super invincible battleship

Chapter 9 Martial Arts Master

Chapter 9 Martial Arts Master
With Xiao Kong's astonishing throw, the chair hit the drone at a height of 60 meters, showing amazing strength.It was the first time that the drone avatar was injured, which made Yan Fei feel the pain of being injured.

Although Yan Fei felt the pain, the pain on his body disappeared in an instant. When he came back to his senses, he found that his drone clone had been greatly injured.

Under the attack of the chair, the drone's weapon system was damaged and could not fire steel ball bullets.Two of the top four rotors were damaged and could not spin, and the remaining two also failed.Although the drone can still fly, it can no longer maintain balance.Fortunately, the power of the drone has not disappeared and it can continue to fly.

Yan Fei, who was in the van at the foot of the mountain, opened his eyes at once, opened the door, and quickly ran towards the mountainous area behind Zhang Baocheng's villa, while the drone that was damaged in the air also flew crookedly towards the mountainous area.

Yan Fei was really careless this time. In order to get inside information, he relaxed his vigilance and dropped the height of the drone significantly.It turned out that there was such a powerful person in the organization behind Zhang Baocheng, who was able to hit his drone clone high in the sky with a chair, and seriously injured the drone clone.

The clone of the drone is Yan Fei's biggest reliance, so naturally he won't let it be damaged like this, so he controls the drone and flies towards the back of the mountain, and his body also goes to meet it.

When Xiao Kong saw that although the drone was injured, it didn't crash, but flew away crookedly, he snorted coldly and jumped down the third floor.His body fell heavily to the ground, his knees were slightly bent, and he lost the huge downward force. He was not injured at all, and then chased in the direction where the drone flew away.

Zhang Baocheng in the room was pale. He was always careful, but he didn't expect his secret conversation to be captured by the drone.He didn't know how long the drone had been secretly filming here, and what he said was captured, but when he thought about the consequences of some words being spread, he felt shuddering all over his body.

Thinking of this, Zhang Baocheng immediately picked up the wired phone and informed the guards of the villa to follow Xiao Kong to catch up. He must completely destroy the drone, bring back the memory card inside, and then destroy it.If possible, also find the person flying the drone nearby and bring him back.

Although Zhang Baocheng had made arrangements, he was still a little uneasy.His villa is heavily guarded, especially for information security, the villa area has been implementing electronic barriers, and even here, he can only use wired phones to talk.It stands to reason that the electromagnetic signals from outside should not be received in the villa area, so how did this drone fly in and take pictures of them?

While Yan Fei ran fast, he controlled the drone and flew towards the forest behind, trying to meet him.The drone was seriously damaged, and it looked like it was about to fall apart. If it wasn't for Yan Fei's direct control, it would have fallen a long time ago.Just as the drone was flying towards the forest, the 360-degree camera of the drone suddenly found Xiao Kong running on the ground and chasing him.

That Xiao Kong looked very thin, and he looked weak and did not wake up, but he was able to cross five meters in one stride on the ground, and the height was more than three meters when he jumped, and his forward speed was extremely fast.In his eyes, the high wall outside the villa didn't seem to exist, and he crossed it with a single jump.The drone was flying in a straight line in the sky, and he was chasing it on the uneven ground, and the distance between the two was getting closer and closer.Although the speed of the drone has dropped significantly due to the injury, it is enough to see how fast Xiao Kong is.

Yan Fei was shocked when he saw Xiao Kong's skill, it was the first time he saw such a powerful person in reality.The four words "martial arts master" in the legend suddenly appeared in his mind, but aren't martial arts masters fictionalized in novels and TV movies?How could it appear in reality? Could it be that there are really martial arts masters in this world?
Yan Fei ran fast on the ground. After undergoing two transformations, his physical fitness was four times that of before. Once he burst into full strength, his speed was also lightning fast, not much slower than that of Xiao Kong.He controlled the drone clone to fly towards his direction, hoping to catch the drone before it crashed and prevent it from falling into Xiao Kong's hands.

Finally, Yan Fei entered the mountain forest, and the drone clone also found his own body from the air.So it began to fly towards Yan Fei's direction.Yan Fei looked at the clone of the drone flying towards him crookedly, feeling very nervous, for fear that it would just crash.He decided that as soon as the drone was recovered, he would return to the car at the bottom of the mountain and get out of here.As for the injuries of the drone, he is not worried at all, because as long as the virtual control screen is fully refreshed after 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, under the action of mysterious power, all the injuries of the drone will automatically heal and become completely new .

And the drone has captured enough explosive news tonight, as long as he uploads this video to the Internet and exposes Wang Xiaohong's true face, those cyber attacks against him will stop abruptly.And the fact that Zhang Baocheng joined the mysterious organization was enough for him to be invited to drink tea by Guoan, and he would not be able to get out for the rest of his life. This time, no one will be able to take the blame for him.In this way, Yan Fei will perfectly solve his troubles.

And just when the drone was about to land in front of Yan Fei, a rock suddenly flew up in the distance, hitting the swaying drone clone.The avatar of the drone made a crisp sound, the power disappeared, and then it couldn't hold on any longer, so it just fell down.

The drone clone was injured again, and Yan Fei felt pain all over his body, but it disappeared immediately.He came back to his senses, this stone must have been thrown by Xiao Kong who was chasing after him, and he didn't know how this guy practiced, it was far from accurate.

Fortunately, the place where the drone crashed was not far from where Yan Fei was. He quickly ran to the place where the drone crashed, and saw the drone crashed on the top of a big tree, the entire body was damaged Seriously, although it didn't fall apart, it was already in a standby state and could no longer be controlled.He ran alone, climbed up the big tree with hands and feet, took off the drone, hugged it in his arms, and jumped off the tree.

When Yan Feiren was still in the air, the corner of his eyes blurred, and a figure suddenly sprang out from the darkness, sweeping his legs.Yan Fei tried his best to dodge, but still couldn't dodge in time, and was kicked hard in the stomach by the man.

A burst of severe pain came from the abdomen, Yan Fei opened his mouth and roared, a mouthful of blood sprayed out.And he himself was kicked away by a huge force, flew backwards, hit the trunk of the big tree behind him, slipped softly, and then fell to the ground without moving.

Just a face-to-face, Yan Fei was successfully attacked, was seriously injured, and lost his combat effectiveness.This is also due to his inexperience and lack of any fighting experience.He didn't know that there were really martial arts masters in the world before, so he never thought that he would fight with people one day.Although there is a strong power in his body, he has not received the guidance of a famous teacher and cannot use this power, so it is not surprising that he was injured all of a sudden.

Seeing that Yan Fei couldn't move, the figure stood still.Under the faint moonlight, it was Xiao Kong who chased out from the room.It's just that at this moment, his whole body is tense, his muscles are shaking, like a fierce tiger, ready to pounce and hurt someone at any time.Although he was still so thin, he looked like a giant, which made people feel fearful.

Xiao Kong saw Yan Fei lying on the ground motionless, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and walked towards Yan Fei.He suddenly accelerated and approached Yan Fei, kicked up and kicked Yan Fei again, Yan Fei was kicked high into the air, rolled in mid-air, spurting blood from his mouth, then landed again and rolled on the ground A few laps, motionless.

Different from Yan Fei's immaturity, this Xiao Kong is a real veteran. Although he has absolute confidence in his own strength, he is not blindly optimistic and confident, and is always vigilant against the enemy.That's why he made a sudden move to make up for the immobile enemy.This time he hit Yan Fei for the second time, and seeing that Yan Fei didn't respond, Xiao Kong was completely relieved. He stepped forward, bent down, and took away the drone that Yan Fei had been holding in his arms.

At this moment, Yan Fei suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Xiao Kong viciously.

Xiao Kong was startled, knowing that he had been fooled, he immediately threw away the drone, and was about to retreat quickly, but in such a short distance, his movements were not as fast as Yan Fei.I saw Yan Fei's arms stretched out like lightning, circling behind Xiao Kong's back, and then with all his arms, he tightly hugged Xiao Kong in his arms.

It turned out that although Yan Fei was seriously injured, but affected by the transformation of his body by mysterious forces, he was far from completely losing his combat effectiveness.After he discovered that Xiao Kong was actually a martial arts master, he knew that he was definitely not the opponent's opponent, so he took advantage of the situation and came up with this method of pretending to be dead.Only in this way can he approach Xiao Kong unexpectedly, and then use his strong physical fitness to fight the opponent head-on.Only in this way can he gain a chance of survival.Otherwise, if you face a skilled martial arts master head-on, no matter how strong Yan Fei is, he will be beaten to death by the opponent.

What Yan Fei didn't expect was that Xiao Kong was so careful, even if Yan Fei didn't move, he still stepped up to make up for it, and leaned over when he saw that Yan Fei hadn't moved at all.And Yan Fei also understood that this was a critical moment, so he held back the pain, and took a hard hit without any reaction.

What Xiao Kong never expected was that Yan Fei was physically strong, far beyond ordinary people. Although he was injured twice, he did not completely lose his combat effectiveness.Xiao Kong guessed Yan Fei's injuries based on the physical endurance of ordinary people, and naturally fell into Yan Fei's calculations.

Yan Fei stood up and hugged Xiao Kong in his arms vigorously. He roared angrily and squeezed his arms hard inward.Xiao Kong was strangled in pain all over his body, and his body was short. After being picked up by Yan Fei, his body was completely suspended in the air. A kung fu but can't play it.

(End of this chapter)

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