Super Coach

Chapter 34 - Fans of Yang Cheng (Part 1)

With the intensification of the European Cup in England, 16 European teams have also started the final round of preparations before the European Cup. They have finalized one or two warm-up games before the game and adjusted the status of the players before the big game.

The Czech training camp is arranged in Italy, on the shore of Lake Garda near Milan. It is a picturesque and beautiful environment. It is a famous tourist destination in Italy. When the Czech players come here, they all seem very relaxed, without any pre-competition. Tension, even after the training session in the morning, the players did not forget to sign and take a photo for the fans coming from afar.

There was only one person, frowning into the Sichuan word, and he felt very heavy.

His name is Pavel Nedved, and now Sparta Prague’s main center halfback is also the main force of the Czech national team.

The Czech, almost 24 years old, started his professional football career at the Dukla Club in Prague. He played 2 seasons in this Czech second-level team, the first season was a youth team, the second season Played the main force, and entered the Czech top team Sparta Prague.

In a blink of an eye, four years later, he is no longer the passionate boy of the year. Now he is married and has children. He begins to understand the responsibility of being a man and a head of the family. This makes him very cherish the player’s career on the court ‘S performance is getting better and better, and was selected to the national team, becoming the main force of the Czech midfielder.

But the professional football league in the Czech Republic is not brilliant, and it is not even second-class in Europe, so Nedved still has no idea of ​​his professional level. From the evaluation of the Czech media, he feels that, You should be second to none in China.

He is also eager to leave the motherland like others, go outside and increase his knowledge, but on the other hand, he is afraid because he does not know if he can adapt to the environment outside, and he has a family to take care of, can no longer Going on adventures like a lonely family like Jan Koller.

Jan Koller was a good friend he met in Sparta Prague. He was a youth player in Sparta Prague. He switched to Chemnitz in Germany last season and played for a season, although Chemnitz performed in the first half of the season. It was terrible, but in the final 13 rounds, this East German team completely renovated and won 13 consecutive victories.

East Germany is close to the Czech Republic, so the news of Chemnitz is also spreading in the Czech Republic. Jankol, Gucho, Barak … and the replacement of Kuffner, leading Chemnitz to a 13-game winning streak. , The Chinese coach Yang Cheng who led the relegation of the team, I heard that he was only 24 years old, as old as Nedved.

“It’s all the same age, but people are now Germany’s hottest super handsomes, but what about yourself? The father of two children!” Nedved could only smile bitterly every time he thinks about it.

At this time, he did not know that his destiny would be completely changed in this European Cup, and he did not know that his destiny would change dramatically in the future. At this time, he was only a very simple, to the world outside the Czech Republic. Young man full of curiosity.

Just last night, the Prague Spartan Club called Nedved to inform him that the club had accepted a $ 1.5 million offer from Kaiserslautern, and the transfer was to Sparta Prague It is a temptation that cannot be rejected, so they hope that Nedved can talk to Kaiserslautern.

Then there was Nedved ’s agent. He also received a notice from the club. After talking with Nedved, he told Nedved about the situation (the latest chapter of the martial arts,, These include the relegation of Kaiserslautern, as well as the team ’s previous record in the Bundesliga, etc. Since Yang Cheng ’s control of Kaiserslautern has not yet reached the Czech Republic, his agent is not clear. .

The transfer is a mixed blessing for Nedved today!

The joy is because he has long wanted to go out and break out, at least feel some of the foreign football atmosphere that Jan Koller introduced, he does not want to live in the Czech Republic all his life; worry, naturally because of the family, wife and children behind him Can we accompany him to go abroad? Can they adapt? Can you adapt to German football?

A lot of worries, which made Nedved always have a big stone on his heart, and he has been sullen since getting up in the morning, and his enthusiasm for training has been much less.

“What’s wrong? Looks very unhappy!” Yankol asked with concern, not knowing when he came to him.

Nedved shook his head, “Nothing!” He was not a guy who always complained to the people around him.

“Don’t hide me, I heard that, are you going to transfer?” Jan Koller asked with a smile.

Nedved saw Jan Koller’s smile and felt that this guy was a heartless man. Of course, his orphaned man was not so troubled by himself.

“Transfer is a good thing. In fact, I really envy you. I can play under the tent in the new season. If I knew he was going, I would not go to Belgium!” envy.

“Boss?” Nedved didn’t quite understand.

Jan Koller said with a smile: “Yes, we used to call him the boss in the previous team!”

“You mean Yang Cheng?” Nedved lost his voice.

“Of course, who else besides him?” Jan Koller thought Nedved’s reaction was too strange.

Nedved was really shocked at this moment, but he did not expect that the head coach of Kaiserslautern he was going to was Yang Cheng, “Aren’t he in Chemnitz?”

Jan Koller shook his head, “Kemnitz is not good enough. I told you before. He will leave Chemnitz sooner or later. Now he can go to Kaiserslautern. He must have a bigger As a pity … “

Speaking of which, Jankler smiled and patted Nedved’s shoulder, “You are more lucky than me and can play under his command!”

Obviously, Nedved had heard Jankoller say a lot about Chemnitz and Yang Cheng. He smiled, but he was a little excited. At least he really wanted to know, Yang Cheng. What kind of head coach!

“He is a very special head coach, I really do n’t lie to you, he has very high demands on every player, and sometimes even almost harsh, but when you really meet his requirements, you will find , It turns out that you have improved, your contribution to the team is greater, and the team’s performance is better! “

Jan Koller smiled, “A lot of reporters outside asked me why Chemnitz was able to win a 13-game winning streak from a win in the pre-season, and finally miraculously relegated successfully. Perfunctory, in fact, I really do n’t know. I believe few of my teammates at the time knew that. “

“Our idea is very simple, that is, to do as the boss asks, one training after another, one game after another, whether it is training or competition, we will do our best, and then, wait for our response It was only then that we discovered that we had already been winning streak unconsciously. “

“From 3 straight wins to 5 straight wins, from 10 straight wins to 13 straight wins, every time I think back to that period of time, I think it’s incredible. I still remember that the most talked about by the head was that Players should leave something in their careers, not just goals, not just champions, but more profound than these! “

When it comes to this, Jankler reveals the memory of the past few months, “I really believe that in the past few months, it may be the most memorable period of my career. , I’m afraid there won’t be any more in the future! “

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