Super Floating City

Chapter 15: Plan one

  The mining speed of Mithril is very slow.

Not to mention the aborigines of the indigenous world, even if the Arcane Empire wants to mine a Mithril vein, it will consume a lot of manpower and material resources. Earl Keaton won’t be able to dig out much in the short term even if he seized the ore veins. The process of refining the Mithril would take at least seven, and Stephen Week still has time to plan all this.

No arcanist can refuse Mithril, even Stephen Week!

As an allotropic element of silver, the surface difference between Mithril and Silver can be simply understood as oxygen and ozone. According to the research surface since the Thorium Age, Mithril is a product of the elemental variation in the earth’s crust, and will only erupt after the [element tide 】The world is born. This metal is extremely rare but widely distributed. Basically, all the worlds that have experienced elemental tides have very low content. It can only be discovered by luck and is difficult to detect by prospecting. The most well-known description of this metal is ‘tough as a dragon scale, light as a feather’, but in fact, although Mithril is extremely strong, it can still weigh close to half of iron. The true value of Mithril is its amazing extensibility and demonstrativeness. It will never fade after being refined, and its material properties are extremely stable. The magical construction made of Mithril can be used for thousands of years without worrying about natural wear and tear.

Forging armor with Mithril is actually the lowest level of use. The multiverse is more solid than Mithril!

The construction of a floating city requires the use of a large amount of Mithril. In the floating ring, anti-gravity device, element drive device, etc., Mithril is an indispensable rare material. The Arctic Council’s publicly stated price is that ten pounds of Mithril can be exchanged from them for a ton of gold, but the real value is a lot higher than this!

The Neser period is called the Thorium Age, and this silver refers to the irreplaceable importance of Mithril.

“There is a sink in the room next to it. Let’s clean it first.”

Countess Eliya is now muddy, looks very embarrassed, and the little girl in her arms is covered in mud and looks like a dirty little monkey. Stephen Zhou took out a set of his own clothes. The woman in front of him should not be a Norman. His height is about one meter, seven or five, and the other’s face is softer and looks more like a southerner. The mother and daughter are all mud, and the hair of the two people is sticky together, and there is a lot of blood on their bodies. It looks like there is no aristocratic breath like a refugee.

“If you can wear it, you will wear it. If you can’t, there is a needle thread. You will sew up the clothes later.”

Stephen Zhou took out a small piece of iron, twisted it, and rolled out a needle, and then took out a small ball of cotton thread and passed it: “There is a yellow button next to the pool. It will be heated when pressed. There are towels on the wooden frame. . Pay attention to the wound on her leg, and I will help you deal with it later.”

The underground base has been simply transformed.

Although there is no elemental furnace that provides stable energy, Stephen Zhou, who relies on the earth node, has arranged some simple alchemy arrays.

Countess Eliya took her daughter carefully and walked into the next room carefully. The room looked very, very empty. There was only a large pool in the room of more than 100 square meters. There were several white towels on the wooden shelf. The floor was covered with white marble, and it was slightly slippery to walk on. There were a few buttons on the wall beside the pool. She carefully pressed the yellow button and immediately felt the water in the pool heating up. The lighting tool is a strange round glass with a soft white light inside. Everything here makes her feel incredible, but in her memory it seems that she has never heard the wizard like to live underground.

Steven Zhou walked into his studio.

He took out the herbs he had collected when he met the giant. After thinking about it, he scratched his fingertips and dropped two drops of blood into it.

His body is the ultimate creation of alchemy, basically the same level as Tang Seng meat.

About half an hour later, the Countess Elijah walked out with her cleaned daughter, and after cleaning it, she looked at it, which was very pleasing to the eye, especially the chest, and the little girl in her arms looked at it. Not like a mud monkey but a cute little loli. But it’s a pity that Steve Zhou just glanced over and passed the two cups, said lightly: “Drink it.”

There is a famous saying in the Steven family-“Women? Can it be more interesting than mining?”

The countess of Eliya was a little hesitant, but she quickly took a sip of it.

With the ability of the wizard, she couldn’t resist anything she wanted. The shock she experienced this day was too much, and now it is a bit fatal. Immediately after drinking the potion, she felt a warm current appearing in her body, and the wound was almost itchy, making her unable to hold it.

“You are in a poor state of mind now.”

Stephen Zhou quietly pinched a spell and took out some bread and roasted meat and handed it over: “The third room on the left is the bedroom with spare bedding. After you eat something, take a good sleep and wait for you to wake up I have something to ask you.”

The voice of Master Wizard is beyond doubt.

The Countess Elijah froze for a moment, then silently took the food and took her daughter into the room. Every room here was very large, and a bed was placed in the empty room alone. The wizard was full of weirdness all over his body, and his hands were able to transform all kinds of things out of thin air.

Overnight time passed quickly. UU reading www.

When the Countess Eliya woke up the next day, she almost thought everything yesterday was a nightmare, but everything in front of her told her it was not a dream.

Her husband is dead.

She became a widow, took her daughter to escape the killing of Earl Keaton, and now takes shelter of a weird wizard.


When Countess Eliya got up, she looked at her arms and thighs in surprise. Then she lifted the quilt and carefully looked at the wound of her sleeping daughter. A short spear scratched her leg, leaving a centimeter deep The wound, but now it has completely disappeared without leaving any scars.

“Incredible Wizard Master!” Countess Eliya murmured in contemplation.

Although she was married to Earl Norrington for political reasons, her husband died in the hands of Earl Keaton anyway. Most marriages between nobles had no basis for love, but their interests held them firmly. Bundled together. As a woman who grew up in a noble family, the first thought of the Countess Elijah after being temporarily safe was whether she could use the power of the wizard to revenge and recapture everything that belongs to her. There is no doubt that after the Norrington family is designated as a rebel, the territory and property will be quickly divided. The Virgin’s forest may temporarily shelter their mothers and daughters, but they will certainly not fight against the ruling city of Howling for them. Earl of Keaton.

But the wizard here is different, he has already expressed strong interest in the mineral yesterday!

“This may be an opportunity.”

Countess Elijah looked down at her daughter lovingly, her delicate and lovely little face still carrying a trace of fright, as if dreaming of something terrible.


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