Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 143: Untie the knot

With Jordan's strength and ten times the physical fitness of ordinary people, it is not too difficult to sneak into a group of bandit dens. If Jordan is given enough time to kill all the members of the Ten Commandments in the village, it is not too difficult. thing.

Deep in the desert, is the site of the Ten Rings Gang.

The defensive and vigilant forces of the entire village are loose and tight.

It didn’t take much time. Jordan stunned the two little bosses in the village, and quickly took them outside the village. Fortunately, one of the two little bosses was able to stubbornly listen. Can understand English.

There are many methods of interrogation.

It is not too difficult to get some intelligence from the mouths of the two small bosses.

Just as Jordani inferred, Tony Stark was kidnapped by the Ten Rings and left. The place of detention was in a gravel valley dozens of kilometers north of the village.

The small village around Jordan was occupied by the Gang of Ten Rings, slaughtered 90% of the villagers, and regarded it as a supply point.

More importantly, in the intelligence of the two small bosses, Jordan and the others also found some clues.

For example, there was no plan to kidnap Tony Stark.

A month ago, the Ten Rings received a deal from a US arms supplier, and the other side hoped that the Ten Rings would directly kill Tony Stark.

The follow-up action plan and Tony Stark's itinerary traces were passed on through some officers in the Mi Army.

The reason why Tony Stark was not killed was that the commander of the Ten Rings saw the power of the Jericho missile broadcast on TV not long ago, so the Ten Rings changed the plan and changed the plan of attack to kidnapping. Let Tony Stark make enough Jericho missiles for the Ten Rings.

Even news came from the mysterious headquarters of the Ten Rings, preparing to turn Tony Stark into a special weapon designer for the Ten Rings.

A terrorist organization actually looks farther than Stark Industries and the U.S. military.

Some senior officials of Stark Industries and the U.S. military have only seen Tony Stark's tens of billions of dollars in equity assets, while the Ten Rings are ready to hold a genius weapon design master for a long time.

This is a bit ironic, even a bit funny.

But I have to say that this is indeed something that can be done by high-level military officials and greedy businessmen who have no idea.

Some senior military officials have taken a fancy to Stark Industries’ powerful weapon manufacturing capabilities, and Obadiah Stein is ambitious to become the head boss of Stark Industries.

The two parties hit it off and joined hands to design a trip to the Middle East.

This situation made Jordan feel shocked, and it also made James' back chill.

The fact is also true. Without the military’s permission and cooperation, Obadiah Stan would have the confidence to kill Tony Stark. In addition to its strong manufacturing capabilities, the most valuable of Stark Industries is Tony. · Stark's mind is gone.

Fortunately, there are many factions in the military, and not all of them are idiots.

There are only a few high-level military personnel that Obadiah Stein can win, and among the high-level military personnel behind James, there is no such tendency to get rid of Tony Stark.

The location of Tony Stark's detention was quickly clarified, and even the number of members of the Ten Rings in the gravel valley was quickly detected.

Outside the gravel valley, in a temporary military barracks.

Between Jordan and Wanda and Pietro, there is a final discussion, and the core of the discussion is still revenge.

But this time Wanda and Pietro's words surprised Jordan.

"Joe, are you stupid when you say we are all these years?"

"why do you say so?"

"Because we don't even know who the real enemy is."

"Isn't it Tony Stark?"

Joe Danny was indeed surprised, because Jordan never deliberately helped them correct the concept of revenge, nor did he mention the right or wrong of their revenge goals.

In Jordani's view, people always have a goal.

Especially when you are in a difficult situation, as long as the goal is firm enough, you can make people strong enough.

Jordanian did not expect that under the strong hatred, the two actually learned to think. Few people could do this, because humans themselves are emotional animals.

Strong feelings can often conceal reason.

Pitro’s face was a little depressed, and said: "It was James who said that Stark Industrial’s weapons sales have extremely strict restrictions and standards. There has never been a dud bomb, and Stark Industrial weapons that can flow to Russia. In all likelihood, they are counterfeit and shoddy products."

Jordanian paused and said, "Is it just because of this?"

Wanda was also crying with a little face at this time, and said: "Joe, because we don't know who we should hate. Even if the missile was made by Tony Stark, it probably wouldn't be on his head. Are we stupid?"

Jordan's heart was so relieved that he smiled like an old father, and stretched out his hands towards Wanda as he did when he was a child.

Wanda quickly rushed directly into Jordan's arms, still a little depressed.

At this time, Jordanian spoke instead: "What happened back then, we didn't say who was right and who was wrong. After so many years of hating, we must have a result."

Wanda was a little surprised, raised his head in Jordan's arms, and looked at him.

Jordani smiled and said, "Hating Tony Stark for these years, even if you don't kill him, it's always good to beat him a few times to vent his anger."

Listening to Jordan's words, Wanda and Pietro's eyes suddenly lit up.

Pietro was more anxious. Hearing Jordan's proposal, he couldn't bear to speak, "Joe, let's go and beat him. I really want to see how Tony Stark begs us to help him. ."

Jordanian was a little surprised, and said, "The black boy, James, what did you say to you these past two days, Pietro, do you want to save Tony Stark?"

Pietro's face was a little tangled, and finally said: "The main ten commandments are really not good things."

Wanda came with the same expression and whispered: "Yes, it's as damning as those **** in New York!"

Jordanian was covered with black lines, thought about it, and prepared to pull Wanda away from his arms. After all, Xiao Nizi has grown up, so he can be replaced by someone else, that’s all, Jiang Ge’s daughter, eh, both It's Nie Yuan.

Pietro is a heartless Over the years, he has been thinking of revenge.

Wanda is a bit more serious. Jordan's thoughts are not at all invisible, but Jordan's vowed to be a scumbag who doesn't have a dog.

Changing to another woman, Jordan felt that he could have no attachments, but if it was Wanda, Jordan could not do it.

The key is that the relationship between the two is too familiar, and it is difficult to talk about it.

But if you can untie the knot between Wanda and Pietro, it's better than anything else.

Just when Jordan was wondering whether he was to be a beast or to keep the beast inferior, James hurried into the barracks.

"Joe, we have received information, the Ten Rings Gang has changed a little!"

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