Super God: Twilight Celestial Spirit, rubs nuclear bomb in hand at the beginning

Chapter 52

minutes ago. In a magnificent palace in the core area of the Dark Nebula

, Karl was sitting quietly on his throne, as if listening to the most subtle sounds in the universe.

The air in the palace was almost solid, and there was no sound of breathing.

Suddenly, a burst of urgent communication requests broke the tranquility in the palace.

Karl frowned slightly, he obviously didn’t like this sudden interruption.

Especially when he was so lost in thought.


When I saw the source of the communication request – it was Devil No. 1.

Karl’s brows couldn’t help but frown.

Devil One, that is Morgana’s flagship, thinking of the complicated interest relationship between Morgana and herself.

Taking a deep breath, Karl waved his hand as if he pressed the button to connect the communication.

The next second.

Morgana’s angry and anxious face immediately caught Karl’s eyes


At the same time, next to an edge planet in the Chiwu star system, the Demon Legion’s flagship”Devil No. 1″ was quietly suspended.

This majestic battleship is not only a symbol of the demon army, but also the powerful computing system behind Morgana, providing her with indispensable computing power in battle.


At this moment, the internal atmosphere of Devil No. 1 was extremely tense.

In the control room, Morgana’s figure shuttled quickly, her face was full of anger, and her clenched fists seemed to be pouring out all the anger.

The moment Karl’s figure appeared on the screen in the control room.

Morgana immediately pointed at him and cursed with great anger.

“Carl, you bastard!”

“What the hell did you get me into?”

“It made me so embarrassed!”

“Atuo’s body is now occupied by a humble mortal consciousness”

“The ignorant mortal who snatched control of Atuo’s body dared to speak rudely to me just now!”

“If it weren’t for the fact that Devil No. 1 can’t operate normally now,”

“I really want to rush directly to the dark galaxy and settle the score with you personally!”Morgana gritted her teeth and growled, with a cold light flashing in her eyes, as if she wanted to eat Karl alive on the screen.

However, what made Morgana even more angry was that in order to eliminate the evil forces controlled by the ‘Twilight Celestial Spirit’ The virus was implanted in the Demon One.

The Demon One had to devote 75% of its engine computing power to the task of cleaning up the virus.

As a result,

Morgana felt an unprecedented constraint. Looking at Morgana’s complaint, Karl frowned, his eyes flashing with deep light. He did not immediately respond to Morgana’s anger, and remained calm until

Morgana’s anger subsided slightly.

He spoke slowly:”Morgana, I need you to tell me in detail what happened.”


After hearing these words, Morgana’s anger that had just calmed down seemed to be rekindled.

“Whatever the fuck happened!”

“This planet is completely different from what you said at first that it was just a pre-nuclear civilization that was transitioning to the main biological civilization level!”

“I have never seen anyone whose energy emitted from his body can far exceed the upper limit calculated by Demon No. 1!”

“Xiao Bichi, who claims to be the ‘Twilight Star Spirit’, is not only able to forcibly retain the consciousness of a mortal while I am forcibly transforming the demon, but can also allow that mortal’s consciousness to seize the initiative of the body!”

“Just now, that ignorant mortal was still pointing at me and scolding me!”

“If Atuo’s consciousness wasn’t still in that body, I would have killed him long ago!”

“By the way, there is also the virus that Xiao Bichi forcibly implanted into Demon No. 1!”

“This kind of virus cannot be completely eradicated even if the engines on the Devil No. 1 are turned on.”

“So much so that I have to use 75% of the engine’s computing power to control this virus so that it will not completely paralyze the Demon One.”

“Even if I were to face the Holy Kesha, I wouldn’t be in such a mess”

“Karl, I’m afraid you’re not trying to trick me on purpose!”

Listening to Morgana’s angry words that were almost out of control,

Karl was slightly startled.

Apparently he did not expect that the mighty Demon Queen Morgana would encounter such a situation in a pre-nuclear civilization.

Although in his imagination, There may be some accidents during this period.

But it will definitely not be as embarrassing as what Morgana is describing now.

“Riding a horse, you couldn’t have just brought me to this place without knowing anything!”

Looking at Karl’s confused look.

Morgana, who had smoky makeup on her face, suddenly became even more angry.

She thought Karl would give her a satisfactory explanation.

However, the confused expression on Karl’s face seemed to indicate that he was Know nothing about this

“Damn it, don’t force me to go to Dark Nebula to settle the score with you now!

“Please calm down, Morgana.”

It seems that Morgana is about to curse herself again.

Karl took a deep breath and tried to calm down Morgana’s emotions:

Karl slowly said:”Although I know that the current situation makes you very dissatisfied.”

“But trust me, I didn’t mean to put you in this predicament”

“I admit that this planet is different from what I described before. This is indeed beyond my expectation.”

“But that doesn’t mean I’m not prepared, or that I’m deliberately trying to trick you.”

“I am so sorry for what happened to you here on Earth, I know this is a huge loss for you and I promise I will do everything in my power to make it up to you.”

Karl’s words made Morgana calm down a little.

But she still remained vigilant:

“What are you going to do?

Karl smiled slightly, as if he was confident:”Many years ago, I used dark information to create a third-generation peak beast body.”

“Although he was defeated by the angels, his dark energy was still retained”

“Lately, he’s been aroused and I’ve just been able to hand him over to you. He may be able to provide you with some help”

“A third-generation peak beast body?”

Hearing Karl’s words, Morgana’s eyes flashed with surprise.

“Why do you have something like this?”

“It’s just a whim, I believe he can be your right-hand man, at least to a certain extent, help you solve the current dilemma.”

Karl’s words ended.

Morgana was silent for a moment.

She seemed to be thinking about whether Karl’s proposal was feasible.

Knowing that this third-generation peak beast body might bring her some help, but this is not a complete solution to all problems.

However, Under the current circumstances, this may be the best help she can get.

“Okay, I’ll believe you for once. But you must ensure that the third-generation peak beast body is completely loyal to me. If there is any slight deviation, I will never let it go.”Morgana nodded, indicating that she temporarily accepted Karl’s proposal.

However, as she spoke, a sharp look flashed in Morgana’s eyes, seeming to warn Karl that she is not someone who is easy to compromise.

Karl nodded slightly, expressing understanding. Morgana’s request.

However, he knew very well that the anger in Morgana’s heart had not been completely extinguished.

As expected. Before he finished speaking, he seemed to be thinking of the little Bichi who claimed to be the ‘Twilight Star Spirit’ implanted in the devil. The virus on No. 1, and the mortal consciousness that seized Atuo’s body.

Morgana frowned, with a cold light shining in her eyes.

She spoke again, looking directly into Karl’s eyes, and said in a deep voice :

“By the way, I just heard you say that you want to make up for my loss!”

“I also want to ask you how to solve my current predicament.”

“First of all, it is the virus that Xiao Bichi implanted on the Demon No. 1. It has caused a lot of impact and must be eliminated as soon as possible.”

“Secondly, it is the mortal consciousness that has seized Atuo’s body. I must let Atuo regain his freedom.”

Just when Morgana was waiting for Karl’s response. Suddenly, the space behind Karl began to distort, and a dazzling light erupted from the void. At an undetectable speed, it instantly condensed into a door-shaped outline. A ray of light burst out from the void.

The figure suddenly broke into the scene without warning.

Morgana’s eyes seemed to be attracted, and they locked on that figure instantly.

It was a pair of heterochromatic eyes that were as bright as stars, shining with a deep and mysterious light.

And Complementing it was a head of hair sparkling with starlight, as if a river of stars was pouring down, breathtakingly beautiful.

When Morgana finally saw the true face of that figure in Lushan, her face was filled with shock and joy. It was unbelievable.

Her eyes widened, as if she had seen something incredible. Her lips were slightly opened, but she was speechless for a long time.

“Holy shit, Xiao Bichi?!”

Until the next second, Morgana finally exclaimed.

Her words were like a bomb, exploding in the control room instantly.

All the demons in Demon No. 1 stopped what they were doing. He looked up at the screen in the control room with a surprised look on his face, as if trying to see the figure on the screen clearly.

Only Karl heard these words and was a little confused.

However, just when he was about to ask Morgana, a A strange and childish voice suddenly sounded from behind him

“Oh, hello~”

This voice made all the demons feel an inexplicable palpitation, and

Karl quickly turned around


In an instant, the Dark Nebula was in the Death Song Academy that should have been submerged in silence.

A ray of light suddenly penetrated the dead silence.

Under the illumination of this ray of light, a door-shaped outline gradually took shape in front of Karl, and a young man walked out of it.

He just appeared in everyone’s sight out of thin air, suspended in the void, as if not bound by gravity.

The faint light surrounding him was in stark contrast to the surrounding darkness, like a bright star in the dark night.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes were focused on Mubai without exception.

His appearance was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, breaking the original atmosphere of Death Song Academy.

Karl is a spiritual body that escapes into the void – a phantom body.

At this moment, he stared at Mubai with a surprised expression.

Compared to Mubai’s pair of heterochromatic pupils, which were like stars, and his hair sparkling with starlight.

What made Karl extremely surprised was that he could feel the breath of an unusual life form emanating from Mubai’s body.

Karl couldn’t help but have complicated emotions in his heart.

“You…who are you?”Karl asked tentatively, his voice revealing an indescribable nervousness.

However, before Mubai could answer.

The next second

“Xiao Bichi!”

An angry voice sounded like thunder in the Death Song Academy.

Karl’s brows frowned slightly:

“Is he the Twilight Star?”

“Yes, he is the Twilight Star that caused my mother to end up in this situation!”Morgana stared at Mubai, as if she wanted to see through him. This guy who she hated so much and couldn’t forget appeared in front of her again in this situation.

At this moment, Morgana Na was still burning with anger.

Seeing Mubai appear on the dark nebula, her back teeth clenched. She wished she could teleport to the dark nebula immediately and catch Mubai personally.

However, when she heard Morgana’s At these words, Karl’s brows furrowed.

His eyes wandered back and forth between Morgana and Mubai.

Although he understood Morgana’s anger very well.

But now, he was obviously more concerned about Mubai’s identity. a stronger interest in

“Twilight protoss?……”Karl repeated the word in a low voice, as if savoring its meaning.

However, after Mubai noticed Morgana, he smiled and waved, with a hint of teasing in his voice:


“We meet again”

“The big claws and sword I borrowed from you last time were very fun.~”

“So I have to borrow it for a while longer~”

“Of course, the specific time it will be returned to you has not yet been determined.”

Hearing Mubai’s words, Morgana’s eyes widened, as if she couldn’t believe her ears.

This devil dared to take away her devil’s claws, and even let Atu stay in the same body as a mortal’s consciousness. The guy here actually mentioned that matter in a relaxed and cheerful tone at this time?

The words coming out of his mouth felt as if it was just an insignificant game.

Thinking of this , Morgana’s face became even more ugly, and the anger in her heart was like a volcano about to erupt.

At the moment when Mubai appeared, the atmosphere in the control room of Demon No. 1 suddenly became depressed.

Morgana Her face was so gloomy that it seemed like it could drip water.

She pointed her finger tightly at Mubai on the screen, her fingertips almost touching his face, as if she wanted to eat him alive through the screen.

“Tamad! My devil’s claw and Atuo’s command sword were obviously snatched away by you!”Morgana’s voice was full of anger.

However, facing Morgana’s anger, Mubai shrugged indifferently.


“Oh, please!”

“What you say is too unpleasant.”

“I obviously borrowed it based on my strength!”

Mubai’s tone was a bit playful.

He had just finished speaking.

Then,”Bang!”. The sudden sound echoed in the control room of Devil No. 1.

Morgana seemed to have reached the peak of her anger.

She slammed her hands on the huge screen, as if she wanted to remove the thing that made her angry. Mubai pulled out from the other side of the screen.

All the demon soldiers and officers were stunned by this scene.

They looked at each other and couldn’t believe their eyes.

Countless things have happened between angels and demons for tens of thousands of years. Despite the conflicts and wars, it was extremely rare for them to see Morgana lose control like this.

But then they thought about it.

The Devil’s Claw is one of the symbols of Morgana as the Demon Queen, and it is such an important thing now. Being called”borrowed” by Mubai in such an understatement,

Atuo, who had been following Morgana for thousands of years, was forced to stay in the same body as his flagship. The Devil No. 1 was still in a semi-paralyzed state.

How could Morgana keep herself calm under such circumstances.



At this moment, an officer spoke cautiously, trying to comfort the furious Morgana.

However, before he could say anything, he was stared back by Morgana’s angry gaze.

“Shut up! Morgana roared,”I don’t want to hear any noise now!””

At this moment, there was a brief silence in the control room of Demon No. 1.

Only Morgana’s eyes seemed to be able to spit out flames. She was so angry that she was trembling with anger at Mubai’s words.

She couldn’t believe what a shameless guy he was. So shamelessly referring to plunder as”borrowing””?


“What do you think you did?”

“You took away my demonic claws and trapped my commander Atuo with the consciousness of a mortal in the same body.”

“Now, you call all this ‘borrowing’ in an understatement. Your shamelessness is simply beyond my imagination!”

Morgana’s words echoed in the control room, as if with endless anger and humiliation.

She really couldn’t believe what kind of shameless guy could so lightly describe plunder as”borrowing”.

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