Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 290: So miserable 1 man

Thor looks majestic and mighty, but in fact, it is like a spoiled child, brave, but arrogant and violent, and his brain is completely wattless, like a mommy.

In his career spanning a thousand and hundreds of years, Saul has never experienced any major setbacks.

Until Loki began to pit his strength, Thor was urged to break into Jotunheim, and was severely taught by Lao Fei, the king of ice giants.

After being rescued by Odin and returning to Asgard, Thor was even exiled to the earth.

After that, seeing the destruction of Jotunheim and the turmoil of the Nine Realms, Thor began to realize his arrogance and arrogance, regained his supernatural power, and was recognized by Meow Hammer.

But when he returned to Asgard, Sol hadn't had time to teach him, so he was taken away by Asgard's powerful veterans such as Tyr and Bald.

Asgard was running at full force and was eager to quell the Nine Realms Rebellion, but was beaten into a dog in the first day of a confrontation and had to retreat to Asgard.

Then it was the return of Hela.

All of this caused Thor's frustration, but at the same time it was also rapidly improving Thor's life experience and allowing him to grow continuously.

This kind of growth is the most direct manifestation of Thor's improvement in combat power and control of power.

This increase in strength is also the ultimate reason why Thor dared to propose a duel and challenge after meeting Jordan Danny.

However, while Thor was growing up, Jordan didn't rest.

On the contrary, Jordan's strength has grown more ferocious than Sol, and has even reached the stage of the second life leap, with a qualitative improvement.

Therefore, in the face of Sol's offense, Jordan did not choose to counterattack too burst, but with a leisurely performance, relaxed defense.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that in this battle, Jordan's strength is definitely a level higher than Thor.

Saul was not a fool, and naturally he also noticed the power of Jordanian.

After the chaos of ping-pong-pong, Sol tried his best, but in any case, he couldn't get into Jordan's three-foot range.

The cross sword light that slashed horizontally and vertically looked simple to the extreme, but it seemed to have a strange magical power that could always be just right to wipe out all of Thor's attacks.

After half an hour.

Thor threw the hammer in his hand to the ground, and ran to the bar of the Avengers base with a frustrated expression, directly indulging in alcoholism.

At this time, Jordan also had a preliminary estimate of his own strength.

Thor's attack was full of strength and energy, and Jordan didn't use any divine power. He could easily cope with it only with physical strength.

If the power of death is added, Jordanian is even confident that he can kill Sol directly on the spot within ten strokes.

The strength of the second life leap phase is already at a comprehensive level, completely surpassing the peak of the first life leap. It is not only the strength of strength, but also the increase in the will, the use of strength has been improved. More than one level.

Shot faster, more determined, and sharper.

Putting away their weapons, Jordan and the others also returned to the bar at the Avengers base early.

The look of Sol's indulge in alcoholism makes people able to see the blow to the will, as well as the frustration and decadence in confidence at a glance.

Jordan didn't try to persuade him. This was a hurdle.

If Thor himself can break through this barrier, whether he has his will or his strength, he will be able to get a qualitative improvement again and help him easily enter the second life leap phase.

But if Saul can't handle it, a person without a firm will, no matter how strong he is, his achievements will be the same.

Ignoring Saul, everyone's subject of inquiry was Rocky.

Compared to Sol, Loki is an exquisite egoist. When the situation is not very favorable, he is very tight, and quickly talked about what happened in Asgard in the past two months. Again.

Two months ago, after Hela seized a spaceship from the Nordic battlefield, it didn't take long for him to jump through countless star gates to the outskirts of Asgard.

Because the spaceship was originally a troop carrier among the Nine Realms Rebels, when Hella approached the battlefield, it went smoothly and came near Asgard without much scrutiny.

Quite logically, Hela quickly returned to Asgard during another battle.

Compared to Sol and Loki, Hela's popularity, strength, and prestige in Asgard are not of the same grade at all.

Through Tyr, Bald and others in the second life leap stage, they dared to directly take Thor and Loki as puppets to control Asgard's power.

But in front of Hela, these people didn't even have the slightest desire to resist.

Without Thor and Loki's knowledge, Tyr, Bald and others directly surrounded Hela and smashed into the Golden Palace.

Thousands and hundreds of years of things were revealed by Hela mercilessly.

The original identity of the orthodox heir of the Asgard royal family was quickly transferred from Sol to Hela.

Suddenly a sister appeared, and Saul was naturally unconvinced.

As a result, Sol was ruthlessly abused by Hela back and forth thousands of times. The Meow Hammer, which was originally in Sol’s hand, was unsuccessful, and control was immediately seized after he encountered Hela.

Even if both parties don't use Meow Hammer, Hela can beat Thor into a pig's head with one hand.

And because the power of death erosion has been removed, after Hela returned to Asgard, although she appeared to be very domineering, she did not kill anyone, and even some people who had betrayed Hela were pardoned.

Power is in hand, and the force value breaks through the sky.

Both Thor and Loki watched Hela tragically in Asgard calling for the wind and rain, and it took a short time to quickly dismantle the rebels of the Nine Realms outside Asgard. .

Loki is okay, he is the best at heart, and he who knows the current affairs is a brilliant.

Sol was more painful, feeling that his pride and pride were all crushed to pieces by his sister who suddenly appeared.

Originally instigated by Loki, Saul wanted to secretly wake up Odin, the legendary complaint.

Then the two of them were sold to Hela by the trustworthy Three Warriors of the Immortal Palace.

As the child of the Odin boss, Hela did not choose to kill Sol and Loki tenderly, but after handling many things in Asgard, he exiled them to the earth. No permission, no return to Asgard.

All in all, this is the tragic history of Rocky's strength and the tragic suppression of Thor by his elder sister.

Loki has the ability to talk to everyone in the Avengers, and he has easily integrated into the Avengers.

After restraining his arrogance and attitude, Loki is definitely not weak in terms of emotional intelligence.

On the contrary, Sol, the whole person seemed to have been drained of energy, completely sinking into alcohol paralysis.

When Rocky's witty remarks had finished all the things, among the Avengers, there was a burst of exclamation, and it felt like watching a hearty Asgard royal battle movie.

It is a pity that the protagonist of the movie is Hela, not Sol.

Heidi plunged into Jordan's arms with a dull look, and glanced at Sol, who was addicted to alcohol. After a long time, she lay on Jordan's chest and sighed: "It's such a miserable man. !"

Jordan was speechless, this is really quite vivid.

The legendary family of mythology, Asgard's royal struggle, this gossip secret, made the Avengers temporarily forget the situation that everyone had to face, and all of them were all gossip about.

At this time, Steve was calmer and more serious, and said to Joe Danny: "Joe, what did you mean by timing before?"

Everyone in the room quickly calmed down, all looking at Jordan.

The rebels of the Nine Realms were defeated in Asgard. This news is definitely good news for the entire planet, but for the current Avengers, it means that in the near future, the nations of the Security Council will deal with the ice giants, etc. After the outsiders, I'm afraid I will start working on the Avengers.

Jordanian's gaze swept across everyone, and finally swept across Saul, saying: "This is the time I have been waiting for. Asgard has won a big victory and must start a counterattack against the rebels of the Nine Realms. , When Hela and I were in the underworld of Heim, we had an agreement that the two sides were allies to each other..."

Taking advantage of Asgard's great victory, if it can make a certain amazing record on the earth battlefield, the Avengers will be able to build a true undefeated golden body on the earth.

Asgard's power can deter all countries on the earth, and it has enough record to be invincible in public opinion.

There are two-sided bonuses Even if countries all over the world unite, they may not dare to take any action against the Avengers on the bright side.

At that time, the Avengers can establish a detached position without having to escape from the world.

It's just a piece of false news that Jordanian used to confuse the outside world and divert the cards from all sides.

From beginning to end, the external force that Jordanian wanted to use was the side of Hela and Asgard.

This is the true guardian of the Nine Realms, which is considered to be in the universe, has a very huge prestige and status, and only this kind of strength can truly suppress all forces on the earth.

The exile of Sol and Loki is the attitude and response Hela gave to Jordan in Asgard.

In any case, Thor and Loki are both orthodox members of the Asgard royal family.

In a sense, Thor and Loki, more like Asgard’s ambassador to Earth, appear in the Avengers, which means they have recognized the cooperation with the Avengers.

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