Super God: I can amplify everything

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 Microwave Defender

"This is?" Triangles and scum!! Yan exclaimed after seeing what Gu Qing released.

"Well, I bumped into it in the Jialan Galaxy, otherwise I might not be able to catch this thing, and then these few heavenly scum arrived, and Hua Ye wanted to cooperate with the triangular body to attack the Merlot Heavenly Court." So Qing said flatly, but his eyes were looking at Hexi.

"Hua Ye should want the triangle to take the lead, although he doesn't care about the death of the male angel, but the power of the triangle's microwave attack should be known from Karl, and his purpose should only be the Tiangong, he wants the triangle to be used as cannon fodder..." Hexi analyzed the cooperation between the triangle and the sky scum.

"Now that they have decided to cooperate, although they were arrested by Gu Qing this time, there will definitely be a next time, it is inevitable, so do you two have any ideas now?" Yan's inquiring eyes looked at Gu Qing and Hexi.

"You have to learn to think for yourself, instead of blindly asking the two of us, you must know that you are the leader of the angelic civilization!" Hexi said lightly to Hiko, and did not answer her question.

"Hexi, do you have the means to defend against microwave attacks now, or plan to use long-range attacks, even if your star life reaches 50 light years, but it still needs to be charged, I think Ruoning should know this, don't be robbed at that time." Gu Qing asked Hexi.

"Not for the time being, but now that there are experimental subjects, they can be developed soon, as for the question of star fate .... She, a fallen angel, also deserves to rob my star life? Hexi said disdainfully.

"Then you as soon as possible, the male angel is estimated to be useless, kill it, or train the newly promoted angel, waste utilization, by the way, can you detect Hua Ye's traces now?"

"Can't detect it, it should be Carl who shot."

"Prepare early, by the way, let those subordinate civilizations also make some efforts, if they refuse, then the angels will no longer shelter them, now that the universe is in chaos, where is there time to shelter others?" Gu Qing said to Yan indifferently.


"Let's do what Gu Qing said, after all, we have been targeted by the triangle, the mottled blue empire, the sky scum, and Karl is engaged in small actions, since they don't want to contribute, they naturally don't have to be sheltered by angels."


"You research the data and pass it on to me, I still have business, let's go!" After Gu Qing finished speaking, he disappeared directly in front of them, but the space cage was not taken away, but gave Hexi permission.

"Yan, you are the leader of the angel civilization, all you have to do is decide the direction and decision-making of the angel civilization, study what you don't have, build a battleship if you don't have enough firepower, you should command all this, not ask the two of us, you can come and ask us now, but I hope you can have your own set of thinking." Hexi whispered to Hiko.

"Okay, I see..."


After returning to his laboratory, seeing that Mercy Wind was in use, he walked to another laboratory, took out some dark silver and other resources, and then first manipulated the core of the battleship that had been manufactured into the star core just now in the system space.

Immediately it is reinforced with various metal resources, and its star core is fused with the liquid melted by various metals, and this star core is equivalent to the size of an earth, so the metal resources needed are astronomical, but fortunately, this thing is not lacking at all, and Qing himself can also use the power of mantra to create.

Although many extremely scarce resources are only owned by Hexi, but at this stage, Gu Qing is enough, after all, what can be placed in the angel resource library is what she can't use, such as void particles... It's all in her dark plane, or the laboratory, how can it be placed in the angel resource library.

Time passed little by little, a month later, Gu Qing had already fused the metal into the star core, and mixed with a large amount of snooker gold and dark silver, its hardness was at least a hundred times that of the previous star core, and the next thing was to transform its core position, and after giving this task to Kunlun.

So Qing looked at the data sent by Hexi, she had already manufactured the microwave control defensive, and now this ordinary triangle can generally deal with it, and there is also a liquid data secreted by the triangle.

It says that it may be the liquid of a huge unknown creature, or it may be the parent body of the triangle, because the data shows that the liquid and the triangular body have an arrangement of genes that are the same, which is not caused by the triangular body discharging liquid, and Hexi studied this and gave Gu Qing, and added a sentence later, very busy, get it yourself.

Helplessly smiled, picked up the data of the microwave defender and started to make, after all, the three generations of super soldiers are now barely able to resist microwave attacks and control, but they can't support it for long.

Convert the data into a design drawing, put it into the system space to increase:

microwave defender design drawing (low-level) × 1000———— microwave defender design drawing (intermediate)×1

Take out the second design drawing, send a copy to Yan, let her configure one for each angel, and start her own manufacturing, although he can't use it, but last time Liu Chuang's secret communication he knew that in fact, the earth could not deal with the triangle except Ge Xiaolun.

And Ge Xiaolun now does not have the hot teaching of the original timeline, and his understanding of his own genes is far less than the original timeline, let alone a small celestial computer.

After receiving the data of Guqing, Yan took the data sent by Hexi to compare, and found that Guqing's was actually more advanced, and even some places were more sophisticated and cumbersome.

"Didn't he study it? How to make another copy.... Forget it, let's make him this.

"Ah Chao, Moy, come to the royal palace!"

"Yes! Queen! Soon

after, Chase and Moi came to the royal palace, and after saluting Hiko, they waited for Daihiko's order.

"From now on, you will be my left and right wings, and angels will chase left wings! Moi for the right wing!

"Yes! Queen Hiko! "×2

" You guys go and upgrade everyone's second-generation angels to third-generation angels, and use this data to make microwave defenders! Give it to every angel! If the three generations of angels are dissatisfied, tell them to come to the palace and talk to me!

"Yes! Queen Hiko!! After

receiving the data transmitted by Hiko, Ah Chao and Moi exited the palace and began to gather all the second-generation angels on the Angel Public Channel, go to the upgrade warehouse to upgrade, and transmit the data to the manufacturing department to make it as soon as possible.


Chiwu star system, after

a month of war on the earth, gluttony temporarily stopped attacking, finally let Liu Chuang and others breathe a sigh of relief, this time the West fell in a comprehensive way, even the president was hanged.

Now almost only the big country of Huaxia is still standing up with difficulty, if it were not for the 300 super genes supported by Gu Qing, as well as a series of equipment made by Ge Xiaolun, and the energy of Mao Shen, it is estimated that it would have also fallen.

Liu Chuang: "Alas, when is it a head, damn gluttony here, and those giant wolves!!"

Zhao Xin: "I don't know, although we can still fight for the time being, but the people go on like this

..." Liu Chuang: "Yes, now the crops can't be planted, and I have been sitting on empty mountains..."

Zhao Xin: "And what kind of triangle, the information that the chief gave us.... It's hard to deal with...

"Liu Chuang: "What can I do then, this is our family!" Death must also die on the way to protect the earth!!

Zhao Xin: "Yes!! After

that, he took the teammates of the hidden dragon and the second team of the previous male soldier company to continue to clean up the remaining gluttony in the city.


After Merlot Heavenly Court

Guqing made a hundred microwave defenders, all of them were thrown into the system space to increase the amplitude: microwave

defenders 100 (intermediate) × 1000 ———— microwave defenders (advanced) × 100

This batch of old greens is prepared for the earth, so they did not choose the second, but chose the first, which translates to 100,000, and they are all in the shape of cyan jade pendants, also engraved with the word Huaxia!

Dial Liu Chuang's secret communication:

"Liu Chuang, I got a batch of microwave defenders, and when they will appear next to you, there are about 100,000, which can defend against the microwave attack and control of the triangle, you receive it!"

"Eh, good god! Thank you God!!

So Qing hung up after speaking, and Liu Chuang laughed, when he saw the information of the triangle, the whole person was silent, after all, the microwave attack is too unsolvable, not known electromagnetic, signal, sound wave, biological fluctuations! Even he couldn't resist for long, it was called a worry.

Therefore, Qing was Kunlun who burned two stars with the power of time and space to send 100,000 microwave defenders to Liu Chuang, although 100,000 is not much, for Huaxia, it is like a stone sinking into the sea, and it can't make a wave.

But Huaxia's existing combat strength is Liu Chuang, Ge Xiaolun, Qianlong and others, plus some troops, as long as Liu Chuang and others play the forward, then the people behind are naturally fine, so 100,000 is more than enough.

"It really appeared! So the Great God is really a good person!!

Liu Chuang immediately called Zhao Xin and others to move these microwave defenders away, because they can only be put into the dark plane after analysis, and where this thing is so easy to analyze, it can only be moved away with bare hands.

Zhao Xin and the others were also excited when they knew it, and the heart hanging in their hearts also fell, and they excitedly carried these things into the car.

Liu Chuang took out the special contact number, which was the direct number one:

"Chief! Just now, the Great God sent 100,000 microwave defenders! We can now fight the triangle!! At least there will be no resistance!

"Good, good, good! My hanging heart finally landed, thinking of the information of the triangle, I was afraid that the masses of the people would be slaughtered!

"Don't worry, Chief! Now we can fight against the Triangle and will definitely be able to protect the earth! "


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