Super Coach

Chapter 42 - Windfall (on)

In Yang Cheng’s set of tactics, there is a central axis, that is, the forward, the midfielder, the retreating organization midfielder, the center back and the goalkeeper. These five players just make up this central axis.

But on the left and right sides, there is a secondary line, left center defender, left center defender, left winger; right center defender, right center defender and right winger; the intersection of these two auxiliary lines falls on the goalkeeper, and because of the winger and The forward position is flat, so from the tactical layout, this is an inverted triangle covering the entire stadium.

Although Tim Hank and Paul Bayer both knew Yang Cheng ’s tactics and studied with him, but at this moment, they still felt shocked, because even now, they None of them can fully understand the tactical intentions and ideas thoroughly taught to them by Yang Cheng.

“In a tactical system, the middle is always hoarding heavy soldiers, but everyone knows that the offense is to open up space, so where is the space?” Yang Cheng said more and more confident, especially when he saw the players in the conference room The more energetic he is when he attends lessons one by one like a student.

“Just on the side!” Yang Cheng drew the two left and right lines.

“When defending, the left and right central defenders must return to their positions as soon as possible to maintain the team’s defensive formation, but when the offensive line is pressed, the two central defenders can take turns to move forward as if they were full-backs. Participate equally aggressively. “Yang Cheng drew two big arcs from the left and right center defenders back to the midfield.

“The two left and right midfielders should also actively respond to the front winger while maintaining the suppression of their opponents in the frontcourt (the latest chapter of the military martial arts”

“The movement position of the lower back of the organization can basically not be separated from the central axis area, because only in this way can his pass ensure that the ball passed to the side lanes is kept in the shortest time, otherwise, if he moves to the left , The ball needs to be transferred from his feet to the right, at least one more pass is required. Of course, he can also choose a long pass, but the accuracy is not high, try to avoid it! “

The players looked at the tactical analysis drawn by Yang Cheng on the tactical board, and nodded.

“The responsibility of the two wingers is to put the ball into the penalty area, the focus is behind the opponent’s defensive player, so the cross after the breakthrough is the sharpest, and the responsibility of the striker is to score and at the same time intersect the opponent’s defense line. The back row of the front waist is plugged with offensive opportunities and space! “

Yang Cheng pulled out the tactical drawing board during the offensive, and then painted all kinds of routes on it to confirm his own remarks, while also constantly subdividing the players in each position and each area. Duties.

It can be said that in his offensive routines, except for keeping the two defenders in the middle zone, the other can be overpowered, but Yang Cheng has given different arrangements for the tasks of the two central midfielders.

In terms of Nedved and Gattuso, the former has an excellent offensive ability in the back row and has a long shot, so Yang Cheng will let him actively forward and participate in the attack on the left, so in his tactical arrangement, left Road is the focal point of the offense.

Gattuso ’s offensive ability is insufficient, but his mobility is excellent, so he can retreat to the level of Belon and serve as Belon ’s response point and protector. At the same time, once the goal is lost, he A sweeping area can be formed in the midfield for the first time. Even if the ball cannot be intercepted, at least the opponent’s attack can be delayed.

Of course, these are the arrangements that will not be made until the tactics are placed on the spot. Yang Cheng will definitely not say them now, otherwise, everyone knows that he already has a fixed starting list in his mind, who will still work hard. ?

“Once the offense is lost and the control of the ball is lost, everyone has to invest in the on-the-spot counter-attack as soon as possible. The players around the ball must first form an area control around the ball to restrict the ball player ’s access. The ball course is followed by snatching! “

“The striker is the team’s first defender, but it cannot be withdrawn. It must be at the forefront of the team and always maintain pressure on the opponent’s defense line, especially when the ball is still in the opponent’s half. Near the penalty area, harass the opponent’s pass in this area and the back pass to the goalkeeper! “

“As I said earlier, in my tactics, offense is not just the responsibility of the midfield and frontcourt, defense is not just the responsibility of the midfield and backcourt, so including the forward, you must invest in active defense in the first place. The first time he lost the ball, he kept the pressure on his opponent in the midfield and frontcourt. “

“The responsibility of the two left and right midfielders in defense is to protect the two wings and the center. The winger invests in anti-robbing in the first time, but also actively withdraws the defense, cooperates with the left and right center defenders, and protects the back line.”

In Yang Cheng’s tactics, the biggest defense is the midfield.

Barak, Nedved, and Gattuso are all players with excellent running and defensive abilities. Although Belon is not strong in defensive ability, he has good running coping ability, as long as there is a sense of cooperative defense, plus retreat Barak, the barrier of the midfield came up.

The reason why Yang Cheng used Gattuso in the right center forward position is because he valued his running ability. As long as he is on the field, he can continuously harass his opponents and interrupt their offense throughout the game.

That is to say, in Yang Cheng’s defensive system, Gattuso is an exception, because he has neither an excellent sense of position nor an admirable defensive skill. His only outstanding point is his running ability and tactics. Execution.

If he is used to hit the midfielder, Yang Cheng doubts that as long as his opponent seduces him, he will definitely lose his position. It is estimated that this is why Ancelotti refuses to let him be the most barrier in front of the back line.

But in turn, if you want to make use of his strengths, then you must use his running ability, let him run continuously on the field, expand his coverage area, always maintain interference with opponents, and then borrow Ned Wade, Ballack and Belon form a midfield barrier, and Kaiserslautern’s midfield interception is very strong.

Of course, if Gattuso can continue to improve and strengthen his defensive awareness and position, the improvement of Kaiserslautern’s midfield will be huge, which is why Yang Cheng will give him a triple growth rate. .

“In addition, starting tomorrow, we will add more detailed requirements in training. First, in addition to running in a triangle, players and players can also form diamonds, but the distance between people To be controlled at about 10 meters, every player must carefully experience the distance of 10 meters, and once it exceeds 10 meters, it is considered a violation. “

“Second, everyone must raise their heads to kick the ball, because as long as they raise their heads, you can better observe the surrounding environment, observe the teammates’ running position, and give timely response and pass.”

“Third, the pass should be aimed at the teammate ’s customary feet, but do n’t pass to their feet, because we do n’t stand and play, all our players on the court must run, so the ball must keep moving, this You ca n’t pass it to your teammate ’s foot, but it should be about 1 meter in front of the direction of his movement! “

“Fourth, when passing the ball with b, the third player must run away, with triangles and diamonds as the best, and be ready to catch and respond at any time!”

“Fifth, all passes must be completed within one foot, and can only tolerate two touches at most, otherwise it will be considered a violation!”

“These five detailed requirements will be implemented into the training from tomorrow. All of you must keep 100% attention during the training. Otherwise, if you violate the rules, I will be happy to see you punished!”

The players were often punished when they walked the monkeys and other games today, and they were all scared. When they heard this, they suddenly felt horrified.

After patting his palm vigorously and attracting the attention of all the players, Yang Cheng came to the center of the meeting room and was watched by all the players.

“Guys, although I know, in your mind at this moment, there are many people who do n’t think much of me and think I ’m young and inexperienced, but that ’s not important. The most important thing is that we are now on the same boat , We must work together! “

“Football has always been a group sport, and it is impossible for me or any of you to beat your opponents. Even the most powerful players need excellent teammates next to them to succeed, otherwise they will only fail. ! “

“In the next month, it will be the most difficult time for our team, but I am confident that as long as we work together to overcome this difficulty, then we will wait for our bright future, a season After that, we will re-enter the Bundesliga. After a season, we will usher in a bumper harvest and welcome the fans’ appreciation. “

“At that time, when you look back at this month, you will find that the suffering and tiredness you have suffered, all the efforts you have made, are worth it!”

Speaking of which, Yang Cheng paused deliberately, revealing a playful smile.

“The contract I signed with the club is one year, and then I will decide whether to renew the contract based on the results. If one year later, you still like today, if I feel that I am not suitable to stay on the team, then I will take the initiative to resign. But if someone tries to challenge my authority as the team’s head coach during this year, I’m sorry, I will destroy him without hesitation! “

Speaking of the last sentence, Yang Cheng seemed extremely determined, his face ruthless.

“My words are over, no matter what you will do in the future, please follow me!”

After that, Yang Cheng turned around and left the meeting room. Tim and Paul and others also followed. They still have to continue to discuss the content of tomorrow ’s training class, only leaving a room full of players whispering, and Bremer The door that looked at Yang Cheng’s departure showed a puzzled look.

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