Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 202: The Destruction of the Snake Shield (2)

In this action against the Snake Shield, under the various series of Jordanian, the integration time of Saifu, Tony, and Coulson did not take too long. In response to the existence of the Snake Shield, they quickly launched a response.

And the Hydra side is not good.

An old fox like Alexander Pierce, only through some clues, has already sensed a possible crisis, and decided to go straight to the last fight.

The Zola algorithm originally hidden in the insight plan by Hydra requires more than three aerospace carriers. After entering the 3,000-meter troposphere, they form a triangular combination, relying on the Lemurian Star for precise positioning and firing in one shot. Thousands of enemies can be killed, and all enemies can be cleaned up in one minute.

At that time, the Hydra can truly turn from the dark to the bright side, realizing the king of the world.

But under the potential uneasiness and crisis, Alexander Pierce decided not to wait any longer. Even if it was an aerospace mothership, it would take some more time to eliminate all hidden dangers in advance.

Alexander Pierce had a good hunch.

At this time, with the help of Saifu, Coleson took two agents "Nick Fury" and "Hill" to Washington, along with Natasha and Clint and others.

These people are all internal members of SHIELD. Whether to seize the right to speak, control Alexander Pierce, or publish the SHIELD database to the public, they all need to enter the SHIELD headquarters.

However, at this time, the entire headquarters of SHIELD had been fully guarded.

In the long passage, a large number of ground spikes have been raised, and all the cannons specially used for air defense are unlocked, and even the gates are completely encrypted and closed. There are many Hydra members and fully armed guards in the passage. Above.

"Xiete, Hydra's reaction is much faster than we thought!"

"Yeah, this level of defense, I don't think we can pass without an army. To be honest, I haven't been married for a long time, and I don't want to die here!"

Natasha and Clint both sang and made a match, which made the atmosphere in the whole team a little relaxed.

The plan to destroy the Snake Shield was more difficult than everyone imagined.

Coleson just took a look at the situation on the passage, and directly suggested: "I think it's time to ask for Hulk's support. That big guy is much more powerful than an army."

Originally, everyone thought that they could sneak back into the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau quietly.

But now, Hydra's reaction has made it clear that it is about to turn its face directly, and it is indeed difficult for agents such as Coleson, Natasha, and Clint to attack the tough.

As the commander-in-chief of this operation, Saifu has real-time monitoring of the Sky Eye organization, and he can naturally see this scene in front of SHIELD headquarters.

Needless to say, in a secret base in Washington, a helicopter quickly lifted off.

Not long after, the helicopter came to the sky near the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. with a roar.

Without waiting for the Hydra inside the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau to react, among the weird gazes of many Hydra members, a figure suddenly appeared on the helicopter, which fell directly from the mid-air which was hundreds of meters high. Down.

"What kind of routine is this?"

"Maybe I want to express my firm determination to die in front of us if I can't open the door!"

"Then shall we report to the higher level?"


Just as a group of Hydra members on the passage of S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters were talking about it, an arrow suddenly passed through the guards of the heavy Hydra members at an extremely tricky angle, and directly nailed the swipe card of the steel gate.器上。 Above.


The electromagnetic arrows of the Shadow series exploded, and the gate controller of the entire SHIELD headquarters suddenly failed.

Immediately afterwards, before these Hydra members could react, there was a terrifying roar from the place where the figure fell under the helicopter. Along with the spread of the sound, a green figure was three meters tall, as if it were a rash. Desolate monsters appeared on the straight passage.


Today's Hulk, once it appears, is a state of second rage. Obviously for some time, Hulk's power, even if it does not appear frequently, has been growing in a subtle way.

"Xiete, it's the monster Hulk, fire, authorize all defenses, fire immediately!"

"Sir, our master controller has failed!"

"F..k, are you telling me this now? What are you doing now?"

When the Hydra members in front of the S.H.I.E.L.D. gate were panicking, Hulk had already rushed directly to the base of a huge machine gun tower.


Hulk under the second violent rage can only say this, but the action is not simple.

Just like a violent rhino, Hulk rushed up to the base of the machine gun and flew down with both hands. A steel base with a height of four or five meters was torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, Hulk carried the cannon, and behind it was a big iron pier. He smashed it all the way fiercely and rushed towards the steel gate of SHIELD.


There was a huge steel gate behind the ruler, and it was abruptly smashed into a pit by Hulk.

In front of Hulk, any defense does not have much effect. At best, it is just a matter of the length of time to persist.

"F..k, fire and stop it!"

Dozens of Hydra members quickly opened fire in the bunker near the gate of S.H.I.E.L.D., and a large number of bullets spewed out, like a tongue of fire, and rushed towards the Hulk.

At the same time, in the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., it was obvious that two Kun-type fighters flew out and started to gather fire towards Hulk in the mid-air.

Until this time, Coleson, Natasha, Clint and others did not appear on this long passage.

Natasha just glanced at the battlefield, and said directly: "I will solve the bunker, contact the gate blockade!"

Clint glanced at it, and finally saw the two Kun-type fighters in the sky, and said, "Leave the direction of the sky to me to solve it."

Coulson's face was tangled and said: "Well, I will take someone to meet Hulk!"

Just as the battle over the emergency exit of S.H.I.E.L.D., Jordan and Tony had already arrived in front of a Senate mansion in Washington.

Speaking of which, this senator has had a lot of dealings with Tony.

For example, before the Science and Technology Expo, a senator and the Hammer Group joined forces to initiate a controversy in public opinion against Tony's steel armor.

In the name of Tony Stark, it is not too difficult to meet this senator.

However, Tony at this time still didn't quite believe that this Senator Sent was actually a member of Hydra.

On the way to meet with Senator Sent, Tony opened his mouth to Jordani: "Shett, although I hate this guy, we acted privately against a senator without legal permission. This is It will cause a mess, so I shouldn't act with you."

Sent is a very powerful man in the U.S. Senate, and even has a high chance of being elected the next president of the U.S. Senate, which is the standing post of the U.S. Vice President.

Jordanian looked calm and said, "Tony, this is what we have to do. S.H.I.E.L.D. is not difficult to deal with. Even if Hydra is bold, it is impossible to hide an army, but this Sent participates. The congressman is different. If he cannot be controlled, no one can guarantee that there will be missiles, or even the army, intervening in our operations at any time."

After all, Jordan is still a little worried. Hydra will retaliate against his relatives when he jumps over the wall in a hurry.

In the United States, most of the power of Hydra is hidden in SHIELD.

Senator Sent, because of his special status, is the largest tentacles of Hydra extending towards the political direction, and can even affect the decisions of the State Department, the military, and even the president of the United States.

In order to suppress the dying counterattack of Hydra to a certain extent, apart from the battle at the Snake Shield Headquarters, the biggest difficulty is the influence of external public opinion and political forces.

If Nick Fury was there, these were all Nick Fury’s jobs, and the other party even had the authority to contact the US president directly.

But now that Nick Fury is not there, all Jordanian can think of is the relationship with Tony.

Saifu, Coleson, Natasha, Clint and others, although appearing more in battles and movies, but in fact, these people's compulsion is actually too low.

This is also the main reason why Nick Fury can be so strong in front of everyone.

Personal combat power is very important, but as long as you are not alone and care about nothing, no one can be more terrifying than a state machine.

Even the superhero dare not say that they are confronted with the power of the country.

Entering the lobby of Senator Stern’s mansion, the other party hasn’t appeared yet. Tony is still reluctant to deal with the guy he hates. He complains to Joe Danny: "Hey, Joe, you know, if I want, we It’s perfectly possible to have lunch at the White House. With Stark’s influence, meeting the president is not too difficult..."

Jordanian poked his lips and said, "That's the problem, Tony, what do you want to say when you see the president? We don't have any substantive evidence in our hands. Put your armor on. Facing a battle!"

Tony nodded, holding a box in his hands with both hands, and along with the mechanical climb, a silver-red Mark No. 5 armor quickly covered Tony's body.

At the same time, surrounded by more than a dozen super strong men, a figure with a big belly appeared in the hall.

The visitor was Senator Sent. Even if he saw Tony’s armor, he didn’t show any fear. He spoke directly: "Tony Stark, you are a rare visitor. You came here to Do you offer your loyalty to the great Hydra?"

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