Stronger From A Sapling

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Level 6 Spirit Beast – Golden Eagle

The last time he fought with the white fox, his roots shed white liquid, and the white liquid stained with a green grass, the grass began to grow crazily.

From a few centimeters to tens of centimeters, this also attracted the attention of Ning Tian.

Finally, Ning Tian thought for a long time and guessed that the white liquid flowing out of him should also have some strange effects. Now he saw three little golden crow and white fox eating their own white liquid and became level 4 spirit beast. Ning Tian also confirmed his guess.

However, there is not much white liquid in Ning Tian’s body, especially in his branches. Just after four drops of white liquid were lifted from one branch, that branch obviously became a little withered, but the liquid from the root was quickly replenished.

Obviously, these white liquids, like his own nutrients, cannot be misused.

At the same time, Ning Tian also thought of, he seems to have become the Tang monk now, the whole body is a treasure.

At the same time, Ning Tian also noticed that the three little golden crow and the white fox had a longing in their eyes after eating their four drops of white liquid.

he also needs to get more strength points faster to make himself stronger. Ning Tian already has 30 strength points from the 100 needed next time.

Ning Tian’s own strength is increasing and the killing of animals has also accelerated. It is also because Ning Tian can spread its spirituality to attract animals, which has also made Ning Tian a lot more convenient.

“Ji ji ji! !”

Early in the morning, the cries of three little golden crow woke Ning Tian.

This is three little golden crow who went out to hunt in the morning and brought back Ning Tian’s share of food.

As for the white fox, it is still sleeping in its nest!

Ning Tian stretch his underground roots, directly devoured the three adult wild boar.

16 evolution points have been obtained, which is also very good.

Now the three little golden crows have grown up a lot and are much bigger than human fists. although the three little golden crows are very small, their speed is extremely fast, at least several thousand meters per second, and they turn into a golden light.

Moreover, it is not only the speed but also the strength that ordinary beasts can match. Ning Tian estimated that if an ordinary spirit beast, even a level 6 spirit beast, would not be able to beat one of the three small golden crow.

This is the strength of having the blood of the divine beast. What’s more, the blood of the three small golden crow mythical beasts is the highest blood among the divine beasts. The title of the gods from ancient times is not meant to be a joke.

In this deep forest, the first ray of sunlight shines on the earth, and the white fog confuses the whole valley, which gives the valley a mysterious veil. The valley is densely planted and green, giving people a feeling of fairyland on earth.

A loud cry shook the whole valley. A huge golden eagle was rushing out of the clouds, looking down at the ground and looking for prey with sharp eyes.

This golden eagle is actually more than 6 meters long. the normal golden eagle is only about 2 or 3 meters long at most. Under the sunshine, the feather is glittering like the feather is watered with pure gold.

“Here you go again, you come down!” Ning Tian looked at the huge golden eagle in the sky and said angrily.

This giant golden eagle has been circling in the air for several days. It always circles in the air and never comes down.

If it weren’t for the huge size of the golden eagle and its sharp black claws, Ning Tian felt that this golden eagle could tear a truck at a single grab, and if he didn’t seem to win, Ning Tian would certainly have taken the golden eagle down and let it know what it means to disturb others’ peace, with serious consequences.

Race: Golden Eagle

Age: 50 years

Level: level 6 spirit beast

Special Ability: Feathers on the body can become extremely hard, claws are as hard as alloy, can easily penetrate ten layers of steel plate, and can become extremely fast in a short time, reaching a speed of 1,000 meters per second.

When Ning Tian saw the attribute panel of the golden eagle, he couldn’t help swallowing saliva. Level 6 spirit beast, the special skill of the golden eagle was a bit severe.

If Ning Tian and Golden Eagle fight, Ning Tian will win. After all, Ningtian still has three little golden crow and White Fox, but the price will still be very heavy.

To tell the truth, Ning Tian was moved by this golden eagle, which is the top strong in the food chain, and Ning Tian certainly wanted to gain it.

But this golden eagle has been in circles in the air, also not come down, Ning Tian also has no way.

Although the three little golden crow wanted to shoot down the golden eagle that had been arrogant in the sky, they were all stopped by Ning Tian. Of course, Ning Tian could not let the three little golden crow take risks. The golden eagle was very powerful, and the three little golden crow were only level 3 spirit beasts. It was impossible to win the golden eagle.

After several days of observation, Ning Tian found that the golden eagle seemed to be afraid of something. It wanted to come down but did not dare to come down.

Ning Tian speculated that the golden eagle should have found the spirituality here, which is thicker than that in other places. However, there is a thick fog here, which makes the golden eagle unable to see what is in the thick fog. In addition, the golden eagle is a level 6 spirit beast. With its own wisdom, it instinctively feels that there is danger in the thick fog, so the golden eagle has not come down and observed in the air.

Therefore, in order to attract the golden eagle, Ning Tian thought of a way to separate a drop of white essence from the branches.

The three little golden crow and the white fox who smelled the smell looked at the drop of white essence on the branch of Ningtian one after another, and their eyes were filled with longing and excitement.

“Not now. If we catch the arrogant golden eagle in the sky later, I will give each of you a drop.”

Ning Tian intends to use this drop of white essence to attract the golden eagle in the sky. Ning Tian believes that his white essence is very attractive to any spirit beast.

From the eager eyes of the three little golden crow and the white fox, it can be seen that if it weren’t for Ning Tian’s acceptance of the three little golden crow and the white fox, otherwise the three little golden crow and the white fox would surely have come up and robbed.

The golden eagle in the sky made an excited cry. its eyes looked straight at the direction of Ning Tian. The excitement made the golden eagle begin to lower its height.

Ning Tian’s underground roots are slowly breaking through the ground, just like a predator, waiting for its prey to approach.

Three little golden crow also spread their wings and began to burn golden flames.

The white fox’s tail also began to burn white flames, ready to fight.

As long as the golden eagle dares to approach the ground, the golden eagle will surely be kept.

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