Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 195: Unlucky

Since the last time the cooperation between Winston and Aideen was disturbed, Jordanian has not been to the Continental Hotel for a long time.

In fact, in today's Jordan, there are few places where Continental Hotel can be used.

Behind him are the super-powerfuls such as Odin and Gu, and the super-rich Tony Stark. Jordan thinks that he is now a person who has escaped the low-level taste.

Returning to the old place, Jordanian was still a little bit emotional.

Back then, I was only twenty-three or four, with seven or eight cents under his hand, traveling across the ocean to New York, the heartland of imperialism. The biggest dream was to sell more energy for the organization. Find a way to exchange the younger siblings from the organization's hands.

After many years, when I am in New York, I can barely be considered a gangster level.

Walking into the hotel, on the chic front desk, standing still is the gentle black guy from Charon. The lobby is still filled with the excitement that floats on the surface, and the faint sense of alienation between everyone.

"Hi, Charon, long time no see!"

With Bucky, Jordan took a long breath and strode towards the front desk.

"Jovovich... Sir, long time no see!"

Charon's performance was as polite and gentle as usual, but when the other party saw Jordan and Bucky, there was a small pause in the voice, and he pushed his glasses.

Jordanian raised his eyebrows for no apparent reason.

If it were changed to someone else, such an action and pause would be nothing, but this continental hotel is not an ordinary hotel. Charon’s almost harsh sense of his etiquette lasted two or three years. Here, Jordani has never seen such a performance on the other side.

This is almost like a bone in the egg.

Depressing the little doubt in his heart, Jordan smiled and hugged Charon, and said: "Charon, I need to open a special room to take care of my friends around me, private service!"

After speaking, Jordani took out a small pile of angry lion gold coins and placed them on the bar.

Unexpectedly, Charon glanced at the angry lion gold coin on the table, hesitated a little, and said: "Mr. Jovovich, New York is not very peaceful recently. The underground private service has been compromised. All guests have booked, and if necessary, I can recommend a place to you privately..."

Charon's performance, basically nothing can be faulty.

However, after the physical fitness is strong enough to the point of Jordanian, he can still be very keen, and feel that Charon's body is actually guarded, even stiff.

Almost silently, Jordanian glanced around.

More or less, in the direction of Jordan's blind spot, there are many sharp gazes watching Jordan's body.

Jordan had this feeling when he first entered the hotel.

However, the Continental Hotel itself is a platform built by the underground world in New York. Among the merchants, there are many killers and gang members. These people are a little wary of the guests entering and leaving the hotel, and it is normal.

But if this kind of gaze keeps staring at oneself, it is a little abnormal.

And Jordani noticed that Bucky beside him was standing aside honestly on the surface, but the whole person's body was already tense early.

For no reason, a thought flashed through Jordan's mind.

Then, with a sense of trying, Jordanian suddenly said softly in front of Charon: "Hillard!"

Suddenly, a strange light flashed in Charon's eyes, which seemed to be a little shocked and somewhat delighted, and said: "It turns out that Mr. Jovovich and the guest are a family. I will help you arrange private services! "

When Charon's voice came to an end, Jordan also suddenly felt that the eyes of the other people in the hotel also suddenly shifted away from him.

Charon moved quickly, but after picking up the phone and contacting for a while, he quickly led the way.

Jordanian followed Charon, but he couldn't help but complain.

I'm so special, have I been so unlucky, I have been in the Hanmer Group for a long time, and finally picked a place, which is actually the base camp of the special Hydra!

Like the isolation operations and separate controls of S.H.I.E.L.D., the organizational structure of Hydra is also single-line.

Jordan Fudged with the slogan of Hydra, Charon, or the rest of the Continental Hotel, did not have too much suspicion of Jordan.

Take the elevator all the way to the seventh floor.

Jordan had stayed in the Continental Hotel for a long time, but he didn't know that there was actually such a secret base on the ground floor of the Continental Hotel.

The layout of the seventh underground floor is similar to that of the private vault on the sixth underground floor. There are gates and iron fences everywhere. Once impacted or turmoil is encountered, the terrain can be used for effective defense and counterattack.

However, inside those iron gates, it was not a vault or a prison, but a workshop.

Among these workshops, there are information transmitters, equipment manufacturing rooms, and the innermost part is a laboratory that resembles a temporary transformation. In the center of the laboratory, there is a huge chair with messy surroundings. Auxiliary tools and wiring.

Seeing this scene, countless memories flickered in Jordan's mind, and finally froze on a similar picture.

This place is the place where Snake Shield is used to repair the Winter Soldier's arm and brainwash it in the special "Captain America 2".

This is so special!

Jordan felt that he was a little bit painful. After rescued Ivan Vanke, Jordan did not even go to the Science and Technology Expo, just to avoid the conflict between Tony, Ivan and Hydra.

Jordan had no interest in taking part in things like extinguishing Hydra and remediating S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.

To put it bluntly, I can be regarded as a person with a family and a mouth now. If I were to be avenged by these hydra desperadoes, although I am not afraid, like Minty, Peter, May and others, they definitely cannot cope.

What's more, there are too many people hiding in this Hydra, and there is a wave after killing it. Even if it is not threatening, it is really annoying to use it.

In the end, what is the benefit of destroying the Hydra, working for S.H.I.E.L.D. for nothing, but also being guarded by the other party.

This group of S.H.I.E.L.D. people, especially the Nick Fury, are not good things either.

He had already hided so far, and even hit the Hydra's lair with one head. This luck was no longer there.

Just when Jordan's thoughts were confusing, a middle-aged man in a white coat who looked like a scientific researcher greeted him and said, "Sir, is there something wrong with the Winter Soldier?"

Jordan's face was dumbfounded, and then calmly said: "No problem, he just doesn't know my identity, who is the highest person in charge here?"

The research man was stunned by Jordan's words, he quickly drew his gun and said, "You are not ours, who are you?"

At the same time, Charon and others also drew their guns one after another, all aiming at Jordan.

Jordanian blinked his eyes with a weird look, looked at Bucky next to him, and said, "Did I say something wrong?"

Bucky stood in place with no expression, while the others surrounded this Jordan with nervousness.

Until this time, the silver-haired Winston came to the seventh floor and waved to Bucky. Soon Bucky stepped aside and stood still.

Winston's cloudy gaze swept across Jordan's body and said, "Joe, it's been a long time since I saw you. You shouldn't get in."

Jordanian felt sore, and said, "Winston, it's been a long time since I saw you. Actually, I don't want to get involved!"

Jordanian was telling the truth.

In the lobby of the Continental Hotel, if Jordan didn't say "Hailard Long Live" and pretended to be one of the Hydra members, I'm afraid it would go to war on the spot.

The people in the Continental Hotel are obviously familiar with Bucky, otherwise, they would not stare at him the first time Jordan enters the hotel.

But the layman is a layman after all.

With a single sentence, Qiao Danni was able to temporarily gain the trust of Charon and others, and coupled with the move toward the seventh floor of the Continental Hotel, those Hydra members did not directly do it.

But after in-depth contact, it took no more than a few words, and Jordan was completely exposed.

It's like the killer organization that Jordanian used to be in. Meeting is an incision. There are codes for all kinds of contact methods. Understanding is understanding, and those who don't understand will soon become apparent.

Winston frowned and looked at Jordani: "Joe, I can call the shots and give you a chance to tell why you are here and where did you know our information. Otherwise, I can only send you. See God."

Jordan's face was eccentric, and then he said with pain, "Winston, I said it was a coincidence, do you believe it?"

Winston: "..."

Jordanian said with a serious face: "This is really a coincidence, Winston, you can ask the iron-armed boy next to you!"

Winston frowned and thought about and waved to the person behind him, who quickly left. Only then did Winston take out two cigars and handed one to Jordan Danny. : "Joe, I believe what I said for the time being, but whether it is a coincidence or not, since you have discovered our secret, with my authority, I can only give you two choices, one is to wait until the situation is confirmed and then execute you, the other, You can join us!"

Jordan didn't panic at all. He lit his cigar and said, "Winston, I want to know, is the entire council all Hydra people?"

Winston paused, but he was an old man. He had already seen that Jordan didn't even mean to join him at all. He said, "Hey, Joe, you are a capable person. What a pity! A friendship, you Any more requests?"

Jordan hesitated for a moment, and said, "Can you call me a girl?"

Winston shook his head and said, "Enjoy the last cigar!"


PS: In "Captain America 2", there is an exact picture showing that the place where the Winter Soldier brainwashed is the Continental Hotel~

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