Strawberry Devil in a Fantasy World

Chapter 151

Cleansing the land of pollution took nine days and ten nights. That was even with the assistant of |dedicated will| to accelerate the process. In between the nights, I only took a few short breaks to discuss some matters with Arknorl, the Highlander Emperor, such as setting up a business and selling military supplies to them.

When it came to business, reaping big profits was the way to go. I certainly made a killing.

Sealing the mana fountains was the easy part. These cracks in the ground were nowhere near the scale of the Abyssal Gate.

Arknorl explicitly informed me that preparations for a full offense on the Federation's armed forces could take some time without indicating exactly how long.

Since I had some time to spare, I spent some time with Smoothie and her group. With someone like me around, travelling became easier. Thus, we went sightseeing across the empire again!

Apparently, while I was away, Vintelo's identity was exposed. Or, should I say, his identity was exposed back during the great banquet. His wife actually caught his scent, not surprisingly. At the time, she pretended not to notice to drop his guard. Then, once I was out of the way, she tracked him down and gave him an earful in front of everyone.

"Poor guy..."

"Well, he did run away."

In the end, Arknorl assigned him to manage my business for me. It wasn't such a bad deal since I needed a manager anyway. Mufy, as a matter of course, became his assistant. It was a win-win situation for everyone involved, maybe except Vintelo who desired a bit more distance from his scary wife.

"Hmm... Things are proceeding slower than I had anticipated. Kanoko, would you like to go see your sister, Kanobi, right now?"

"Is it alright?"

"What do you mean?"

"Now I'm not sure if I still want to see her."

"What changed your mind?"

"Travelling around, spending time with others like this, I'm thinking I should just let go of the past. She's found her own happiness by now, I'm sure. If I intrude into her life after all this time, I'm just not sure anymore..." Kanoko said, looking downcast.

"Let me ask you this then. When the two of you parted, have you said your farewells?"

"No. It was all so sudden!"

"If you're unsure, then I believe it is important for you to say your partings once and for all. The decision is up to you."

"Thanks, can you give me a bit of time?"


After that, she actually went to consult with Smoothie.

Am I not reliable enough? My heart... But I'm an adult so I won't cry!

The next day, Kanoko gave me her answer. "Please."

"Gladly obliged."

I left Smoothie and Blueberry in Zortek and only took Kanoko with me.

The nearest entrance to the Great Labyrinth of Daedel was just on the outskirts of the city, on the bottom of an abysmal lake.

Who would have thought?

"There was a secret entrance like this here?" Kanoko wondered wistfully, "Does the Highlander Emperor know about this?"

"I don't think so. No one's going to check a lake this deep. No matter what, no regular army would march through the labyrinth and pass through this place."

In fact, it was deep enough that not a single ray of sunlight penetrated to the bottom.

The heavy mechanical door slid open with grinding sound. Inside, the hallways were also submerged under water.

"I won't be teleporting us around since the coordinates have been scrambled since my last visit. We'll be using the teleportation gates to reach your sister."

We came fully prepared for a long hike, or at least, she was. Food, water, personal hygiene and everything was packed in an airtight bag. Meanwhile, I was just carrying myself since I needed none of those things.

With how the teleportation gates scattered around, it took us two days to reach the area where Kanobi was.

"Are you nervous?"

"Yes." She replied, then she mumbled something like, "I'm not sure what to say to her... I wonder if she's forgotten about me..."

"That's why you're here to confirm your feelings, right? It's better than to drag it out for another thousand years or something. Let's go!"

I opened the door.

An indoor luxurious spa resort awaited us. There were swimming pools, saunas, and various types of baths that I had never seen before. The ceilings and walls were transparent, allowing artificial sunlight to flood in.

Servants or minions were manning numerous food stalls and whatnot.

Under the shades of a leafy umbrella, a female servant was fanning a scantily clothed fox-tailed lady with black sunglasses.

Don't you get bored...? How is it fun just lying around? Go get yourself a hobby!

Kanoko was agape, unable to absorb the scene before her.

I pointed to the fox girl resting on a spa table, "Kanoko, that one over there is Kanobi. I really hope I didn't get the wrong person. She's really living the life here."

"So it seems..."

I gave her a slight push on the back.

"Now's your chance."

No one really paid Kanoko any attention. She had the same species name so that was probably why. To ensure I didn't alarm anyone, I faked my status and appearance to match her species. This way, we kind of looked like sisters. Even my fluffy tail matched hers.

As we approached, we attracted some attention.  

It probably had to do with how we weren't dressed for the occasion.

Feeling the blank gazes on us, I whispered to Kanoko, "I think they want us to strip down."

She looked around, and turned to me with confusion and asked, "Is that right...? Maybe I should?"

I giggled, "Heheh, don't worry about. I was just teasing."

On a serious note though, I just wanted to ease her tenseness. Her tail had been stiff ever since we arrived at its doorstep. It seemed that my attempt was unsuccessful.

While everyone here was revealing their luscious figures without a hint of embarrassment, the two of us were dressed for winter.

Just a few steps away from Kanobi, Kanoko spoke, "Excuse me, are you Kanobi?"

"So what if I am?" The fox girl replied haughtily without so much as giving us a glance.

"My name is Kanoko."

"Huh, another Kanoko?"

Upon hearing that, Kanoko and I exchanged glances.

"Neither Kanoko nor Kanobi are rare names, right?" I whispered over.

"No... These are names granted by the fey being that took our soul."

"Why not try using birth names?"

"It's been so long. I'm not sure if she still remembers."

"Give it a try."

"What are you two whispering about?" Kanobi took off her sunglasses to look at us. "Speak your matter or leave. You're bothering me."

This time, we had her undivided attention.

"I am Hannah, are you Maeve?" Kanoko asked hesitantly.

"Maeve? That's a nostalgic name. I might have been called that long ago." Her eyes zoomed in on Kanoko's face. "Hannah? You do look familiar. But then again, if you live long enough, everyone's face looks familiar so I can't say I know you."

"Then do you perhaps know anyone else who once held the name, Maeve Hildettr?"

"Why do you so desperately wish to speak to this person? Was she a friend or a lover perhaps? I mean, it must have been a treacherous journey reaching here."

"She was a good friend of mine. We were never able to properly say our farewells when we were separated. I just wanted to see her, to see know if she had found her happiness..."

Kanobi sat up and properly looked Kanoko in the eyes.

"We're a long lived race. How long have you been looking for her?"

"Hundreds of years but I lost track of time."

"She was a terrible friend, wasn't she? Parting without a word."

"That's not it! I'm sure she had her reasons."

"Who knows? If you haven't met her for this long, she's probably either dead or forgotten about you. As your elder, I ask that you move on. That friend of yours isn't worth your time. Please, move on and find your own happiness. It's been too long."

I guess she's her elder if looking at her level? Huh, her way of speaking as if...

"Maybe that's for the best..."

"Say what, I'm feeling generous today. Why don't you leave a message for your friend with me? I have a lot of connections here. If I ever meet your friend, I can pass on the message."

Kanoko nodded.

"Thank you, I'll do that. If you ever see her, please tell her this. I treasured every moment I had spent with you as a close companion, and a family member. If you have forgotten me, I'll be sad, surely, but that's fine by me! We live long lives so that's inevitable! But if you ever feel like it, you can always come and find me..."

Listening to the message, I couldn't help but smile in my mind. The message was quite long but very endearing. Personally, I'd recommended a letter instead of a verbal message but it couldn't be helped.

"...Haha, are you eating well? Have you found many friends? Are you living your life to the fullest? There's no need to answer me. And lastly, I hope you are well. An elder has advised me to move on so I hope you'll do the same. Much love, your beloved friend and sister, Hannah Amora."

By the time Kanoko finished her message, tears were trickling down her cheeks. But, she was smiling like an angel.

Facing her, Kanobi wore a frown and was biting her lower lips.

Hey! What's up with you two? Get a hold of yourselves! I feel like... I'm some unwanted third party watching a drama.

Kanobi's servants, none of them were making any movements as they waited for their master's order.

"Message received. I'll pass it on, for sure. Now that your business with me is over, please leave." Saying that, she pointed towards the exit, the same door we came in from.

As we were about to step out, Kanobi called out, "You without name, stay. I'd like to have a word with you. You haven't even introduced yourself to me."


Seeing my hesitation to leave Kanoko's side, she added, "Do not worry, the Great Labyrinth's master will not harm her. If you're still concerned, have her wait in the room across the corridor. I can guarantee her safety."

That last statement perplexed me the most. I had to wonder what kind of relationship she had with the administrator here.

Also, perhaps this was a bit late but Kanobi wasn't a devil. Despite being contracted with demons, she didn't have the |devious| trait on her. For the longest time, having forgotten her actual status, I had mistakenly believed her to be a devil.

"Kanoko, I'll be right with you."

"I'll be waiting."

After she left, Kanobi beckoned me to sit next to her.

"You're no ordinary bodyguard, are you?" She questioned me.

I shook my head and said, "I'm no bodyguard. I'm her friend, probably the first one she's made since you left her."

"Was it that obvious?"

I really wanted to say "yes, that little skit was making my skin crawl," but I didn't. Instead, I replied with, "Who knows? I'm just a bystander in all of this."

"How did you find me? I know there's no way she can find me herself in this Great Labyrinth and there's no way the master told you about me. Exactly who and what are you? That status is fake, isn't it?"

"Haha, what if it is? Let me put it this way. If I truly wished, I could easily destroy this place. Just so you know, we've met before and you didn't leave the best first impression."

"Oh my, you don't mind giving me your name, do you? I'd grovel on the ground if you're truly powerful. Otherwise, I'd have you be my servant. Powerful or not, that's for me to decide."

"My name's Berry. You probably don't remember that strawberry fey plant from when De Planck summoned you."

"Pfft! Ahahahaha, that was you!?" She burst into laughter. "That weakling!? Please! That pipsqueak thing is now my friend's bodyguard? What a bad joke!"

I was feeling a bit insulted over the name calling.

"I'm not joking! You seriously have an attitude problem."

"Show me your status then!"

"No thanks. I don't want to disclose my status to potential enemies."

"Potential enemies, huh! What a sorry excuse. If you're afraid, then you're not worthy to protect Kanoko. Why don't you become my servant? I'll personally train you." She was all smiles now, with bloated confidence.

"Train me in what? Giving massages to you? Please, I'm not interested."

"Oh? You don't serve her like that? Not even fanning for her? What do you even do for her? She can hold her own weight in battle so there's no way she'd rely on you. I know because she was my comrade in arms. Anyway, you should be grateful I'm willing to teach you anything, especially how to give a proper massage. As a bonus I'll teach you about all her sensitive spots. How about it?"

That Kanoko would never let me touch her tails and ears... This is a no go! No matter how alluring, it won't work! I have to decline.

"I'd have to decline the offer. In the first place, fey beings don't have sores and aches. I don't see the point of it."

"You're sooooo uncultured. Look, you clearly don't know how to enjoy life. When you live as long as I have, you'll start to look for ways to seek pleasure. Luckily, I contracted with the master and not some random demon. Otherwise, I wouldn't have lived as long as I have."

"Oh? I thought you contracted with De Planck."

"No. He's just an agent. Didn't I say? Mm... Oh I didn't. I don't think you need to know?"

"Then, at least tell me why you weren't honest with Kanoko."

"The truth is, I'm ashamed of myself. You might see me as someone living a lavish life with all these servants caring for me day and night. But, this place is equally my prison. Unless there is work, like you saw me the other time, I cannot leave this area."

"I'm assuming this area includes next door?"

"Yes. Otherwise, I wouldn't have made that guarantee with you." Following that, she sighed heavily and said, "You don't know how envious I am of you... You're free to travel the world while I'm stuck here for eternity."

"Then, why didn't you wish to work for me? Or even, create a contract with Kanoko just now?"

"I have my pride! Right, I misjudged you. And, to work for Kanoko? How am I supposed to face her as I am now? I don't want her to see my ugly side. I made a bad choice and I must own up to it. Moreover, I couldn't pick who I work with. It's no use. You think I haven't tried anything for hundreds of years? I already gave up. It's fine, all my needs are taken care of."

"I see... If there had been equal exchange under contract, it is possible for me to sever the contract link."

She blinked twice, surprised by my revelation. She suddenly exclaimed, "It was you? Ah! It all makes sense now!"

"What do you mean?"

"Earlier, a visitor? Or maybe intruder? Was sneaking around and indiscriminately erased half of her security forces. The demons that died couldn't have their souls harvested at all. The master threw a little tantrum and cooperated with the other faction to stop you. Let's be clear, we're her toys so you can't just take things away like that, okay? You've already made her angry once so you better not let her catch you."

That one word caught my attention.

"Toys? You're one of them?" I asked, shocked at this twisted revelation.

She shrugged and replied. "That's right. We're toys to her. That's just how I see it, trapping us here so she could play with us at times."

"My sympathies."

She glared at me after I sent pitiful gazes at her.

"Don't look at me that way. She treats us very well. It's her sneaky butler who's scurrying around doing shading things. Someone has to do the dirty work, right? Better to have a professional so De Planck took the job. But I'm sure he's got his own motives whatever that is. All I know is that he works for both sides."

"I see... I guess I'll erase him the next time I see him."

"Ah, I suggest you don't. He's one of her favorites. Though, there are some demons who aren't in her faction also living in the Great Labyrinth. Feel free to erase them because I heard they are a nasty bunch. Ah, unfortunately, I don't know how to tell them apart so there's that."

"Factions... There are factions everywhere."

"We've talked long enough. Kanoko will worry if you stay for longer. Thanks for taking care of her. Come visit me whenever you have time? It gets boring here."

I felt that Kanobi wasn't a bad person at all. First impressions were important but I felt I could understand her a bit. She certainly had her own circumstances.

"No promises."

"Fine with me."

By the time Kanoko and I returned back to Zortek, the war between the Empire and the Federation had passed the climax. My thought was, they could have at least waited for me to get to my seat so I could watch the one sided trample. This was the second time I missed the best part.


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