Super Financial System

Chapter 43 Do not forget the original intention

"Mr. Li Wei, Mr. Li Wei?" Just when Li Wei was in a daze, the western media who asked him the question just now obviously felt that something was wrong with Li Wei, so he couldn't help reminding him aloud.

The call of the western reporters and the sound of pressing the shutter around him quickly brought Li Wei back from his thinking to reality. Li Wei knew that now is not the time to think about this issue, he must find a quiet place , think carefully about this issue.

After the rebirth, Li Wei walked too fast, and each achievement shrouded him like a halo, like a perfect person like a god, which made him gradually lose himself.

However, the top priority is to finish this press conference first, so facing the questions from the Western media, Li Wei replied with a smile: "Sorry, because this question is too formal, I must answer it carefully. Thinking, I am thinking, I can get to this point, not only my own personal efforts, but also relying on the help of many people around me, especially my father, my mother. The first venture fund I provided, maybe I would not have come to this point today. If my mother did not support me and understand me, then I might have retreated when I encountered a little difficulty at the beginning. Of course, there is My friends, my lover, they have all given me a lot of help, and in the end, all the people who support me, they are the solid shield for me to get to where I am today!"

It was a standard thank you speech, but people like to hear this kind of speech. As soon as Li Wei finished speaking, the audience burst into applause, and everyone expressed their sincere admiration for Li Wei.

At the same time, because of this press conference, in addition to the Western media, some Chinese media also came to the press conference, and it was broadcast live simultaneously, so what Li Wei said just now was captured by all major platforms. The news site of the website gave headlines.

Li Wei's words greatly increased his popularity in China. Almost everyone had a good impression of this young and humble young man. Girls were eager to find a boy like Li Wei to be their boyfriend. And those boys who are still struggling regard Li Wei as their role model.

What's even more frightening is that the number of Li Wei's Weibo fans has exceeded [-] million because of this. Now Li Wei has really become a household name in China.

Going back to Li Wei, after the press conference, Jonathan originally wanted to invite Li Wei to a celebration banquet, and then discuss the next plan of Blueberry Company, but was rejected by Li Wei. Now Li Wei desperately wanted to find a quiet place to sort out his heart. He felt that he couldn't go on like this anymore.

When Jonathan heard that Li Wei would reject his invitation, he suddenly felt a little unbelievable, but he still felt that Li Wei might have refused him like this because he was too tired today, so he wanted to take a good rest, so he said to Li Wei : "Li Wei, it's okay, if you are too tired today, let's not talk about anything, I will arrange a hotel for you, where you can see the night view of the whole city, you can rest first."

However, Li Wei still shook his head and said to Jonathan: "You are right, I am indeed tired, but this is not something that can be healed after a day or two of rest, Jonathan, the next thing about the Blueberry Company will be left to you Take responsibility, I probably won’t come here again in a short time.”

Jonathan was stunned again after hearing what Levi said to him, because what Levi said meant that he would be fully responsible for the affairs of the Blueberry Company again.

"Li Wei, what's wrong with you?" Jonathan asked worriedly. After all, in his eyes, Li Wei was the only person who could create world-changing technology with him. Arrived in shock.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little tired, work hard, I hope next time I come over, I can hear that you have made Blueberry the world's number one mobile phone giant." Li Wei said to Jonathan with a smile.

That night, Li Wei returned to his home by plane overnight. After seeing the lights in his home that made him feel at ease, Li Wei's heart suddenly calmed down.

Walking into the house, Li Wei found that his father and mother were at home at the same time, and it happened to be dinner time.

Everything was just right. Li Wei's parents knew of Li Wei's deeds through the news. To be honest, Li Cheng did not expect that his son would have such a great achievement, but he was more pleased.

And Li Wei's mother looked at her husband and her son with a smile in the corner of her eyes. Ye Suya didn't have any big plans. As a teacher of the people, she only hoped that her family would be safe and sound.

In this way, Li Wei had a rare and happy meal with his parents, and then returned to his room, lying on the bed with big characters.

Today's Li Wei has begun to realize that due to the existence of the financial management system, it is too easy for him to succeed, and he has unconsciously fallen into the sense of joy after success. , bought the game copyright of "Luyalu" and became popular, invested in the film and television industry and achieved great success easily, and then founded the "Seven Points" novel website, which successfully pulled down the "Chinese Novels" website Shentan, co-founded a computer company with Liu Zhiming halfway, which is also a great success as expected, and the Blueberry company that was acquired not long ago, because of the launch of the "Liwei" mobile phone series, is also a great success.

Along the way, Li Wei can be said to have achieved the success that ordinary people need to struggle for decades to achieve without any effort, but now he finds that this is not what he wants. The purpose is to prevent the tragedy before his rebirth from repeating itself. All he wants to do is to help his father get through the difficulties after a year.

After thinking about this, Li Wei suddenly became relaxed. He has decided that starting tomorrow, he will gradually relax himself. There is no need to make himself so tired for money and reputation. The company cares about himself and Being around the people you care about is the most important thing.

That night, Li Wei had a dream. He dreamed that he was playing chess with his father in the living room, while his mother was busy in the kitchen with Feng Xiaoyi.

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