Super Financial System

Chapter 54 Entering the Online Shopping World

While Li Wei was lamenting the madness of those fans, his mother and Feng Xiaoyi secretly laughed at Li Wei in the back row of the car.

"I said son, you are an idol and you don't want fugitives. Why do you want to hide when you see others? You should be more generous and say hello to them." Mother Ye Suya said first.

However, when he heard what his mother said, Li Wei almost spit out a mouthful of blood. With the posture just now, not only did he not run, but he also greeted him generously?It is estimated that I will be pulled down by those crazy fans until I only have a pair of underwear left. I just want to do something convenient for the public, and I don’t want to become an idol, but now Li Wei feels the distress of idols.

So Li Wei smiled wryly and said to Ye Suya: "Mom, don't make fun of me for making trouble for me. It was official just now. If I didn't rush out earlier, I would have explained it inside."

At this time, Feng Xiaoyi also interrupted with a smile: "Wei, I never thought you would be in such a mess."

Looking at Feng Xiaoyi, who covered his mouth and chuckled, and his mother who was teasing him, Li Wei felt very happy from the bottom of his heart. He enjoyed the feeling of getting along with people close to him. Perhaps his father Li Cheng went bankrupt before his rebirth. The impact of his later life made him cherish the life he has now.

At this time Feng Xiaoyi suddenly said: "However, if we shop online today, then Li Wei will not encounter such a situation haha."

"That's right, and it's more convenient to shop online, so you don't have to drive to the mall." Ye Suya also agreed beside her.

At this time, Li Wei was driving the car while listening to the conversation between his mother and Feng Xiaoyi. When he heard the word "online shopping", a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, yes, "online shopping" is so popular now, why did he Do not build a platform like this yet.

Just do what you say, Li Wei has never been a procrastination person. After bringing his mother Ye Suya and Feng Xiaoyi home, Li Wei immediately returned to the company and began to prepare for the launch of a brand new online shopping platform .

At present, "online shopping" is not very popular in China. Li Wei took a look. Apart from some scattered "micro-businesses" that can help realize online shopping, the largest "online shopping" platform is a It's a platform called "Jingdong".

But although it is said that "Jingdong" is the only one now, Li Wei is confident that he can make a better "online shopping" platform. By then, it will only be a matter of minutes to crush "Jingdong", and It is not easy to build a platform at present, and it can even be said that no technology is required.

Li Wei has memories of three years before his rebirth. He knows what kind of "online shopping" model was the most popular at that time, and what he needs to do is to give it enough support after the new platform is ready. Exposure is fine.

Not long after Li Wei contacted Ling Yu, a new "online shopping" platform was established, and Li Wei decided to call this new platform "Taoba."

However, for the establishment of "Amoy Bar", Li Wei is not in a hurry to launch it immediately. First, "Amoy Bar" has not yet done enough publicity. If it is launched directly, it will reduce its exposure. Second, although Li Wei I don't like the sales model of "Jingdong", but after all, "Jingdong" is now the only one, and people now recognize Jingdong as a platform. Li Wei still needs to spend some time to bring down "Jingdong".

Therefore, Li Wei first contacted the boss of the Everbright store and explained his idea of ​​launching a new online shopping platform. He hoped that Everbright could settle in "Taoba". The advantages.

As soon as Qiu Shengxiong, the boss of Everbright, heard that Li Wei wanted to launch a new "online shopping" platform, and invited himself to join, he immediately agreed, because the boss of Everbright is also a smart person, and he understands that "online shopping" will definitely become an industry. The mainstream of shopping in the future, and he has already thought about this problem, but there is no "online shopping" platform in China that he likes. Even "Jingdong" is not qualified for him to settle in in his eyes. However, the boss of Everbright believed that based on Li Wei's reputation alone, his decision to cooperate with him would not be wrong.

After getting Qiu Shengxiong's promise, Li Wei also launched the new "online shopping" platform "Taoba" without hesitation. In order to increase the number of registrations, Li Wei followed the routine of promoting kk software before, once again There was a "red envelope rain" on Weibo, and at the same time, "Taoba" was associated with kk software, so that kk software could also make real-time payments on "Taoba".

Li Wei's celebrity effect and the brand effect of Everbright stores soon attracted a large number of dealers to settle in "Taoba". The opponents were caught off guard and didn't even have a chance to react. They could only watch their traffic continue to lose, while the number of visitors to "Amoy Bar" was growing at a terrifying rate every day.

In the office, Li Wei said to Ling Yu while sipping tea leisurely: "Help me contact Jingdong, I want to buy them."

"Boss, after all, they are also the largest online shopping platform in foreign countries. Will they agree to the acquisition?" Ling Yu asked with wide eyes when he heard Li Wei's decision.

"Hehe, they will agree. After all, we are now the largest online shopping platform in China."

"Okay, then I'll do it right away." Seeing Li Wei's confident appearance, Ling Yu nodded and immediately went to do the things he explained.

Jingdong, in a luxurious office, a middle-aged man is frowning and looking at the computer, thinking hard. He is the boss of Jingdong, Liu Dongqiang.

Just when Liu Dongqiang didn't understand why a "Taoba" suddenly appeared to compete with him for no reason, suddenly his secretary knocked on the door and came in and said to him: "Boss, there is a call from Taoba, saying... ... Said that he wanted to buy our Jingdong."

When Liu Dongqiang heard that "Taoba" actually wanted to buy him, he was furious. Although he said that "Jingdong"'s trading volume was declining due to the rise of "Taoba", he didn't believe that there was no chance of a comeback!

"Let them go! I won't sell it!" Liu Dongqiang waved his hand and said to the secretary.

"But...they said." The secretary said falteringly: "They said that their boss is called Li Wei."

"What?" Liu Dongqiang froze after hearing what the secretary said.

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