super invincible battleship

Chapter 23 Find the old nest

Chapter 23 Find the old nest
Yan Fei got the ownership of the house in the urban area, but he has no plan to move there now.It's not because the room is a small apartment with a small space, but because the decoration of the room was completed in a short time, and it will take a while before people can live in it.

In addition, this is the only inheritance left to him by Yan Fei's parents. He spent his first half of his life here, which has great commemorative value, so he will live in the old house for a while until the building is demolished.

This afternoon, when Yan Fei went out to take out the trash, he suddenly found several suspicious people appearing under the big tree in the distance.These few people hid in the car and observed Yan Fei's whereabouts from a distance through binoculars. They looked sneaky and did not leave at night.

These people thought they were hiding far enough away that Yan Fei couldn't find them, but they didn't expect that after Yan Fei was transformed by mysterious power, his eyesight was greatly enhanced, and he could see their movements clearly.

Yan Fei was curious, so he flew the drone at night and approached them to eavesdrop. From the conversations of these people when they were bored, he found that these people were all under Lord Hou, and their purpose was to spy on him.

It turned out that since Yan Fei inspected Zhang Baocheng's villa twice, and set fire to the villa for the second time, killing the violent man, Zhang Baocheng fell into extreme panic.

Because Zhang Baocheng didn't know the purpose of the enemy who sneaked into the villa and set fire to kill him. Was it simply setting fire, or was he trying to kill him, or was the target the strong man?If the enemy's purpose is to kill him, then his situation is extremely dangerous. It can be said that he escaped a catastrophe by going out to pick up people, but will he still have such good luck in the future?So after Zhang Baocheng's villa was burned by Yan Fei, he hid in Lord Hou's lair to avoid possible assassination.

But what worried Zhang Baocheng was more than that. The organization behind Xiao Kong and his brother was no small matter, but these two people had accidents in Zhang Baocheng's place one after another. As a local landlord, he had an unshirkable responsibility.

Xiao Kong's body hadn't been found before, but judging from the various traces left at the scene, Xiao Kong's life was in danger.Although the body of the later strong man was burnt and deformed, his identity has been confirmed after testing.

After Zhang Baocheng found the body of the strong man, he didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly reported what happened here to the organization.The organization was very furious, but it seemed that some accidents had happened to the organization, and it was temporarily unable to send manpower to investigate.Therefore, Zhang Baocheng was severely reprimanded, and asked him to quickly find out the murder suspect and retrieve the important things that Xiao Kong was carrying.

Only in this way can Zhang Baocheng make amends, otherwise, Zhang Baocheng's end will be very miserable.In order to find the suspect and reduce the organization's punishment on him, Zhang Baocheng could only recruit people from Lord Hou to start a large-scale investigation.

Zhang Baocheng understands the strength of Xiao Kong and the strong man, and knows that the people who can abduct or kill them are also strong enough, so he focused on those kung fu masters during his investigation, but he never found anything Useful intelligence.

But two days ago, when Wang Yong made a stunning appearance on the live webcast of Taekwondo challenge Huaxia Kung Fu, killing a taekwondo master with a single lightning bolt, Zhang Baocheng immediately put his suspicious eyes on Wang Yong.But unfortunately, Wang Yong disappeared the next day, and no one knew where he went.

Because he couldn't find Wang Yong, Zhang Baocheng was so anxious that he could only focus on Wang Yong's student Yan Fei, trying to find Wang Yong through Yan Fei.Yan Fei also performed amazingly in the face of the Taekwondo challenge that day, but his opponent was limited in strength. Yan Fei did not show too much strength in the battle, and it was still at the level of a normal person, so Zhang Baocheng did not doubt that Yan Fei would kill a strong man. Super master.

In fact, Yan Fei was also on Zhang Baocheng's suspicion list before, not only because Zhang Baocheng took action against Yan Fei, so he felt that Yan Fei was also his enemy, and he might make trouble for him.It is also because at the scene of Xiao Kong's disappearance, the bloody clothes fragments left behind are related to a piece of clothing worn by Yan Fei before, and even Yan Fei's van has appeared near the incident.

So Zhang Baocheng also investigated Yan Fei in detail. What he didn't expect was that Yan Fei was already aware of the problem of clothes fragments, so after destroying the evidence, he deliberately put on the same style of clothes, wandered outside, and asked Zhang Baocheng's people to take pictures. Download clear photos.Zhang Baocheng became hesitant when he found that Yan Fei was wearing the same clothes.

What Zhang Baocheng didn't know was that there were actually two clothes like Yan Fei's. The first one had been disposed of by him after it became tattered after a life-and-death struggle, and the second one was what Yan Fei was wearing now.

Although Zhang Baocheng hesitated, he did not rule out Yan Fei's suspicion.He began to investigate Yan Fei's whereabouts on the night when the villa caught fire, but unexpectedly found that Yan Fei was very happy because he received the demolition money that night, so he made an exception and went to the bathing center to take a bath, and even asked a girl to wash his feet, and he did not go out the whole time However, when I left the next day, my mental momentum was very good, and there was no abnormality in my body.

The reason why they were able to investigate Yan Fei's whereabouts in such detail was because the bathing center happened to belong to Lord Hou. They were able to check the relevant surveillance video and ask the foot bath technician who did the foot bath for Yan Fei, so they knew his whereabouts. Knows well.

But what they didn't know was that Yan Fei had investigated Lord Hou's place on the Internet, and knew that the bathing center was opened by Lord Hou, so he deliberately went to the bathing center to take a bath. The purpose was to send evidence to his door and get rid of his suspicion .

Because Zhang Baocheng didn't know why his villa was set on fire, he ignored that the fire actually burned the evidence collected in the basement. It was precisely because of the lack of this key information that Zhang Baocheng missed catching the real culprit. The only chance to get Yan Fei off the list of suspects.

But at this moment, when Wang Yong fought against a taekwondo master, Zhang Baocheng immediately turned his attention to Wang Yong, and regarded Wang Yong as the biggest suspect.But Wang Yong disappeared suddenly the next day, and no one could find him, so Zhang Baocheng set his sights on Yan Fei again after going around.But this time it is not the suspect, but wants to find Wang Yong through Yan Fei.

These sneaky people are Lord Hou's people. Their purpose is to monitor Yan Fei, and then follow the clues to find Wang Yong who suddenly disappeared through Yan Fei.

Yan Fei was not very clear about Zhang Baocheng's dilemma. After all, the relationship between Zhang Baocheng and that mysterious organization was extremely confidential, and not everyone could know about it.However, Yan Fei still inferred some conclusions through the conversations of these younger brothers who monitored him, and they were very close to the truth.

Yan Fei didn't know how Zhang Baocheng was going to deal with him next, and he didn't want to know, because he was very angry now.Zhang Baocheng confronted him again and again, Yan Fei had lost his patience, and he wanted to strike Zhang Baocheng completely and eliminate the biggest hidden danger.Just being defensive will never solve the problem.

Yan Fei didn't bother those who watched him, and let them continue to watch him.After ten o'clock in the evening, those people finally couldn't hold on anymore, and drove away, leaving only two younger brothers to continue monitoring.With a thought in Yan Fei's heart, the drone clone quickly took off, followed them far away, and flew out of the city.

With the previous two terrifying experiences of fighting life and death, Yan Fei never dared to enter other people's sphere of influence until his strength was not achieved.Because he couldn't be sure whether there were any super experts in other people's sphere of influence that could threaten his life, so Yan Fei just released the drone to track him from a distance this time.

During the tracking, Yan Fei controlled the drone to fly as close to the wall of the building as possible, not daring to fly high in the sky to reduce the possibility of being photographed by the camera.

The drone flies fast and smoothly, without being noticed.It then followed the car to an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs.Fortunately for Yan Fei, the distance from the abandoned warehouse did not exceed 10 kilometers of his control range, and he could still control the drone at home.

The drone is flying in the sky, and the camera rotates 360 degrees, so that Yanfei can observe the situation of the abandoned warehouse from a large angle in the air

Yan Fei's heart skipped a beat, knowing that he might have found these people's lair by accident.He observed the surrounding environment, and then the drone flew quickly, and hid in the shadow under the eaves of the warehouse like lightning.The whole process was silent and fast, without being noticed at all.

Drones hid in the shadows under the eaves, observing what was going on inside.

Among this group of gangsters, Yan Fei also found the burly man named Xie Laoer who had been following Zhang Baocheng all the time, and that Xie Laoer was playing and laughing with the little gangster next to him.

The drone is hiding under the eaves, and there are still five to sixty meters away from that room. Under normal circumstances, Yan Fei cannot see what is going on in that room.But Yan Fei was not worried at all. As soon as he thought about it, the drone began to move up and down, left and right, constantly adjusting the camera angle and focus, and then saw what was happening in the room through a small hole in the room.

In front of the super optical technology and sound collection ability of the drone's high-definition camera, the walls of the house seemed to not exist, and the situation inside was completely presented in front of Yan Fei.


Thank you book friend Huo Mei for your crazy reward!
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