Summoned with an SSS-Rank Portal Skill

Chapter 60: First Classes, and Shocking Information

The silencing spell held them captive, a stark reminder of the professor's authority. Even William, an innocent bystander in the cacophony, found himself unable to utter a word.

"I am Professor James," the young man announced, his voice resonating with a newfound firmness. "And I will be responsible for instructing you in the art of combat magic. Now, please, refrain from excessive chatter during my class, or any other class for that matter."

He released the spell, and the room erupted in a flurry of apologies. Professor James nodded in approval. "Conversation is not prohibited," he clarified, "but maintain a respectable volume, especially during my instruction."

William raised his hand, catching James' attention.

"Go on, William," James encouraged.

"I understand this is a new class," William began, "but it seems there are more students present than those who participated in the entrance exams."

Tholfnir had explicitly stated that there were only eight spots available.

"You are observant, William," James replied, a hint of grimness in his voice. "The additional students are from other academies facing...difficulties due to the impending war. We are offering them temporary refuge and continued instruction."

William's heart sank. If other schools were already feeling the pressure of a war that hadn't even begun, the future seemed bleak indeed. He noticed a similar apprehension dawning on the faces of his fellow students.

James continued with his introduction. At twenty-five, he was a remarkably young professor, renowned for his mastery of fire magic and his contributions to magical research and excavation. Rumors circulated about his discoveries of ancient artifacts and lost spells, labeling him a rising star in the field.

The introductory lecture concluded with a promise of practical application. "I've reviewed your files," James announced, "and I'm familiar with your strengths and weaknesses. While my primary expertise lies in fire magic, I am proficient in other elements and capable of guiding you all."

He led them to the gymnasium, eager to move beyond theory and into the realm of action. "We'll begin with a simple spell that everyone can learn," he declared. "It's called Candlelight."

William recognized the spell instantly. Aella had used it to illuminate the cave during their encounter with the demon. 'Why is James teaching us such a basic spell?' he wondered. 'It's not exactly combat-oriented.'

Professor James offered no explanation, simply demonstrating the spell's execution with practiced ease. Five runes, their patterns simple yet elegant, shimmered around his fingertips.

"Now it's your turn," James instructed. "Show me what you can do."

Some students exuded confidence, eager to showcase their innate talent. Others, less assured, fumbled with the unfamiliar patterns. William, however, mastered the spell in a matter of minutes. Candlelight was a simple spell, but his speed was unnatural, even for a prodigy.

The rune on his forehead, a delicate symbol resembling a magical eye, pulsed with a soft light as he practiced. The effects of the Magic Mind spell were undeniable. His mind felt sharper, his thoughts clearer, his grasp of the magical concepts effortless.

He was a sponge, absorbing knowledge at an astonishing rate.

James stood beside him, observing his technique. "You learned it quickly, William," he commented, a hint of approval in his voice.

William, however, wasn't one to get complacent. "Using it and mastering it are two different things," he replied, his brow furrowed in concentration. "I'll need to practice more to become truly proficient. But Professor," he added, curiosity piqued, "if I may ask, why are we learning this spell? It seems rather basic for a combat magic class."
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The question hung in the air, drawing the attention of the other students. They, too, had expected to delve into the intricacies of offensive and defensive spells, not a simple illumination cantrip.

James smiled, sensing their curiosity. "Indeed," he said, his voice taking on a conspiratorial tone, "there's a reason we're starting with this seemingly mundane spell. In a few days, we will be embarking on an expedition to explore an ancient excavation site, and reliable illumination will be essential in the depths of those ruins."

The students erupted in a chorus of excited chatter, their imaginations ignited by the prospect of exploring ancient ruins. A girl with bright eyes and an eager smile raised her hand.

"Professor," she asked, her voice bubbling with curiosity, "what kind of ruins are we going to? Can you tell us more?"

James chuckled, his own excitement barely contained. "Patience, my eager students," he replied. "I'll reveal more details in our upcoming classes. For now, focus on mastering Candlelight."

He couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm. As a history aficionado and avid researcher, he shared their fascination with the mysteries of the past. Their eagerness warmed his heart, reinforcing his belief in the power of knowledge and discovery.

The revelation of the expedition seemed to galvanize the students. Their efforts intensified, their focus sharpened. Perhaps the allure of adventure had unlocked a hidden drive, or maybe the prospect of applying their newfound skills in a real-world scenario had ignited their determination.

William, already proficient in Candlelight, used the remaining class time to refine his technique, his mind drifting towards the upcoming expedition.

The first class had left William feeling optimistic. Professor James, with his youthful energy and obvious expertise, had set a high bar.

The second class, however, promised a different kind of challenge. Enchantment, a field steeped in mystery and intricate techniques, was taught by a venerable professor with a long, flowing beard and an air of ancient wisdom.

William was particularly intrigued by this subject, his curiosity fueled by the enigmatic demonic sword he carried. He hoped to unravel its secrets, to understand how the demonic energy had become infused within its obsidian blade.

The classroom was filled with a respectful silence, the students having learned their lesson from the earlier outburst in James' class.

"Welcome, everyone," the professor began, his voice a warm rumble. "I shall be your guide through the fascinating world of enchantment. I hope you find it as captivating as I do."

He stepped forward, a glint of mischief in his eyes, and presented William with a delicate silver ring. "This enchanted ring is for William," he announced, his voice carrying through the room. "Not because of any personal favoritism," he added with a wink, "but because he has mastered the Magic Mind spell. Here at Snowpeak Academy, we reward hard work and exceptional progress. Let this serve as an example to you all."

William's eyes widened in surprise. "This is really for me?" he stammered, a wave of gratitude washing over him. "Thank you, Professor!"

"Indeed it is," Professor Sebastian confirmed with a warm smile. "A well-deserved reward for your dedication and remarkable achievement."

William, still slightly bewildered, accepted the ring with gratitude. He couldn't help but wonder about its enchantments, eager to discover its hidden properties.

The grueling thirty days spent wrestling with the intricacies of Magic Mind had taken their toll, and this unexpected gift was a welcome acknowledgment of his efforts.

Professor Sebastian launched into a captivating lecture on the history of enchantment, tracing its origins back to an ancient civilization.

"The earliest enchantments were not applied to objects," he explained, his voice resonating with a passion for the subject, "but to the very walls of their cities, for protection and sustenance. They also used enchantments to manage their resources, ensuring a steady supply of water and other necessities."

William, captivated by the professor's words, found himself transported to a bygone era, imagining the ingenuity and power of those early enchanters. But it was the mention of a familiar name that truly shocked him.

"One of the most skilled enchanters of that age," Professor Sebastian continued, "was a man named Jinra."

William's heart skipped a beat. Jinra. The name echoed in his mind, a link to the past, a connection to the enigmatic mentor who had guided him through the intricacies of magic. Could it be the same Jinra? The possibility sent a shiver down his spine, a reminder that the threads of destiny were often interwoven in unexpected ways.

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