Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 2: I have a golden finger of no affection

   The three-day period is not long or short. For Jordan, who has been trained all the year round, it is enough to have a general understanding and familiarity with the entire city.

   Jordan Danny thought he had traveled through the world of John Wick's movies and became the prototype of the character John Wick.

   This is enough.

   What Jordan never expected was that he felt a lot of Stark Group advertisements in the streets of New York City.

  When I was in Eastern Europe training camp, the news was blocked, and Jordan was eager to come out.

   became a killer, a lot of money, and then spent time and wine, this kind of life, is the life that Jordanian wants.

   So Jordan Danny came to New York, known as "the rich man's paradise," among countless choices.

   But now, among the information I have obtained, all indicate that the world I have traveled into is actually the Marvel world.

   And how sad are the New Yorkers in the Marvel world?

   Spider boy vs. Lizard man, the love and hatred of the iron man and the bald iron king, the hulk and hatred rubbing each other on the street, the captain of the United States rushing into the Snake Shield, the Zetarians rushing into, the tyrants rushing into...

   This is just a disaster in some of the movies that Jordan Daniel is more impressed with.

   Other messy things like Daredevil, Punisher, Ant-Man, etc., are constantly emerging.

   Besides, the most important thing is that Marvel World is a superhero world.

   New York City, known as the center of the universe, is home to more than 6000 superheroes according to incomplete statistics.

  夭Shou, I am a killer.

  According to the agreement between himself and the training camp, he must be in New York City and work for the organization for at least three years, with mandatory assassination missions every month.

   I really want to accidentally provoke which superhero to the head, I am afraid it is not terrible to die.

   Escape is definitely not possible.

   The strength of the Continental Hotel and the training camp, although Jordanian only glimpsed the tip of the iceberg, he is not what he can now fight against.

   If I knew it, I shouldn't have been full-time indiscriminately during the eight years of the training camp.

   Yes, according to Traverser's practice, when Jordan came to this world, he also came with gold fingers.

   It's just Jordan's golden finger, it's a rigid golden finger with no emotions.

   In his last life, Jordan was a native of Cantonese. Because of his proximity to the Hong Kong River, he was influenced by the culture of Hong Kong Island. It was Jordan’s parents that gave him a western name.

   It's a pity that Jordan's past life was not very foreign.

   has sold discs, set up stalls, purchases mobile phones, and buys and sells scalper tickets. Jordan has not many outlets, and he is not bold enough. Anyway, he does something very sloppy.

   At the time of crossing, Jordan was working in a game studio, and DNF was playing a gold team.

   To get rich is never possible to get rich, that is, it's just like working hard.

   Even after the journey, Jordan has always suspected that in his previous life, maybe it was because he was too cruel in the studio that he died suddenly.

   The original Jordanian in this life was overworked because he couldn't stand the extreme training in the training camp.

   The combination of the two probably gave birth to Jordan's rebirth.

   The death rate in the training camp has always been high. After Jordan crossed over, it was originally difficult to sustain it.

   Fortunately, at that time, when Jordan was supporting his infidelity, he got his own skill panel and a transfer certificate from DNF.

   Because of the particularity of the training camp, Jordan’s initial career directly recognized the sharpshooter career.

   Eight years of suffering, in the absence of any sense of crisis, Jordan directly turned into a roaming gunman with his transfer certificate.

   Jobs like big guns, machinery, ammunition, etc., are not bad, but too difficult.

   After all, the real world is a bit different from the game world. The roaming gunner is better, and there are many overlaps with Jordan's training, as long as the liver is enough.

   The big guns, machinery, and ammunition require cutting-edge technology and magic to assist research.

   Qiao Danni said that it is difficult for him to study and understand even his high school knowledge, and the same physical skills and shooting skills are barely able to reach the point of activating skills.

   Do research on cutting-edge technology and magic?

   Forget it, it's better to be a little self-aware.

   Now that I think about it, my original choice seemed to be a bit miscalculated. I once had a precious transfer certificate in front of me. I didn't cherish it. I regretted it when I lost it.

   If God can give yourself a chance to come back again, uh, there is no if...

   With inexplicable sadness, Jordan opened his property panel again after a long time.

   Jordan Jovovich: Level 18

   Strength: 10

   Physical strength: 10

   Intelligence: 10

   Spirit: 10

   Movement speed: 10

   hit: fixed target 100, moving target 100, correction 100

   Avoidance: 92

  HP recovery: 1/100

  MP recovery: 0/0

  Physical Crit: 10

  Magic Crit: 0

   Attribute enhancement: 0

   Resistance: 0

General Skills: Basic Proficiency Level 1, Back Jump Level 1, Body Squatting Level 0, Leaping Level 1, Throwing Mastery Level 1, Ancient Memory Level 1, Unyielding Will Level 1, Physical Crit Level 1, Magic Crit Level 0 , Backstrike level 0

Sharpshooter skills: Knee hit level 1, floating bullet level 0, firearms proficiency level 1, mechanical technology proficiency level 0, magic technology level 0, silver bullet level 0, swing kick level 1, step shooting level 1, floating shovel level 1 , Aerial shooting level 1, instant kick level 1, BBQ level 0, grenade level 1,

Roaming Gunner Skills: Leather Mastery Level 1, Revolver Mastery Level 1, Quick Reload Level 1, Deadly Shot Level 0, Long Range Block 1, Level 1, Shooting Level 1, Quick Pull Gun Level 1, Revenge Counter Attack Level 0, Triple Control Level 0, Turn Back One Blow Level 0, Triple Burst Level 1, Death Revolver Level 0, Floating Intercept Level 0, Mobile Shooting Level 1, Random Shooting Level 1, Multiple Headshot Level 0, Double Eagle Swing Level 0

   Spear God Skills: Mark of Death (not awakened), Crazy Slaughter (not awakened), Death Assault (not awakened), Suppression Shot (not awakened)

  Sky-Sweeping Wings: Revolver Profound Truth (not awakened), gust of wind and rain (not awakened), headshot control (not awakened), seventh wing movement (not awakened)

   Stealing the teacher: Not awakened

   Jordan's list of attributes and skills can only appear in his mind.

   The pinnacle of the human body (normal person), excellent leg skills, perfect marksmanship, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is an almost perfect answer for ordinary killers.

  All of the skills can be divided into physical skills and shooting skills.

   For the most part, Jordan has thoroughly mastered it during the eight-year training of the devil.

   But like crouching, revenge and counterattack, there are invincibility and hegemony judging skills, all of which cannot be mastered.

   Skills such as proficient in science and technology, M-137 Green machine gun, RX-78 chaser, M-3 flamethrower, G-14 grenade, etc., have technological blueprints, but Jordanian can't understand them at all.

   There are also critical strikes, MP, magic mastery, floating bombs, silver bullets, deadly shots, etc. Skills that require MP to be used in conjunction with Jordanian can also not be mastered.

   Uh, the point is that there is no such thing as MP.

   In short, today's Jordanian is a super killer with the best physical fitness, fighting and shooting skills.

   Before, Jordanian thought that there was no magic or MP in this world.

   But now that I think about it, it's possible that I still find a way to produce MP.

   As for the upgrade and awakening, it is completely stuck. Jordanian has tried many methods. So far, there has been no gain. It can only be a chance.

   If you can find a way to level up and awaken, the roaming gunner class might still be saved.


  PS: The DNF system panel can be regarded as a golden finger. There will be no creation out of thin air or various rewards. In the future, try not to appear, or reduce all the panels such as attributes and skills, and resolutely do not count the words.

   skills are all built through eight years of training and solidified through the system panel, which can even be understood as a kind of psychological hint.

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