Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 41: Encirclement and breakthrough

   Hydra’s intelligence is stronger than what Jordan and Natasha had predicted, and they acted more quickly.

  Qiao Danny and Natasha had negotiated to get out of the Qiao Ke Hotel before dawn, when most creatures were tired.

   But John Smith, sent by Hydra, immediately after inspecting the scene, through unrecognizable ballistics and other traces, in conjunction with the news of New York Hydra, inferred the arrival of Jordan.

   When the enemy meets, they are extremely jealous.

   All night, Hydra’s intelligence personnel had almost no news. With the huge political force, they carried out a carpet-like investigation throughout Budapest, and then they found the Qiao Ke Hotel.

   "Sir, the entire hotel has been armed, and no one can escape!"

   "Sir, the assault team has been deployed, ready to launch an attack!"

   "Sir, the sniper has been arranged..."

   A series of reports came from the headset to John Smith's ears.

  Standing on a tall building nearby, John Smith couldn't help touching the suction mask on his face, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the mechanical right arm actually smashed a corner of the wall abruptly.

   "The hotel target is extremely dangerous. When it was right, the commando began to act after two minutes. The second squad controlled all exits and authorized snipers to attack at any time."

   "Two target characters, whether they live or die, go and prepare!"

   The sound that seemed to be a cracking gong and smoke came from John Smith's mouth, even with a little electronically assisted mechanical sound.

   Even a group of teammates felt a kind of icy chill beside John Smith.

   Two minutes later.

With a sound of "action", in the corridor on the seventh floor of Qiao Ke Hotel, a heavily armed man with more than 20 people blasted open the door with one blow, two concussion bombs, a flash bomb, and a smoke bomb. Throw into the room.

   "Go! Go! Go! Go!"

   A series of loud roars awakened the residents on the seventh floor of the hotel one after another, and a lot of riots broke out.

   At this time, opposite the room where the commando attacked, Jordan and Natasha scanned the scene outside through the cat's eyes, the expressions on their faces were a bit ugly.

   is a killer after all, daily necessities, food, shelter, transportation, how can you be careless.

   Changing the room or something is a little trick, but it's very practical.

   "There are a large number of people ambushing at the exit downstairs, and there may be snipers, unable to break through the window!"

   Natasha was also killed all the way from the blood and rain, moving around the room quickly like a civet cat, took a quiet glance at the window, and then turned back to the door.

   "Do you have any plans?" Jordan asked casually.

   Natasha was speechless, and said: "This should be regarded as your home court, I'm just a guest!"

   Joe Danny smiled and said, "I have a plan, I'm afraid you are not comfortable with it!"

   Natasha rolled her eyes, wiped her hands from her waist, and took out two delicate pistols.

   Glock 18, standard 17-round magazine with plus base, accurate, safe, and fully automatic shooting. The submachine gun in the pistol is fierce enough.

   This is a good thing that I have modified at a high price. Not only is it more powerful, but even the bullets are based on special ammunition given by the gunsmith Cassian.

   This little girl, she must have moved her collection again last night.

   Joe Danny suppressed his unhappy heart, and said: "I'll open the way. If there is a problem, I will adapt and overcome it immediately. I may not be able to take care of you!"

   Natasha is not as strong as Eagle-eyed Button, and with her softness, she gave Jordan Danny a lovely look.

  Made, fairy!

While the commando in the hallway was still searching the opposite room, Jordan didn't say a word, just like a tiger coming out of the gate, directly smashing the door, knocking on his knees and kicking the two commandos directly into the heads. At ninety degrees, both hands were raised, and the two special revolvers roared like a careful hand cannon.

  Before the upgrade, most of Jordan's conventional weapons were automatic and semi-automatic pistols.

   But since Jordan's upgrade, his physique is 1.5 times that of ordinary people, and he has enough grasp of the kind of recoil brought by the powerful revolver. Jordan's main battle weapon has become the revolver.

  As a roaming gunner, if the handsome revolver is not suitable, what is roaming?

   Shooting, three bursts, step shooting, floating volleys, random shooting.

   A wave of powerful and incomparable roaring guns, seven or eight people fell to the ground in the corridor instantly, Jordanian launched physical skills, rounding kicks, knee bumps, instant kicks, fast filling and moving shooting.

   Wherever he went, Jordan was like a medieval knight in heavy armor charging, with fancy spear fighting skills, directly in the chaos, he broke out a thoroughfare.

   At this time, Natasha also followed behind Jordan, like a **** leopard, sensitive and fierce.

   Similarly, when she didn't shoot to level A, Natasha jumped and twisted.

   While using Jiu-Jitsu to instantly subdue an enemy, with the help of inertia, he held guns in both hands and fired wildly around.

   The life and death fight is only in the blink of an eye.

   The more than twenty Hydra commandos in the corridor were emptied in less than a minute.

   "Break to the east, there is a vehicle I prepared on the corner downstairs!"

  Qiao Danny naturally didn't mean to let Natasha take the stairs. The place where he broke through was the glass at the east end of the corridor.

   It's only the seventh floor, and the person who jumped down probably won't die.

In the rush of the battlefield, Natasha naturally understood, she accelerated instantly, and with a swiftness far beyond ordinary people, she directly smashed the glass window at the east end of the corridor, stretched her hand on her waist, and nailed a steel wire to the wall, and then moved towards the floor. Landed quickly.

   At the same time, Jordani inserted his gun in his hand, swiped in his trench coat, and pulled out four small melons with the insurance out of it. He just rolled to the door of the room gruntingly.

   The face of the Hydra member who had rushed into the room instantly changed.

   Then there was a roar and explosion, and there was billowing smoke mixed with shock waves, shattering large windows.

   Jordan cut off the enemy's pursuit, and at this time he rushed to the end of the corridor.

   Compared with Natasha's skillful landing, Jordanian is much more vigorous, and a leap is directly installed on the huge billboard protruding from the opposite building.

   Immediately afterwards, Jordan, like a tiger in the mountains, leaped more and more, stepped on the billboards one after another, and landed quickly.


   A big red Ferrari appeared in front of Jordan like lightning, and the car window fell, revealing Natasha's pretty face.

   "BOY, is this your plan? It's really rough!"

   "Stop talking nonsense, walk toward the Rhine, where I have a boat, let's go to the other side!"

   Jordan raised his hand with two bullets, arc ballistics, one shot directly killed a sniper who was aiming, and one shot hit the fuel tank of a jeep around the corner.

   There was an explosion, and a group of Hydra surrounding them was temporarily blocked.

   Until this time, Jordanian got into the car quickly, and Ferrari, with a huge roar of street bombings, swept through a beautiful tail-flick drift, and hurriedly moved towards the distance.

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