evolution of human beings, an extremely powerful leader of the human tribe appeared. He discovered that there was a powerful energy in his body, and this energy could help them subdue such a powerful beast, so Under the leadership of this tribal leader, human beings are awakening their energy. In this way, human beings and alien beasts help and rely on each other on this planet, and gradually become each other's most important partners.

But the good times don't last long and the end is coming. The sudden outbreak of disaster caused countless casualties to humans and alien beasts. Facing the end of the world, humans and alien beasts had to resist. The five strongest humans and the strongest in the five original regions The big beasts and the others teamed up to fight against this day together.

In the end they succeeded, the disaster disappeared, but the 5 strongest human beings all died, and at the same time, the 5 original areas also collapsed, and the five alien beasts in the guardian area also died. The powerful energy turned into life breath, The collapsed area has been reawakened to life, but it cannot be reorganized. It can only be transformed into different small areas on the scattered fragments of the collapsed area, which is the 56 areas we live in now. Ye Kui explained patiently.

The alien beasts that guard the five original regions are legendary super-beast-level alien beasts, and the most powerful one is the Zijin Dragon God, but the Zijin Dragon God has no specific appearance due to its age. It is impossible to verify it, but we can still find his descendants, just hang this picture on the wall. Ye Kui added.

Lin Ran listened very earnestly, and at the same time he was very surprised in his heart. He obviously bought the complete collection of strange animals in the system store, but why this history was not mentioned. Could it be that it was erased by the system?

And it is obviously a complete collection of strange beasts, why is there no introduction to this strange beast on the wall...

Lin Ran really didn't understand.

So this strange beast is still alive? Lin Ran asked suddenly.

Disappeared. Since the ancient war, many strange beasts will disappear inexplicably. It seems that after reaching a certain stage, they will disappear for no reason. The historical records of this Canglei Ziying Dragon Tool suddenly disappeared 20,000 years ago, and The scariest thing is that it also includes humans! Ye Kui said after taking a deep breath.

What? Lin Ran couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and said, Is this all true?

Haha, Boss Lin, don't listen to President Ye scaring people. Those are all legends. Except for some written records, there is no way to verify them. Don't worry, at least in the past thousands of years, it has never happened. .” Auchan laughed loudly.

That's right, it's all unofficial history, so Lao Ye believes that. The one-armed man with the scar said.

Lin Ran breathed a sigh of relief and said, The five strongest human beings in ancient times are beast tamers?

That's right, and it's not an ordinary animal trainer, it's a supreme! Ye Kui said excitedly.

Lin Ran was startled. You must know that the highest-level animal trainer in the world is also a nine-star animal trainer. This so-called supreme animal trainer has almost never been recorded in the existing records of Blue Sea Star.

Supreme! There really are humans of this level... Lin Ran said, taking a sip of tea slowly.

That was all before ancient times. Ever since the 5 regions were divided into 56 regions, there has never been a supreme being, so the nine-star beast trainer should be the highest level at present. Zhang Lei said.

By the way, is there a big difference between those five areas and the area we live in now? Lin Ran asked.

It's very big, almost completely different, and the conditions are extremely harsh. This is the place where alien beasts can live, so ancient humans lived so hard. As for our current 56 regions, they are the places where the guardian alien beasts died. Transformed by spiritual power.

Besides, you have been to the space-time rift, right? According to allusions, the time-space rift is actually the fragments of the five original regions on the Blue Sea Star! But why it appeared is unknown, but it is also true for us. Good thing, after all, those ancient beasts and materials are what we most want to get, and this is why the Treasure Hunting Team was born. Ye Kui explained.

Lin Ran was stunned when he heard this, and almost lost the teacup in his hand.

The space-time rift turned out to be a fragment of the original area! The alien crack summoned by the system must also be.

I always thought it was a false space, but now it seems that I have traveled back to ancient times.

Lin Ran suddenly understood that the materials and food from the alien beasts he had collected from the cracks in the alien world were all from ancient times. No wonder those people didn't believe me when they entered the store, and regarded me as a black shop...

And this also explained one thing, that is, his dragon god golden egg is real and can really hatch!

Thinking of this, Lin Ran couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and almost laughed out loud.

Boss Lin seems very happy. Ye Kui laughed.

Looking at the history, I'm naturally happy. Lin Ran calmed down and said.

It seems that Boss Lin is very interested in the history of Blue Sea Star. The library of our college has countless historical allusions. Ye Kui drank a cup of tea and smiled, Is Boss Lin interested in being a tutor?

Everyone around was startled, and at the same time looked at Ye Kui in unison.

Okay, so you've been waiting for this move.

Sure enough, the principal is not in vain.

After talking so much, I must be very thirsty.

The mood that everyone had just calmed down gradually exploded again.

Eh? Lin Ran also said with a confused look on his face, You are not joking if you want me to be your mentor.

Haha, what's going on with this kind of thing? I'm just joking. Boss Lin's strength as a mentor is definitely more than enough, and it's Gao Xing's mentor. The benefits and remuneration will definitely satisfy you.

Teacher Gao Xing? Lin Ran was at a loss. Now besides the treasure hunting team and the military, there was a Beast Academy. It seemed that he had to make a decision. Then he asked, What are the benefits of the treatment?

Everyone was shocked, Lin Ran started to ask about the salary, maybe he should agree...

The corner of Ye Kui's mouth lifted into a smile, he had already seen through this young man in his heart, he loved money like his life, and he didn't want to take risks, so being a mentor was the best way to impress this little devil in the world.

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