Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 3 Chapter 14. Merry Illusion

I entered the exam period once again, I will be too busy for a while to write.


This drawing was made by one of my discord people. 




“So, how shall I do this? Knives? Spoons? Drills? This knife-spoon-drill thing?”

I rant through my toys as I looked at the bonded guests.

The poor thing tried to say something, but the plastic ball I showed in his mouth kept him quiet.

“You know, I had a whole plan for you. There was conspiracy, tragedy, romance, comedy, the whole show! Yet, you decided to do this! What a waste of effort!”

I slapped his head a little.

“Even with two minds, your IQ is just at the single digits. So sad, so sad.”

I took a small knife and cut his left cheek.

“Do you want to know a funny thing? I thought that there will be a final battle between the two of us. Weapons clashing, people dying, gods crying! An epic of the ages!”

While I was talking, I grabbed a piece of his armor which I stripped from him.

“Nice tech. Not that I already have it. Your friend, Ivan Stalen is quite cooperative with me, by spilling the secrets of your world. Well, who wouldn’t be? Since you killed him and I bought him back to life, with some upgrades naturally.”

The kid seemed distressed by the information, sweating greatly.

“Right? Right? What a reveal! I had a whole arc for him, but now I will just give you to him after I took back what is mine. “

I took out a jar, filled with my avatar juice.

“I will tear you apart. First, physically then mentally. Speaking of minds, I should say hello to the old chap in there.”

I opened the container, allowing the liquid to enter his nostrils.

Once not a single drop was left, I put my hand on his forehead, slipping into his mind.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”

I was in a white space, facing a tall wall made from bricks.

“A mental barrier? Do you think that will keep me out? You underestimate me.”

I placed my index finger on the wall, creating ripples on the surfaces.

“This will only take me a few seconds.”


Samurai POV:

“ Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! It's your Birthday! What a happy day! Ha-“

Before that abomination could continue, I stabbed the monster in the head, lighting it on fire.

Once the creature turned into ash, my shivered up old body returned to normal.

“You took your time.”

Master threw away a monkey arm she ripped off from one of the monsters.

“If you helped me, things would have gone more easily. “

The toy bear appeared before us and lifted his black box.

“Playing record:4-1432. What an incredible spectacle! Killing 100 Birthday Monkeys under 5 minutes! You guys must be gods to finish so quickly! Olalla! We have divinities here! Somebody calls the paparazzi!”

“I hate that thing.”

Even after all the chaos, that bear thing was still intact.

“But this raises quite a problem. You guys are too strong for this place! So, eeny, meeny, miny, mo, one of you people have to…GO!”

Under our feet, the ground started to shift, with several walls rising up in the sky blocking our way to escape.

“Playing record: 5-0000: This is the final test. Escape the labyrinth, filled my little toys. if only one of you reaches the end, you win. Good luck, you will need it!”

Damn it, what is that guy shaming?

It took me a few steps to figure it out.


Behind me, somebody was waiting for me.

It was a girl in a business suit, having her black hair held back in a ponytail.


The memory of my friend smiled at me.

“It’s been a while, master. I am happy to see you again.”

“You won’t trick me again! I know now what you are! Take another step and I will kill you.”

The memory raised her hands as if she was giving up.

“I will do nothing to you. I learned my lesson from before. He on the other hand will not be so kind.”



I turned around again, facing a new challenger.

Before me stud a black armor belonging to a samurai, with a red mask of a demon, holding several katana-like swords in his hand and back.

“So, this weakling supposed to be me? What a disappointment.”


“He is you, my master. The you who I remembered you to be. Strong, fearless, and charismatic. My new Lord allowed me to create him, celebrating me going through the demonification process.”

“Demonification? Momo, you became a demon?”

“Well, I wasn’t a human, to begin with, so turning into a demon isn’t that strange.”

“…You have fallen so deep.”

“Not as deep as you going to fall!”

The clone rushed towards me, unleashing two of his swords.

“Demon Sword arts: Cursed Burning Strike!”

The force of the attack was so great, that even blocking it, made me fly through the walls.

While I was figuring out what just happened, I could hear my clone laughing.



“This is impossible. This can’t be happening. No. No. No!”

After I got separated from my disciple, I wandered through the maze, killing those ridiculous statuses on the way.

They were strange, peanut-shaped constructs with faces painted all over their bodies. They could only move when somebody wasn’t looking at them, which made them an easy target to destroy.

Those chicken-human hybrids were harder, but I took care of them.

Once I reached a huge, white square-shaped building, I entered this was the exit.

The doors immediately closed behind me, locking me up in darkness.

“What is this?”

in the darkness, I could hear tape being rewound before a metallic voice could be heard.

“Playing research record 0-022: Subject is stable with strong life signs. I will continue the feeding process and the search for new materials to complete it. As planned today, I will test his visuals.”

Followed by the voice, a blinding light lit up over my head, showing my surroundings.


The room was mostly empty, only a huge glass cylinder was there, filled with a green fluid.

And in that fluid, something was floating.

A human body, made from stitched up flesh, connected to various tubes, only the face seeming untouched.


My first disciple who was killed by Dealmaker was now before me, captive by that swine!

“I will save you!”

“You won’t.”

Under my feet the ground has turned liquid, imprisoning me to my shoulders.

“Let me go! I need to save him!”

“After you killed him?”

Not far away a tentacle made from white mud approached me, from its tip a face has formed. Mine.

“You killed him the second you laid eyes on him! You turned a man who was tired of killing into a murderer.”

“No. No, I-

“It doesn’t matter.”

The tentacle turned to the container.

“This experiment is important for my lord. You will witness the birth of the first undead god.”


It took me more than seconds, but I broke through the wall, entering this brat's mind.


I was in a field of grass, under the blue sky without any cloud.

“Is this some sort of mental defense to keep me in check? Fragment of mine, you really underestimate me. “

Not moving a muscle, I forced my will onto this land, making it tremble.

“I will break down this place into rubles if I have to get to you.”

I took a step forward, creating an earthquake so strong, it shattered the ground in two.

“There you are.”

I jumped into the hole, finding myself in an apartment, typical of the ones in the world ash grew up.

“Reached memory. Now I just need to get deeper, and I will find you fragment.”


There was a red flash, and something just hit my body.

“What was this, a mosquito bite?”

Once the attack ended, I was back on the field, but this time I had company.

It was the one who was looking for.

a woman wearing a black robe, a witched hat, and a mask made from the skull of a cat.

“So, you showed yourself, fragment of mine. I was wondering if I had to turn your friends mind into a soup before I found you.”

“…What happened to you? Your mind is even more distorted than your body. How are you even able to talk at this point?”

“I admit it’s hard sometimes, but with you returning to where you belong, I will surely become better!”

“As if I would. Earth Magic: Rock Crush!”

Two pillars rose next to me and quickly approached me.

“Sigh, Madness Magic:

With a snape of my finger, I got rid of the pillars, as if they never existed.

The witch groaned as she drew a blue magic circle in the air.

“I forgot that you are a monster who specializes in the mind! This will surely get you! Water Magic: Hydro Blast.”

“Mental Breakdown.”

I snapped again, erasing her magic.

“We are in the mind. Here only mental strengths matter. As someone who is currently harboring memories belonging to thousands of humans, while staying functional, I surpass you greatly.”

I pointed my finger at her, sending a little pressure to her chest enough to knock her back a little.

“ouch, I am not done with you!”

“Bind. Mute.”

Shifting the ground, I bound her by creating a chair, which strapped her on it, then put a chocker on her.

“You are strong outside, but when it comes to the mind, you are nothing before me.”

I by moving a finger, I made the chair come to me, close enough for me to grab her throat.

“Come back to-


Something hit me again, this time on my back.

I slowly turned around.

It was Ash, holding a piece of wood.

“…You just killed yourself.”

Grabbing his throat, I lifted him above my head.


When I said the worlds, the body of the boy, turned into white dust, dispersion in the air.

“…This is not right. We are still in his head.”

“…You aren’t the only one who can control the mind.”


The fragment somehow broke through its restraints, collecting some sort of purple energy in her hands.

“We haven’t seen each other for a while, it’s natural for me to pick up some new tricks. Ice Magic: Ice Blast!”

“This again? I will just-Hmm!”

The ice didn’t get erased, instead, it lounged itself into my chest.

“I couldn’t erase it. What a strong mental will.”

I grabbed the ice, and pulled it out, healing the wound instantly.

“Let’s see what you can do. Madness Magic: Maddening Voice.”

“Holy Blast!”

The two attacks collided together shaking the mental world surrounding us.

“Fine then. I will play with you. Round of Prayers.”

Behind me several copies of my cannons appeared, shooting at one.

“Fire Magic: Fire Storm!”

Creating a wall of flame, the missile exploded in the air, adding more flames.

“Not bad. This is going to be fun.”


“Divine Slash!”

“Demonic Strike!”

Our weapons collided together, shaking the environment around us.

The twisted copy of me laughed as it pushed me aside, its blades covered in dark flames.

“Is this the best you can do?! You are weaker than a rat!”

“Really? What sort of rats do you have here?”

“Stronger than you!”

With a roar filled with anger, the clone swung at me.

“Demonic Flame Wheel!”

Creating a circle of flames, the attack comes right at me.

“Burning Sword Art: Four Flaming Wheels of Fortune.”

Forming four other projectiles, I collided with his, dispersing the attack into nothingness.

“Not bad, original. But can you do this?”

The copy pointed his sword at me, with an extremely complicated magical circle forming on its tip.


I bent just in the nick of the time the attack only gazed me, slightly toasting my skin.

I looked to the wall, which was hit by the attack, seeing it twitch like a mirage while a small hole was forming on it.

“What was that?”

“You’re distracted!”

The copy of me bounced at me.

“Crimson Demonic Slash!”

In the last second, I stepped aside from the attack and pierced.


The sword went through the samurai, who freeze in the place, without any resistance.

“This isn’t real.”

Suddenly the entire world around me distorted and, I found myself laying on the floor, hearing a strange sound.

When I got up, I noticed that I was in a dark room, filled with some sort of green gas, which was emanated from a pile of red flesh hanging on the ceiling.

“Birthday! Happy Birthday! Mary Birthday! This is your Birthday! What a great day!”

A group of monkey monsters were surrounding something each singing and clapping their cymbals together rhythmically.


I grabbed my sword and poured some Qui into it.

“Flaming Serpent Strike !”

Turning my weapon into a whip of flames, I cut the head of those monkeys, turning them into dust.

Once there was nothing left, I saw the shivered-up body of my teacher, slowly returning to normal.

If I were a second too late, she would have died.


From the mist, something came towards us.

It was…a giant baboon?

The beast walked to me, carrying to meatal cymbals with serrated edges.

When it saw me, the monster clapped his instruments together, showing his white fangs.

“You have to be kidding me.” 





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