Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 312: Kirian in the Dark under the Lamp

Regarding the knowledge of biology and physical energy, Dr. Banner is indeed a top expert. It took less than two days to design the production method of the X energy sensor.

In terms of manufacturing, Tony is definitely a super master with MAX level of hands-on ability.

The two smart people worked together, and it took only three days for the X-energy sensor to be mass-produced in Stark Industries.

This society is indeed an era in which money can do whatever it wants.

After the mass production of the X energy sensor, it began to spread in Washington, New York, London, Tokyo and other cities where the X fog erupted first.

This thing is like a camera on a street corner. It is very inconspicuous. With the supply of large amounts of banknotes from Stark Industries, a new prototype of the X-energy monitoring system is actually invisible, unfolding.

The biggest benefit of the emergence of this X energy monitoring system is not to find the existence of the Black Emperor and Apocalypse, but in a certain way, it has become a constraint for the new generation of superpowers.

After possessing superpowers, those superpowers who committed crimes unscrupulously among the people, invisibly, became the first batch of testees in this X-energy monitoring system.

Once the superpower uses the power, the X energy will show obvious fluctuations.

In this case, as long as you report the coordinate location to the police station, you can often be sure of it, and catch those who harm society with superpowers.

This is a surprise.

For example, the woman behind Tony, Pepper realized the commercial value of this X energy system at the first time. After the consent of Dr. Banner and Tony, they applied for patents, mass-produced them, and cooperated with police around the world. , The government, etc., started buying and selling.

In the future, this thing will undoubtedly become a huge chain of interests just like the global camera monitoring system.

Even the emergence of this kind of thing can greatly compensate for the relationship between the Avengers and the official.

At the very least, in the city system, those police and even organizations like the FBI have to bear the love of Stark Industries after they taste the sweetness.

Of course, this is just a business activity that Pepper carried out after the emergence of the X energy monitoring system.

At this time, everyone in the Avengers had already discovered Kylian.

As the source of X potion, Kylian’s X energy is the most powerful among all superpowers at this stage. According to Jordani’s evaluation, it has reached the peak of the second life leap phase, and the previous one. Compared to the ice giant Lao Fei, nothing is worse.

It's okay if this guy doesn't use his own abilities. After the X energy monitoring system is rolled out, every time the other party uses his own abilities, he will completely expose his coordinate position.

In a typical Quinn fighter plane, the faces of Jordan, Tony, Steve and others are not very good-looking.

Before the X energy monitoring system was deployed, people in the Avengers had inferred a lot about where Kirian would hide in the earth.

But no one thought that the other party was actually in New York, right under the eyes of everyone.

This is playing with the Avengers in the dark under the light.

This is no longer a question of not being provocative. Everyone is an old opponent, and the other party's behavior is simply too disrespectful.

"Has the Brooklyn police been dispatched? How is the work going on the evacuation issue?"

"Sir, the situation is not going well. Coney Island has evacuated more than 20,000 people, but there are still 40,000 people who have not been evacuated. The New York police have deployed 70% of the staff, but..."

"What about the group of people sitting near Kylian's place?"

"Sir, Interstellar Skyland today is a discount day, and there are still more than 3,400 people gathered near the Coney Island beach..."

The reason why everyone in the Avengers didn’t rush to Kirian’s hiding place at the first time was not that Jordan and the others were afraid of Kirian’s strength, but that Kirian’s cunning and tight, hiding in a large number of dense Population zone.

If you want to arrest or kill Kirian, a fierce battle will inevitably occur.

After the strength reached the second stage of life leap, every battle affected a very wide range. For example, in the previous battle with the ice giant Lauffy, if Thor appeared on the battlefield at a critical moment and became a head dog, I’m afraid the whole The glaciers in the Arctic will be broken apart by Lao Fei.

Kylian's strength is not much weaker than that of the ice giant Lao Fei. If it were to fight, that piece of Coney Island would not be enough to fill the teeth.

Unless the crowd is completely evacuated, once there is a major casualty, even the entire Avengers will be dragged into a huge whirlpool of public opinion.

"Damnit! Are we here to watch?"

Among the people, Tony was the one who was most concerned about arresting Kirian.

From the initial kidnapping of the Ten Commandments, to the Holy City incident, and then to the battle of the secret base in Nevada, Tony claimed to be a genius, but he was fooled by this person who once looked down on him several times.

Several times, Tony had the urge to rush out directly.

Steve was very serious and said: "Tony, you have to be calm, there are nearly four thousand civilians..."

"Bullshit!" Tony was a little irritable, and said: "I only know that if Kirian is allowed to run away, the whole social order will be harmed, and it may even affect millions or tens of millions of people. "

Steve fought against each other and said: "That's only possible. We will catch Kylian, but it will never be at the cost of the lives of civilians right now!"

Just when the two were about to start another quarrel, Jordan suddenly stood in between the two.

"Hey, guys, this is not the time to argue, OK?"

"Jarvis, can you show Kirian's current real-time monitoring picture?"

Jordanian interrupted the quarrel between the two.

In fact, Joe Danny is more emotionally biased towards Tony. On the one hand, the two are buddies. On the other hand, Jordan also hates this feeling of constant waiting, which is very tormented.

But rationally, Jordan knew that Steve was right.

Not to mention the question of who is more important from the perspective of life, in a place like New York, once a large-scale casualty occurs in the world, it is the current Avengers that cannot bear the responsibility.

"Sir, Kylian's side, now go to sea by boat..."

Just when Jordan and the others barely stopped the dispute, Jarvis's voice suddenly came, causing everyone's spirits to shake suddenly.

The picture was quickly projected by Jarvis.

On the beach of Coney Island, Najrian returned to his normal appearance. He hugged the two big blonde beauties on the left and right. The time was much more comfortable than that of Jordan and the others. Among the yachts.

However, what made Jordan and the others a little worried was that this Kylian yacht had been cruising offshore, and did not mean to sail far away.

"Strike, we can solve the battle in the sea, without spreading to the people on the shore and the beach!"

"No, it's still too close to the shore..."

There are a lot of constraints, not only Tony and Steve are very angry, but other people in the Avengers are also holding back a feeling of unpleasantness.

At the same time, on the Kun-style fighter plane where everyone was on, a "boom" sound of collision suddenly sounded outside the cabin.

Everyone was taken aback, but they didn't expect anyone to dare to touch the tiger's ass.

The door at the rear of the cabin opened. Just as Tony and Jordan were about to fly out to take a look at the situation outside, a brawny blond man in armor and a red cloak broke into the cabin.

The person here is Sol, who has disappeared for a long time.

Since the X fog spread, Sol went to London to look for Jane Foster, and it has been a long time since he appeared in the Avengers.

Wenrou Township is a hero's grave, and everyone is no exception.

But now that they can see Thor's arrival, everyone is relatively happy. Thor's combat power, even on a global scale, is the best.

"It seems that you need the help of the great Thor!"

When everyone hadn't spoken yet, as soon as Sol entered the cabin, he opened his mouth and yelled.

This is Thor's character, even if it is the setbacks, the arrogant character of Thor has not been wiped out.

In the movie world, Thor really matured after the invasion of the dark elves and the death of Thor's mother.

In this life, Hela escaped prematurely and became the new king of Asgard. He exiled Sol to the earth. Although this was a big blow to Sol, in a sense, Sol felt that it was still pretty good.

Sol likes the environment on earth very much, and Hela is Sol's biological sister, and her ability is much stronger than Sol. Asgard is in Hela's hands, far more powerful than in Sol's hands.

This also led to that the arrogant habit of Sol still retained a lot.

Isn’t it good to be a brother? Is it embarrassing to be defeated by your own sister?

Well, although it's shameful, it also proves that there are people behind me.

Regarding Sol’s temper, UU Reading www.uukā Jordan directly gave a **** and said: "Sol, aren’t you in London, why are you here?"

Sol was silent for a while, and then said: "It was Nick Fury's notice! He said you seem to need my help!"

Jordan was a little surprised. He thought that Saul should not be so easy to talk. He immediately asked, "What about Jane? I'm very curious. Why can Nick Fury be able to pull you out from under a woman's skirt? Could it be you? Is the taste now distorted to the point we can't imagine?"

When Salton roared like a lion, he said, "You are blaspheming Asgard, the dignity of Thor..."

Being watched by Jordanian, Thor was a little short of breath, paused before speaking, "Jane is now working for S.H.I.E.L.D., and Shet, she actually joined some **** X-Men."

Sure enough, Sol still can't do without that woman.

Jordani looked at Saul contemptuously and said, "Well, maybe you can manipulate the storm and push that yacht into the deep sea!"

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