Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 184: Enlightenment and wake up

Under Odin's explanation, Jordan finally understood why he was given the real name of death and became the fourth prince of Asgard.

To put it bluntly, Jordanian is a spare tire.

The power of authority is actually the law of the will of the origin of the universe. Most of the time, it is in a state of nothingness, and only six infinite gems are physical existence.

In addition, in the origin of the universe, these powers of authority can also be embodied.

For example, the radiance on Jordan's body and the radiance on Odin's body that resemble the sun are both the power of the original law attached to the two people's will.

But this original law is so powerful that it can assimilate almost all existence spontaneously.

For example, death itself can silence all life, and it is the endless darkness that can assimilate everything.

Jordan had survived the erosion of endless death, and the will was nirvana from death, and he was able to walk into the origin of the universe through death itself.

After this step, even if Jordan had condensed his divinity, he initially possessed an immortal characteristic.

This is also the reason why noble elders of ancient times and elders of Odin always place true nobility on will and soul. Only noble soul will be able to survive the erosion of the law of origin and enter the universe. The place of origin, with existences like Odin and Gu, are equal in terms of identity.

In other words, the soul will that resists the erosion of the law of origin is truly noble.

This does not depend on innateness, but on the strength of life's personality.

Hela is also a big boss, but she can only be regarded as a half big boss, because when he entered the origin of the universe, he was eroded by half by the power of the law of death.

In other words, Hela has her own consciousness, but is dominated and affected by death, and is considered a half puppet.

Originally, Jordanian was not qualified to enter the origin of the universe at this time. Only the life individual, after reaching a certain level of strength, can peep into the existence of the power of law, through practice, growth, control, and then use the power of the law , After training, enter the origin of the universe.

But Jordanian was born again, a person who was resurrected from the dead, and he was born with a trace of death authority in his body.

That's why Jordan was able to fail to reach the standard in strength. After the battle with hatred, he saw that life and death were intertwined, in a muddle-headed manner, he had survived the erosion of death, and entered the origin of the universe.

There are countless coincidences.

Jordan's natural death authority, the promotion and blessing of system will, the death real name bestowed by Odin, plus a little bit of opportunity similar to epiphany, Jordanian has such great fortune.

But then they are all eggs.

Being able to step into the origin of the universe is nothing more than adding a noble aura to Jordan, and there is no improvement in Jordan's strength.

Jordanian's understanding and control of the authority of death were not up to the point where he could study in the origin of the universe.

Unlike Odin, his control over authority and law has become so strong that the origin of the universe is equivalent to an inexhaustible power source for Odin.

In the outside world, Odin has suffered any injury, or has exhausted his energy or life, directly opened Odin's sleep, came to the origin of the universe, recharged, and woke up in a peak state.

After understanding all this, Jordanian also knew that he would not get any benefits in this place where the universe originated.

It didn't take too long to chat with Odin and relieve my boredom. Jordan said to Odin, "My father, Odin, I don't know what should I do before I can leave here?"

This thing of morality is like elastic pants. Once dropped, it will become a habit.

In the last life, Papa Ma was the father, can't the boss of Odin be the father!

As a senior licking dog, Jordani felt that if he could lick a beautiful woman, he could also lick a big guy without any problems.

Mr. Odin is obviously very satisfied with Jordan's attitude, saying: "The place of origin is the beginning of the law and the beginning of the universe. The pass here is only the law itself. If you chant the true name of death, you can return. Go to reality."

Jordani nodded, and then politely licked: "My father Odin, I don’t get any growth in this place of origin, so I’m going to go back. I don’t know what else Odin’s father has to explain. No?"

Mr. Odin touched the top of Jordan's head, showing an old father's kind smile, and said: "Go, remember that in a year, I will return to Asgard, and I will give you a title and make you Real name, inform the Nine Realms, when the time comes, I will call you and invite you to Asgard for an announcement ceremony."

This is how Odin is going to tie Jordan to death on Asgard's chariot.

Jordanian thought for a while, felt that there should be a handful of wool here, and said: "My father Odin, after becoming the prince of Asgard, can you help me build a weapon?"

Odin nodded and said: "You have the same noble soul will as mine. I will personally take you to Nidavi, and let the greatest foundry dwarf king Ai Tui personally take action to cast guard for you Sgard’s artifact."

So easy?

Seeing Odin's promise, Jordanian thought it over for a while and said again: "My father Odin..."

Mr. Odin suddenly turned dark and said: "Jordanni, you have to know that all the glory of Asgard can only be exchanged for merit, don't go too far!"

Big Odin understood Jordan's cautious thinking instantly and interrupted directly.

Jordani laughed awkwardly and said: "I didn't mean that, I mean, can I take a few friends to Asgard to observe the ceremony? After all, this will be a very important thing in my life for me. , Attributed to Asgard, is such an honor..."

It's just licking anyway, just lick it when you open it!

As soon as the rainbow fart piled up, Odin suddenly smiled, and tried to make a serious look, saying: "Your award ceremony will be held in the most glorious Golden Palace in Asgard. I allow you to carry it. The ten most important friends in your life are here to watch the ceremony. Go ahead and stop talking to me!"

Joe Danny’s rainbow fart, Odin doesn’t know it, or it’s just a bit unbearable.

So after meeting Jordan's request, he simply sent Jordan to leave.

Jordan didn't say much, and silently recited his real name in his heart. Soon, Jordan felt his soul consciousness suddenly fell from the endless height.


With golden light spilling on the room from the window, Jordan Blinked his eyes and woke up from his deep sleep.

Appearing by Jordan's bed were Wanda and Pietro, whom Jordan hadn't seen for a long time. The two seemed to be very tired, so they fell on the side of the bed and fell asleep deeply.

At the same time, the bedroom door opened, and Heidi was wearing home clothes for a moment, and she happened to meet Jordan's gaze.

The morning sun was shining down from the blue sky, falling on Heidi's Miaoman figure, her golden hair shining as if it were pearlescent.

Jordanian said sincerely: "Wow, Heidi, you are so beautiful!"

Praise always makes people happy, and Heidi is no exception, showing a sweet smile.

Immediately after seeing something, Heidi's smile narrowed, and he said coldly, "Scumbag!"

Jordan looked at the rising quilt and couldn't help but blush. He said, "This is the purest physiological reaction. At the very least, it shows that my body is healthy, energetic, and my waist is getting better, doesn't it?"

Heidi was speechless, paused, and then said: "You have been sleeping for a week, and there is a freshly prepared breakfast outside. Let's take a bath and eat."

After speaking, Heidi went out.

At this time, Wanda also woke up, looked at Heidi who was walking out, and whispered: "It's another bitch."

"What bitch?" Pietro woke up too, his face was confused, and then his eyes lit up, surprised: "Joe, you are awake, you are finally awake, the doctor Tony invited said, you may become a Vegetative, it's over, I'm ready to inherit your inheritance, now it's all over!"

Jordanian felt a little touched at first, then his face became so dark that he took a deep breath and said, "Fuck off!"

Pietro wasn't very hypocritical, got up and walked out grinning.

On the contrary, it was Wanda, staring at Jordanian eagerly. After Pietro left, he said, "Joe, I thought you were leaving me, just like Mom and Dad in Camp Roma..."

Jordanian sat up, took Wanda into his arms, and said: "No, I will always guard you and Pietro, and watch you get married and get married. Otherwise, I will go to heaven. Old Jiang Ge will not forgive me either."

The warmth is permeated, and the room is filled with a warm feeling.

For a long time, Wanda also noticed the abnormality on the quilt, blushed, and summoned his courage, and said: "Joe, are you uncomfortable? I don't want to get married, I can help you!"

Jordanian was stunned for a moment and said with a dazed expression: "I'm not uncomfortable, how old you are and not suitable for fighting, I have Tony, Cassian, Cross and others to help, and I won't be hurt in the future..."

True steel straight man!

Wanda's courage disappeared like a tide, and his heart was full of resentment. He hammered the quilt on the bulging place, and then ran out violently.

After Wanda left, Jordan showed a look of For a while, Jordan took a picture frame from the bedside. In the frame, there was a middle-aged couple who was very The young Jordanian, and the teenage Wanda and Pietro.

Reflecting on the photo, Qiao Danni smiled bitterly: "Old Jiang Ge, what should I do? I treat Wanda as my sister, but she wants to sleep with my brother..."

"The point is, when Wanda grows up, I may not be able to carry it, old Jiang Ge, you know, I am determined to be a scumbag, eh..."

Twenty minutes later, Jordan had just finished washing and came to the living room.

In the dining room next to the kitchen, Pietro was fiercely at the breakfast on the table, Wanda holding a knife and fork, like a class enemy, slashing the plate fiercely, staring at Heidi with a deadly stare. .

At this time, Heidi was eating breakfast elegantly, and when he saw Qiao Danni coming out, he raised his head and showed a smile.

For no reason, Jordan felt that this place felt like a home.

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