Super Floating City

Chapter 24: Trick Three

  The arcane empire has become history.

But the Supreme Arcane Council still remained, and the history of the Arcane Empire once fighting the gods was recorded in dusty history, but in the end they were defeated.


How to tattoo yourself?

is very simple.

At this time, you must use a omnipotent level 0 trick, that is, [The Master’s Hand].

It can remotely control objects weighing less than 5 pounds, the distance can be controlled within ten meters according to mental strength, and the specific control is determined by the individual’s will mental perception. This level 0 trick was originally used on the magic tattoo, red robe wizards like to leave a permanent tattoo on their body, and bless a certain aspect of the constant spell effect. However, with the upgrade of the rune engraving technology, the initial magic tattoos were gradually eliminated, and the more precise and tiny rune crafts gradually developed. Within a rune, there were dozens of times the magic mark of the magic pattern. Mark’s requirements have also been greatly improved.

Morph is the mark of a single arcane spell, and the rune is the mark of a composite arcane spell.

In order to meet the requirements of higher precision scoring, a legendary alchemist who worked part-time as a great arcanist invented a new spell [Alchemy Hand].


In front of Stephen Week, a row of silver needles of different sizes were placed in front of him. The alchemy circle next to it was a molten silver-white liquid, which looked like mercury but gleamed slightly. In the absence of materials, he can only use refined metal as a substitute. All matter in the multiverse is born from the void, and the alchemist is studying the mystery of transformation and change. With a tremor of mind, a silver needle flew out of thin air. The upgraded version of the Alchemist Hand can control two objects at the same time, but this requires me to have the ability to distract. Stephen Zhou controlled the silver needle to start engraving runes on his arms. A rune that is only the size of a fingernail has at least more than three hundred staggered marks of Arcane Law. There must be no mistake in it, or good luck It’s just ordinary tattoos. When you’re unlucky, you bang.

In order to avoid this problem, most of the runes engraved on the body are not offensive.

Steven Zhou’s engraved ‘Deflected Shield’ is a second-level spell that takes about six runes to complete, but in order to bless the super-magic abilities of the ‘magic spell’, the number of runes will increase to eight.

Spell Effect is a super magic ability.

For example, Stephen Zhou’s favorite Arcane Missile, the energy field strength of an Arcane Missile is 1-5 points, and will fluctuate according to the situation of temporary casting, and the effect of’Magic Effect’ is to stabilize it at the maximum value. This super-magic ability can be applied to all spells and is a required course for alchemists. Deflective shielding can open a temporary energy protection force field, deflect physical attacks from the front to the sides of the body, and the energy intensity that can withstand is around 15-45 points. The ultimate effect of Stephen Chou’s blessing spell is to stabilize the deflecting shield at 45 points.

Eight runes are intertwined and wrapped around the arm. The lines of the runes are inlaid with the lines of the runes, just like a long silver snake, which eventually disappears and only emerges when activated.

The high concentration of mental burden on the body is not small.


After completing the entire method, Stephen Zhou couldn’t help but spit out a long breath, and the rune seals were relatively easy to handle. If it were those golden alchemy scores on his body, it would be much more troublesome. Deflective shielding is a mega-energy energy protection force field. Whether it is a sword cut from the front or an arrow shot by a sneak attack, it can deflect it away from the body. Although it is only a low-level spell, but the effect in the actual combat is very good, as long as there is this spell, Stephen Zhou basically does not have to worry about bows and arrows and crossbows. The strength of an ordinary adult man holding a sword with a full force is approximately equivalent to an energy field. This spell can make Stephen Zhou stand in place and let an ordinary adult man hold a sword with a full force and even cut 45 times. During this period, his brow will not wrinkle. a bit.

If converted into a firearm attack, it can withstand about 5 times.

This time is enough for Steven to cast spells and escape, even if the assassin is close, don’t be afraid.

He is very fond of force field protection spells.

As an alchemist who has traveled many worlds, Stephen Zhou has always believed that energy field protection is the highest priority protection.


the next day.

Countess Elijah got up early in the morning and looked at the strange environment in front of her eyes, she could not help but sighed.

She has stayed in this empty underground base for three consecutive days, completely blocking information from the outside world, and the range of activities is limited to 500 square meters. Although Stephen Week was kind to her and was much friendlier than other wizards in her memory, she does not even have a decent dress on her body, which makes the Countess Ilia miss her luxury mansion in the Howling City, UU. Reading book www. The beautiful and exquisite manor in the suburbs of, and even the dark and damp castle that is rare to live several times throughout the year make her miss it a little. If she was not accompanied by her daughter, she might be in a much worse mental state than she is now.

As soon as she thought of what she had lost, Countess Elijah felt terribly resentful of Count Keaton.

She got up and sorted out the patched dress, and then carefully covered her daughter’s back corner. Recently, Fran became very sleepy, but Master Steve Wizard said that this was normal, and her body was experiencing some kind of Metamorphosis.

“You must get back everything you lost!”

Countess Eliya gritted her teeth and secretly made up her mind that the noble’s internal family feelings are very weak. If you don’t rely on it, it will not be good if you go to the south. At the time, she was married to Northland on the one hand, because of the interests, and on the other hand, because her mother’s background was low. You should know that in order to stay in the more prosperous southern region, some of her cousins ​​have maintained a close relationship with the family’s direct male before marrying.

Complete facilities in the underground base.

Stephen Week was also early this morning, but as soon as he saw the more depressed mental state of the Countess Eliya, he couldn’t help but murmured, “Forget her she is just an ordinary person.”

Mild ecstasy.

Realistic encounters, continuous mental shocks, suppression of nervous emotions, and the claustrophobic environment of living underground, with the will of the ordinary people of the Countess Elijah, it is easy to appear in a state of ecstasy. This situation continues, she may have a mental breakdown, Stephen Zhou does not want to use a chess piece with a mental illness.

“It seems that we have to start acting.”


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