Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 211: The Avengers waking up and crashing

After figuring it out, Jordan didn't worry about Syfer at all. After asking Odin about the various spars, he returned to the real world.

There is no concept of time in the origin of the universe.

After Joe Danny woke up, he found himself lying on a hospital bed. The bright sunshine was shining down. He looked towards the room and found that there was a big blond man lying on another hospital bed next to him.

And when Jordan looked at the big guy, the other person just opened his eyes.

This is too embarrassing, it's almost the same for a beautiful woman.

Jordanian calmly moved his eyes away instead of implicitly, but didn't want to. At this moment, the big man jumped suddenly and jumped off the bed, like a beast with a tight body.

"Hey, man, don't be too nervous, this may be a hospital!"

Jordan also had to admit that this was a burly and resolute man who didn't say a word, but exuded a kind of integrity and bravery on his body, just like a legendary knight.

It seemed that Jordan's words made him feel a little familiar. After looking around, the man smiled implicitly at Jordanian and sat on the side of the bed, seeming to be thinking about something.

Jordanian didn't worry much. When he entered the origin of the universe, he was at home.

Even if there is an accident, the first thing I will find is people close to me. Natasha, Pietro, Wanda and others are the most likely. The environment I am currently in is unlikely to be dangerous. .

After a pause, Jordanian looked at the big man and said, "Man, do you know what time it is, such as the date?"

The big man shook his head, and then said to Jordan: "Are you also rescued from the battle?"

"Fight? What fight?" Jordan glanced at the medical equipment next to it, which had the Stark Group logo on it. Even the room was filled with Tony's arrogant style, and then he said: "Jarvis ,are you there?"

The big man looked at Jordan with a strange and confused look.

At this moment, Jarvis's voice suddenly came from the speakers in the corner of the room, saying: "Sir, do I need to inform Mr. Stark?"

Jordani shook his head and said, "No, Jarvis, how long did I sleep? Where is this place? What's the matter with this guy next to me?"

Jarvis’s voice said: "Sir, you have been asleep for 17 days. Ms. Natasha sent you to Mr. Stark’s private nursing home. This is the Long Island area of ​​New York City. As for this gentleman next to you. It was Steve Rogers, who disappeared on the eve of the end of World War II in 1945 and was frozen in the Arctic ice field..."

The information and introduction of Steve Rogers is obviously much longer than Jordan's imagination.

Jarvis's voice continued, and Jordanian looked at the blond man next to him, the legendary American captain, Steve Rogers with a bewildered face.

"It turned out to be the captain of the United States, so lucky to meet!"

Jordani turned over and got out of bed, a little surprised and curious about the legendary gentleman with upright buttocks, stretched out his hands and shook it towards the other person.

Steve Rogers was shocked and a little shocked by Jarvis's voice and introduction.

When he saw Jordan reach out his hand, he was instinctively guarded, and his body burst out with a pure will to fight.

It is not killing intent, nor is it mixed with any other emotions.

Jordan was a little surprised, after seeing the other side's alert, he simply withdrew his hand.

Not as well-known as meeting, the American captain is more pure than Jordan's imagination.

Ordinary people, if they put themselves in the position of the American captain, they may be able to handle it better and calmer than the American captain, but there is absolutely no such purity of the opponent.

The will to fight is something like fantasy, but in fact, anyone who is really good at fighting can clearly feel it.

Some people fight to kill, some fight to fight for the strong, and even some fight to protect the lofty ideals. More or less, in the battle, there will always be some personal emotions.

But for the American captain, the will to fight at that moment was purely to the limit. It was purely on guard for the sake of guarding, and it did not have any malice against Jordan.

There is a saying that the body is armed with a weapon, and the murderous heart starts from the beginning.

In the experience of Steve Rogers, his strength is absolutely unique, and he has participated in countless battles. It is really rare to be able to be on guard for a moment and not be malicious to other lives.

In China, this kind of person is the most kind gentleman.

In the West, such people are like virtue knights resurrected from the Middle Ages.

This is Jordan's first impression of Steve Rogers. It is really impressive, not in the surface, not in words, but in the small details revealed in actions and instincts.

Jordanian thought a lot, but for Steve Rogers, it was only a moment in the past.

It seemed that he had sensed that his kind of pre-war work was a little rude, Steve Rogers extended his hand to Jordanny sincerely and said, "Sorry, I'm Steve Rogers."

Jordani smiled freely and said: "Understandably, I am Jordani Jovovich."

While we were talking, the door of the room was pushed open, and a large group of people burst into the room.

The fastest one was Wanda, and he rushed into Jordan's arms, making Steve Rogers next to him embarrassed again.

In addition to Wanda and Pietro, there was also Coleson, who rushed to Steve Rogers like a little fan.

There was a burst of noise in the room.

With the twittering words of Wanda, Pietro and others, Jordan also learned something about what happened after he entered the origin of the universe.

The captain of the United States was excavated from the ice cave.

S.H.I.E.L.D. was officially dissolved in a Security Council statement.

Tony started a duel with Ivan Vanke.

The government and military surrounded the Avengers base in order to capture two aliens.

Saifu led the people to forcibly split a large piece of land in the Nordic region and established the kingdom of Asgard on the earth.

A lot of things have more or less relationships with this group of people like Jordan. The Avengers that haven't grown up yet completely disbanded after less than ten days of establishment.

Tony was fairly loyal, hugged Natasha, Clint, and Coleson, and took the Captain of the United States and hid in the private manor on Long Island.

All in all, today's outside world is just like chicken feathers.

The US government, the military, the Security Council, the Stark Group, and even the New York City government, the FBI, etc., all quarreled together.

That is, Tony's relationship is extremely hard, and he opened a press conference to announce the new energy in his hands.

Otherwise, someone would have rushed into Long Island Manor to grab someone.

It is completely different from the smooth establishment of the Avengers in the movie world. The Snake Shield has fallen, and every force wants to get a share of the pie.

At the beginning, Tony, Jordan, and Dr. Banner were backed by a wave of powerful combat power, and Tony was able to barely maintain the situation and wrangling with outsiders.

But Jordan was in a coma for more than ten days, Tony was called by his old enemy Ivan to ask for trouble, and Saifu started to build a nation in Europe.

In addition, after all, destroying the Snake Shield is not the same as resisting alien invasion. The Avengers simply do not have the prestige and popular support after a big victory, and the countries of the earth have no external pressure at all.

So the whole situation exploded all at once.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick Fury were still there, they could still have some advantages in politics. After all, Nick Fury was very good at dealing with politicians.

Now this situation is much worse, and there is no SHIELD to share the pressure.

In a workshop on the ground floor of Long Island Manor.

Jordan quickly found Tony, who was hiding in the workshop and making mechas.

Establishing and retaining the Avengers, this is something Tony dominates, but obviously, things are messed up, and there is no doubt that this is quite serious for Tony's blow.

Tony didn't want to deal with the mess in the outside world, but after the desire of the people broke out, no matter how talented Tony was, he couldn't stop them one by one.

After all, these people are different from Hydra, and it is impossible for Tony to go straight to the door in battle armor.

Looking at Tony, whose mental state is not so good, Jordan deliberately knocked on the glass door and said, "Hey, man, I woke up, don't you go to see me?"

Hearing this, Tony paused, threw a wrench on the workbench, and said, "Aren't you here to comfort me?"

Tsundere is by nature, even if he has some mature posture, Tony is still stubborn.

Jordani laughed weirdly and said, "It's a pity, no, let me guess, the number of people who come to comfort you these days may be zero? No, it should be one, after all, you still have Pepper."

Tony was taken aback for a and then he was full of irritation, and said, "Shett, Pepper is right, Joe, you are really a scumbag."

Jordani: "..."

This is so special, as if I had abandoned you all the time.

Taking a deep breath, not hesitating to care about what it is, Jordan paused for a while and said: "Then have you thought of any way to solve the current situation?"

Greed makes people crazy.

The collapse of the Snake Shield Bureau left too many resources, relationships, benefits, etc., and almost all the forces were jealous and crazy.

Tony actually responded very well. With the huge benefits of new energy sources, some people's madness was slightly curbed, and at least, it became a lot less, because no one would want to offend a future energy giant.

But I have to say that Tony is really too unlucky.

It happened that at this critical time, I encountered too many unlucky things. Of course, it is also possible that behind these things, there is more or less power surging.

But the fact is like this, winners and losers.

Tony's idea may not be considered a failure, but it is definitely not a success.

As for a arrogant genius, failure to succeed is the greatest failure.

In this situation, Tony had nothing to do, so when facing Jordan's question, he was somewhat silent and his face was ugly.


PS: Sorry, it can only be a chapter, my father's birthday today, the family is too noisy!

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