Strange talk live room

Chapter 1439 Human suffering

A cold and chilly air emanated from Ba Ku Village.

There seems to be something extremely terrifying hidden in every dark old house.

I led everyone and stepped into the village.

The village is small and deserted.

There are eight houses in total, evenly distributed on both sides of the path.

However, everyone found a few broken stone sculptures among the ruins of some buildings and piles of weeds and rocks.

Put together, it is Xuanwu Tu.

Bald, wearing a python, and stepping on turtle shells.

"right here!"

"But what about people?"

"Did you run away early after receiving the news?"

"How could it be? Before coming here, no one knew where the Xiangong Hall was. They all followed Sect Master Li's car."

"What if someone looks in the right direction and sends a message on the road?"

"You mean, there are spies among us?"

"Isn't this the usual practice of Xiangongtang?"

"who is it?"

The disciples of Xuan Qing Guan were discussing, and suddenly everyone was in danger.


Lao Wang frowned and scolded sternly.

"To doubt each other is to be fooled by the Immortal Hall! You were all personally selected by me. Don't I know what's going on with you?"

"Xianggongtang must have hidden sentries around the village. There are so many of us and we are so conspicuous. Can they not see us? Do we still need to receive news in advance?"

After some reprimands, the disciples lowered their heads.

Probably the various evil methods used by Xiangongtang in the past left a shadow in their hearts, that's why they were like this.

"No need to despair."

"Since we have reached Xiangongtang's lair, it means that Xiangongtang is no longer viable."

"The fact that there is no one in the village only shows that they are afraid of us."

"Everyone must have confidence!"

I shouted some words of encouragement.

The atmosphere in this village is not good and it is easy for people to have negative emotions.

If you leave it alone, you will easily get into trouble if you mess up your position.

"Yunfeng, Wang Hongzhi, come and take a look, there is something wrong with these houses." The teacher's wife kept staring at the old houses in the village and seemed to have discovered something.

"what's the situation?"

We walked over.

"Looking at these houses a few times, I always have the urge to go in." Master Tai frowned, "But I observed again and again, and there is nothing abnormal in the house."

"No, Master, if you feel this way, it means there must be something wrong inside, but it can't be seen with the naked eye." I squinted my eyes.

"The people from Xiangongtang should be hiding inside." Lao Wang said solemnly, "There is danger if we enter, but if we don't enter, we will return empty-handed, which is meaningless."

"You're here, why are you still afraid of danger?" Master Tai did not hesitate.

"Wait a minute," I said, "Baku Village, eight houses, have you thought of anything?"


Lao Wang thought thoughtfully: "Every house represents suffering?"

"Birth, old age, illness and death, resentment and resentment, parting from love, not getting what you want, the five yins are raging." I analyzed calmly, "The further you go, the more painful it should be."

"But these houses don't look any different. How do we know which kind of suffering they represent?" Lao Wang was worried.

"We are all people who have experienced everything, so we are not afraid. We are just worried about our disciples."

"There are always hardships in life. If they can't even bear this little hardship, how can they talk about practicing?" Master Tai insisted.

"Master Tai is right, there is no need to come to Xiangongtang if you are afraid of the first and last." I quickly made a decision, "There are eight houses in total. It would be a bit time-consuming to clean them one by one."

"I agree with separate operations."

"There are exactly four sects, and one faction is responsible for two houses."

"No!" I shook my head, "This force is too dispersed. Just divide the troops into two groups."

"That's right." Lao Wang nodded, "Then Yunhua Temple and I will join the team. You will take care of Master Tai here."

"No way." I looked at them and said, "Yunyin Sect is in one team, and the rest are in another team."


Lao Wang and Master Tai were stunned for a moment.

"Yunfeng, we know that you are very powerful now, but this is the home of Xiangongtang after all." The master said worriedly, "Don't act recklessly. It's always better to be cautious."

"Just listen to him." Lao Wang shook his head and smiled, "It's been so long and you still don't understand him? Are you the one who talks big words? Since he said that, he naturally has the confidence."

The teacher looked at us and said, "Okay."

After a brief discussion, we divided into two groups.

Lao Wang is leading over there.

"Let's go to the left and right."

Lao Wang and I nodded to each other and led our men to the houses we selected.

The old house exudes the smell of decay.

The dark doorway was wide open, waiting to swallow us one by one.

"The situation inside is unknown. Everyone, please be smart and follow closely to avoid getting lost."

I warned and led everyone into the gloomy room.

The room was dark.

There was only a dim light looming ahead.

It seems very far away.

No lighting equipment works here, the only light is that ray of light.

"Is everyone okay?"

"Sect Master, we are fine."

"What's going on here? It seems like everything is wet."

The air was indeed very humid and sticky underfoot, but I couldn't see what it was so I couldn't tell.

"Go there first and have a look."

I led everyone towards the looming light.



The ground beneath my feet squirmed.

"What's wrong?"

"What was that just now?"

The sudden movement startled Shanwen.


"It doesn't seem to be the case. I feel like not only the ground is moving, but the surrounding walls are also moving."

"Don't panic, just follow me and keep walking!"



here we go again!

This time we felt it very strongly, and the ground was crawling all around.

It was a very weird feeling.

How to describe it.

It was as if the whole house was shrinking.

But that's all for the time being, and it doesn't seem to pose much of a threat to us.

We continued walking towards the place where there was light.



The house shrinks gradually more frequently.

I suddenly discovered that the space inside the house seemed to be shrinking little by little.

"Boss, this is life." Aaron's deep voice came, "The pain of life is to try your best to find a way to survive."


I nodded.

"Birth is just the lightest suffering in life. There is absolutely no need for you to be afraid."

"Where there is light, there is a way to survive."

"Let's run!"

I let Aaron take the lead, and the others would follow him while I stayed behind.

Gulu gulu——

The house shrinks more and more frequently, and the space becomes smaller and smaller.

The wet liquid under our feet became sticky, as if it was trying to stick us here.


Suddenly, someone fell to the ground.


"There's a snake wrapped around my foot!"

Boom boom boom!

Before he could recover, someone fell down again.

And I also felt something cold appearing near my feet.


The long sword is unsheathed.

I cut the thing off based on my feeling, and the smell of blood immediately overflowed.

"Cut it off with a knife!" I shouted loudly, and kept running towards the light.

He couldn't see where everyone was heading and swung the knife randomly, which was very likely to hurt them.

This is just the simplest level.

They have to rely on themselves.

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