Super Floating City

Chapter 11: Steal mine II

 Rinfeng City’s mining area is located in the southwest, and there are more than ten mines.

The first two iron ore mines have been exhausted, and the investment of the Norman nobles has gradually decreased, and the focus of mining has shifted to the newly discovered ore veins. Limited by the civilization level of this world, most of the mineral mining is open-pit mines and shallow mines, and only dwarf talents have enough time and technology to dig deep underground. The target chosen by Stephen Zhou was a depleted iron mine with a surface layer close to the silver mine and few guards. The neighborhood is also relatively desolate and there is no need to worry about being traced. Since it is coming to steal mines, then the lower-key the better.

This iron ore was first discovered as an open-pit mine, but was gradually abandoned by the Normans as the minerals became lower and lower.

When the human input and mineral output are not directly proportional, the Normans can’t even throw their slaves here. Stephen turned around in four weeks, hardly seeing any human activity. He picked a nearby location to dig a pit, but only dug a dozen meters down and gave up.

Because the underground is full of bones!

Normans like to use slaves to mine, and slaves suffered a lot of casualties during the mining process, which was a very dangerous job.

Steven Zhou just dug down and dug hundreds of corpses, and did not know how many people died in the mining process. There is a very heavy breath of death in the underground, and it’s okay not to dig it out. If he opens an underground base underneath, he may directly cause undead if he encounters special energy changes in the outside world.

He thought about it, or excavating near a valley one mile away, and when he opened a channel to enter the vein.

Steven Zhou was chosen as a relatively hidden place. There is a large forest in the south and the mountains in the north are blocked by the mountains. Basically no one will come.

With enough materials in hand, it is of course impossible for Stephen Week to dig a pit as easily as the first time. He used a stepped entrance, paved with half-bricks prepared earlier, instead of directly digging a vertical channel .

He first laid a simple secret seal at the entrance of the cave, and opened the organ to wait for tomorrow. The depth of the underground base is 30 meters. Because of the proximity to the mining area, in order to prevent the collapse of Stephen, he strengthened the wall with the ability. The initial excavated area is about 500 square meters, divided into a studio, a bedroom, and a kitchen. , Two warehouses. The ground is paved with marble floors, the furniture is oak, and the lighting is alchemy torches. Because his ability has recovered a lot, it took him less than two days to complete all this. One of the ultimate creations of the alchemist is [Floating City], and it would be ordinary for Stephen to talk about an underground base with his bare hands.

When building the first underground base, Stephen hoarded a lot of marble resources.

There are still surpluses when the prototype of the second underground base is completed. The excavated soil is piled in the planting area, and the mined ordinary stone is stored in a different space.

After all this, Stephen Zhou finally left the underground, and he was ready to go to Rinwind City to purchase materials.

Food, water, furniture, decorations, etc.

The underground base is now very empty, and Steven Zhou decided to simply arrange it to improve his living environment.

Rinfeng City is still the same.

But it’s a little different from when Stephen Week arrived. There seems to be a little more tense breath in the city, the body armor guard has also obviously changed, and the investigation of outsiders has become much stricter. The merchants in the past seemed to be uneasy, and there was a rumor in the tavern that a noble family in Howling City was involved in the Longcheng rebellion.

“Something seems to happen?”

Steven Zhou thought about it, as if it had nothing to do with himself. He didn’t need to pay attention to the affairs of the indigenous civilization. The most important thing at present is to collect resources and then build a basic floating city. If things go well, he wants to plant the golden seed on the floating city, because he is not sure that he cannot take it away after planting it elsewhere. Indistinctly, Stephen Zhou felt that this golden seed had a more powerful force than God’s Sin, and if this power is studied, it is very likely that he will advance to an unprecedented height. Some businessmen in Howling City are leaving, they are very afraid of getting involved in the war. Stephen Week needs more complicated things, food, seasonings, bedding, pillows, vases, cabinets, etc. Anyway, he can do everything Maybe buy a little back.

The purchase took one afternoon.

After returning to the underground base, he immediately set up his room, planted a few potted flowers, laid out quilt pillows, made food, and placed furniture.

After nearly half a month.

Steven Zhou finally slept on the soft bed, can lean on the white goose feather pillow to meditate, and feel the breath of civilized life. He was really fed up with the dirty and shabby quilts in the hotel, the bed with a musty smell of straw, and the annoying flea lice.

No words for a night.

The next day, Stephen got up early in the morning. He had an unexpected dream last night, dreaming about what happened before he was arrested.

At that time, he secretly studied the evil and was discovered by the Supreme Arcane Council. Before he responded, the irritated Supreme Arcane Council sent six Arcanists to arrest him and brought the highest level of [Magic Field] . At that time, Stephen Zhou was eager to run or was able to run away, as long as he detonated the [eternal blazing sun] in the floating city, the powerful energy radiation would automatically break the [forbidden field]. But if you do that, Stephen Week can run away, but the thousands of followers who follow him are all dead, and none of the hundreds of thousands of civilians living in the floating city can survive.

Steven Zhou although acted more freely, but after all, he still has his own bottom line, so he finally chose to take it.

Fortunately, there was no way out of the sky, he unexpectedly escaped in the chaos of time and space.

Although this world is relatively primitive, without the interference of the Supreme Arcane Council, Stephen Zhou believes that he can rise again soon.

He dug a tunnel leading to the ore veins along the underground base. Because someone has already mined here, Stephen’s excavation is slower, and every time he digs, he will be reinforced with the ability to change the shape of the material, mainly to prevent collapse . After spending a whole morning, he quickly dug through the mine, but the mineral resources on the surface were almost fully mined. The Norman nobles dug down a little and found the new minerals and abandoned it. Shallow The mine roads are already potholes and have no value. Stephen Zhou needed to continue to dig deep underground. After spending some time to analyze the distribution of the veins, Stephen Zhou chose a location to continue to explore. This time it was a vertical mine, directly opening a four square meter mine hole, and laying a ladder along the way. , Digging about 100 meters along the way.

Sure enough.

There are more abundant iron ore resources hidden in the ground. The quality of these iron ores is higher than that of the temporary base No. 1.

Even when Stephen Zhou started to work, as each piece of iron ore was mined, a trace of elemental power also merged into his body. These minerals dusted deep in the ground are the products of elemental changes. Steven Zhou can absorb a trace of elemental power from them. This trace of power may be very small, but it cannot hold too much. Every unit of iron ore dug out by Stephen every week is equivalent to the result of a 1-hour meditation of a low-level wizard. If other rare minerals can be dug, then one is equivalent to a full-day meditation of other wizards. It is a pity that only the minerals buried underground have an effect, and once the elements of the minerals are mined, the power of the elements quickly dissipates.

In addition, Steven Zhou can also absorb the power of separation when a trace of element changes during the alchemy process.

As a special alchemist, Steven Zhou can store tens of times and hundreds of times more energy than other wizards, so the amount of energy required for promotion is also greater. UU Reading So he must rely on [Elemental Fission] to improve his strength in the later period, because he found that the more violent the element change reaction, the stronger the separation power he can absorb.

“This place is very suitable for hoarding iron ore.”

is only three days, Stephen’s alchemy level is almost close to level 3, the energy he obtained from mining minerals is at least equivalent to the results of other wizards’ meditation for one or two years.

At present, the primary goal of Stephen Week is the floating city, and the steel required to build a floating city is very amazing. Even if it is a basic floating city, the converted value of all materials is about 300 billion gold coins. The core construction of the floating city requires mysterious material from the astral world, and his current value is only six gold coins, twenty Seven silver coins and thirteen copper coins. (Remarks: The strategic value of the floating city is equivalent to a super-large interstellar fortress that can accommodate more than 100,000 people. It has a complete ecosystem and can drift in the universe for thousands of years.)

“The current first element is to make iron puppets.”

Stephen Chou kept thinking of the gains of the past few days while thinking: “First of all, iron puppets can protect themselves and make up for the shortcomings of their melee ability. Then iron puppets can take over many jobs and greatly improve their efficiency in mining resources. However, The soul spar still has to figure out a way.”

“Preliminarily estimated that 1,000 units of iron will be hoarded, which will facilitate the construction of rails, minecarts and steel furnaces in the future.”

He was ready to go out to replenish supplies, and then dig an iron ore for another week, and then opened a passage to see if he could dig up gold. On the side of the silver mine, even underground mines have supervisors and guards, which are definitely more dangerous than this side. Stephen Week is currently a level 3 alchemist, and he must be very careful when he runs over to steal mines.

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