Super Marshal

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Salary increase

“Gao Han, this is Carlos Corvo. The club arranges for him to assist you with the renewal of the second team players.”

“Carlos, he is Alpine!”

Half an hour after answering the phone, Paul Futre took a 30-year-old Spaniard into the second team coach’s office and introduced the two sides.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Gao Han, I am not only a fan of Atletico Madrid, but also a fan of the second team.”

“Thank you!” Gao Han said with a smile.

He felt that Carlos Corvo’s attitude was very candid, even with a little respect.

The second team coach’s office is very simple, with little space and no place to sit. Therefore, Paul Futre and Carlos Corvo simply sat directly opposite the Alpine, occupying the positions of Cantarello and Garcia.

“By the way, Paul, didn’t I mention to you before, did you want to bring in two or three players during the winter break?”

Paul Footley nodded, “How’s it? Have you looked for it?”

“It’s them!” Gao Han handed over the information of Pablo Ibáñez and Andoni Elora.

Paul Footley opened immediately, and after a cursory glance, he closed it again.

“These two players are not very good, especially Andoni Elora.”

Athletic Bilbao is a very special football club. They only use players from the Basque Country.

Because of this, this team attaches great importance to youth training and is very close to the players it has cultivated. The players are also very loyal to the club. It is not easy to poach.

“Basquenia is the three teams of Athletic Bilbao, but they compete independently, and there is a tradition in Athletic Bilbao that they will send the club’s promising players to Basquenia to hone their skills. Two years, to the second team, and then to the first team.”

“So…” Paul Footley looked at Gao Han with an expression that you had better be prepared.

Gao Han understood, “Try to talk, if it doesn’t work, I will reconsider others.”

The professionalization of European football is already very complete, developed, and mature.

A young player, no matter how old he is, as long as he shows a better football talent than his peers, he will be discovered immediately and unearthed, basically it is unlikely that there will be any remaining beads.

The reason why some players shine at a young age, and some players have to survive until they grow late, the most fundamental reason lies in the players’ personal growth and fortunes.

Just like Harvey Alonso, does Real Sociedad know the strength and potential of this player?

No, they know it, and they know it very well.

But why not?

Because he does not fit the tactical style of the first team coach Clemente!

It is entirely conceivable that if the first team changes to a head coach and likes a midfielder like Harvey Alonso, the second team of Atletico Madrid will not be able to dig.

In other words, what would happen to Gao Han if he hadn’t digged Harvey Alonso?

on loan, or stay in the second team, continue to wait for the opportunity, God knows when it will come?

Maybe, he soon changed to a head coach, and he was just out of the picture.

Or, if he doesn’t change the head coach for a long time, he can’t survive on his own, and he just falls into disuse.

In professional football, a player is like a commodity, placed on the shelf and sold at a clearly marked price.

No matter how talented Harvey Alonso was, he was of little use to the Royal Society at the time.

On the contrary, it is Kubiro, the midfielder hand-picked by the head coach of the first team, which is obviously more valuable.

The same reason, now Atletico Madrid is going to dig Andoni Ilora, the key is not whether the club knows the strength and talent of the players, because the former is very transparent, everyone knows, and the latter can be roughly estimated.

Of course, estimation is certainly not as accurate as Alpine’s fiery eyes.

The key to digging players lies in the exchange of benefits.

Assuming that Atletico Madrid opens to one million euros, Athletic Bilbao feels that with one million euros, I can dig out a few more players at the level of Andoni Elora, then they must sell it, nothing said.

On the other hand, if Athletic Bilbao feels that Andoni Elora is an indispensable member of the team in the future, no one can sell it at a high price.

Therefore, in the transfer market, no one can dig out the star of a giant team. That’s why.

Because no one can afford that price!

digging other players is the same, others dig your players, the same is true.

Therefore, Atletico Madrid has to quickly renew the contract with Torres, Villa and other players.

The purpose is very simple. It greatly increases the cost of digging corners for others, and even directly makes people unable to dig!

“For this renewal, the various departments of the club held a meeting before. The current financial situation of the team is not ideal. However, for the second team, the team now attaches great importance to it. Therefore, Mr. Old Hill and Mr. Little Hill And Mr. Cerezo, both personally explained that this group of players must be retained anyway.”

Carlos Corvo’s words made Gao Han understand what the management meant.

You have to keep the players when you hit the pot and sell the iron.

“Of course, Mr. Gao Han, the players are still very young now. When renewing the contract, we must consider long-term development.”

The sentence    has another meaning.

The players must stay, but the salary must be properly controlled.

Gao Han does not contradict this point.

Generally speaking, it is the rule for players in the growth and maturity stages to renew their contracts and increase their salary. If they do not increase their salary, who will renew their contracts?

But the salary increase also has to be controlled by a range.

It’s like Torres, who just signed his professional contract more than a year ago, now he is about to renew his contract, and his salary is raised for the first time.

is completely predictable, he will definitely enter the first team in the next year.

If he performs well in the first team, he has to renew his contract and have to raise his salary.

For a player like him, it is nothing new to renew his contract every year or two and raise his salary.

But the question is, if it rises too high once, what should I do later?

This is the so-called long-term development consideration.

“How about the positioning of the club?” Gao Han looked at Carlos Corvo and asked with concern.

“Torres, Villa, Xavi Alonso and Antonio López, the salaries of these four players have reached the low salary level of the first team. The team also promised to promote them to the first team within the next year. , Participate in as many first team matches as possible.”

Carlos Corvo said this, looked at Gao Han, and asked his opinion.

“Reasonable, continue.”

“Several players such as Moral and Camara, the club meant to raise their salary to the current level of Antonio Lopez, but we may not be able to promise them the future of the first team.”

This is also normal.

The club gives promises, some of which are to be written into the contract, and that must be honored.

Torres and other players performed so well. It is a matter of time before they enter the first team. It is understandable to give promises, but if Moral and Camara and other players give promises, how can the first team play?

Gao Han thought for a while, nodded and said: “Yes!”

Carlos Corvo suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Before he came, he was a little worried that Gao Han would take the opportunity to fight for more benefits for his players. It seems that he is still quite sensible and objective.

But in Gao Han’s view, the salary has risen a lot, that’s enough.

For Torres and others, what is really important is the club’s commitment to promote the first team, which is more important than anything else.

“Well, just as you said, make a plan and ask the player’s agent to talk about it. I will find an opportunity and talk to the players. I believe the problem is not big.”

Carlos Corvo nodded immediately.

This is not a problem at all.

When the two had finished talking about the players, Paul Footley intervened and looked at Gao Han.

“After talking about the players, it’s time to talk about you.”

Gao Han smiled and said, “What can I say?”

“I understand what you are thinking, but if the contract should be renewed, the contract must be renewed.”

Paul Futre fetched a document from Carlos Corvo and handed it to Gao Han.

“This is a renewal contract for you, look at it.”

Gao Han took it and opened it.

The terms of the new contract are the same as before, that is, the monthly salary is increased from 10,000 to 20,000 Euros, and the signing fee is paid to 50,000 Euros.

Some of the bonuses for players selected for national teams have been lost, because of this bonus, Gao Han has already gotten his hands.

But prizes such as winning, winning and upgrading places have doubled from the previous one.

In a word, the salary has increased.

Besides, it has risen quite a lot!

Gao Han looked at it carefully, then closed it again.

“Paul, I believe you, I have no opinion about the treatment.”

Paul Footley immediately smiled and nodded, he knew it would be.

“However,” Gao Han said, “I hope I can add one more clause.”

“you said.”

“I have the right to unilaterally terminate the contract!”

Paul Footley’s hand shook obviously, and he looked at Gao Han, “You…”

“I don’t mean anything else.” Gao Han didn’t elaborate, but his attitude was firm.

Many things are well known to everyone, and they are also tacitly understood.

In the previous contract, Gao Han had already asked to join this clause.

This time, when Paul Footley and the management were discussing the Gaohan contract, they decided to delete this clause.

It’s not that I have any other thoughts, but that I am worried that Gao Han will be poached.

When he signed a contract, Gao Han was a little-known rookie, but now, his team is so eye-catching in the second league. I don’t know how many teams are watching him.

Once there is a team that digs a lot of money, Gao Han is excited again unilaterally proposes to terminate the contract, isn’t the team very passive?

For Gao Han, he doesn’t want to coach the second team all the time, he hopes to have the opportunity to be alone.

In fact, there are indeed teams interested in him.

For example, when Fuenlabrada fired Cabanilas, he contacted Gao Han.

Gao Han felt that he needed this clause.

Head coaches are different from players. Players’ contracts cannot have such clauses, but they are not uncommon in head coach’s contracts. This is why there are many head coaches who feel that the situation is not right after taking office. Human reasons.

Paul Footley hesitated for a while, then took a deep look at Gao Han, and finally nodded.

“Okay, I will add this one.”

Gao Han just laughed.

He hasn’t thought about leaving Atletico Madrid for the time being, but if there is this clause, the initiative to stay in the future is in his own hands, not controlled by others.

The main issue is settled, and other minor matters are also logical.

The two parties agreed on the signing time, and Paul Futre and Carlos Corvo left.

Gao Han was watching them leave, but he shook his head and sighed.

It seems that you have to quickly find a reliable agent.

It’s always more awkward to talk about the contract face-to-face. It would be much more convenient if an agent came forward.

Furthermore, the agents are more professional. They handle these things, and Gao Han can concentrate on his own affairs.

But, is it easy to find a reliable agent Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at For mobile users, please go to read .

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