Strange talk live room

Chapter 1420 One Sword Frost Frost Fourteen States

The white clothes are better than snow, and the face is like frost.

This seems to be a man who doesn't know what laughter is.

Reject people thousands of miles away.

Although he looks very young, he has an inexplicable arrogance and old age.

No one dares to get close to that point.

"Are you the Sword Master?" Wushuang looked at this cold man coldly, with deep dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"You were not the one who had a draw with my master last time, right?"

"No, last time, I failed." Sword Master Mingshuang said calmly, as if failure was an ordinary thing.

"I wanted to have another showdown with the Infinite Sword Master this time, but it seems there is no chance."

"It's the same as beating me! Now, even my master can't beat me." Wushuangjian raised his chin, very proud.

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

"Is she bragging?"

"It's not like there aren't people who are better than their masters, but I've never heard of someone who can surpass his master at such a young age."

"Actually, it's possible. After all, even the Infinite Sword Master has never mastered flying swords."

Mingshuang Sword Master didn't react at all, he was still cold and indifferent.

"Please give me some advice, girl."

He raised his hand slightly and unsheathed the Frost Sword.

The icy cold air suddenly spurted out, his feet instantly froze slightly, and the air around him became even colder.

"One sword frost-freezes fourteen states!"

"The wind is stirring the sea and mountains in autumn!"

"It's started, it's started!"

The audience was extremely excited.

Mingshuang Sword Saint walked like a meteor, his sword was as bright as a horse, and frost spread everywhere wherever he went.

The unparalleled sword body is like a giant, and the sword is like chasing a soul. The two swords combine strength and softness.

Two figures, one white and one red, fight together.

This is a gorgeous battle.

The audience was dazzled.

At first they could still clearly see the two figures, but gradually, the cold air condensed a lot of white mist on the competition stage, and they could only hear the sound of swords.

The two figures flickered in and out of the white mist, flying constantly. Their eyes could not keep up with the speed of the two top swordsmen.

One by one, they stretched their necks but did not dare to get too close to the competition stage.

The frost air spreads very quickly and is very lethal. If it is unlucky enough to be contaminated and not dealt with in time, the body will be frozen in less than a minute and turn into an ice pimple.

After it is contaminated, even if the area is broken off, you can still save your life.

"What's going on?"

The audience was anxious and nervous.


Suddenly, a flying sword penetrated the white mist and rose into the sky.

What followed behind the sword was an ice arrow made of ice.

Ice arrows chased the flying swords and kept flying over the competition stage.


Bits of ice fell, as if it were snowing.

The audience shied away for fear of being contaminated.

The seats in front of Lao Tie and I suddenly became vacant.

"Brother Li, be careful! Let's run!" Seeing the cold air coming, Lao Tie hurriedly pulled me to avoid it.

After taking two steps back, a snowflake fell on my shoulder.

"Brother Li!"

The old man's voice trembled.

"It's okay." I shook my shoulders carelessly. Snowflakes fell to the ground, and the ground instantly froze and cracked.

"Why are you still standing there stupidly!"

Lao Tie stamped his feet anxiously and pulled me aside.

"Is your leg okay?"

"It's okay." I smiled at him.

The ground where I was standing just now was covered with a thick layer of ice, but there was an empty space in the middle, which was my two footprints.

"The ice sword energy fell on you, and you're okay?" Lao Tie carefully poked my leg.

"I was lucky. The snowflakes fell on my clothes and fell to the ground before they touched my skin." I moved my hands and feet to show that I was really fine.

"What a blessing!"

Lao Tie breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the others sympathetically.

"Look how miserable they are!"

Some people in the audience were unfortunately hit and turned into ice sculptures and fell to the ground. Some people cut off their arms or legs in time and barely survived.

There was a lot of wailing.

"When gods fight, mortals suffer."

Lao Tie sighed deeply.

The battle on the competition stage is not over yet, the fog is getting thicker and thicker, spreading towards the surroundings.

The audience could only retreat and retreat.

"Swordsman Mingshuang is even more powerful. The ice sword energy was not so fierce last time."

"We ordinary people, let alone competing on stage, will suffer disaster just by being exposed to sword energy, hey."

"The Wushuang Sword is probably hanging."

"It was short-lived, what a pity for such a rare genius."

"After all, she has left her name on the hero list. Even if she dies, it's worth it. Some people may not be able to reach her level even if they work hard all their lives."

"If it were you, would you choose someone who reaches the peak right on the scene and then disappear, or would you work hard all your life to reach this height and never reach it again?"

"Why do you have to choose like this? If you really have a dream, can't you be more bold? In the dream, I am the sword god!"

"How much have you drunk? Even if you eat two peanuts, you won't be so drunk!"


"Be careful! Be careful! Here we go again!"

Another wave of cold wave hits.

This time the audience did not hesitate at all, they turned around and ran as far as they could.

Those who had lost their limbs were pitiful. They couldn't escape and were frozen into ice sculptures. They fell down with a thud and shattered on the ground.


A loud bird call came from the competition stage.

Everyone turned around, stunned.

I saw a frost phoenix rising rapidly from the cold fog, its shimmering wings flashing past, and a cold wave surged around it.

Behind the Frost Phoenix, there were three flying swords arranged in a straight line.

These people were dumbfounded and didn't know which one to be shocked.

Flying swords and madness kept fighting in the sky above the town.

The sky seemed to be dyed the color of frost.

Snowflakes are constantly falling in this small town in the desert.

It's simply a spectacle.

The audience fled in panic and hid in various corners of the room.

There were still countless casualties.

But no one had any complaints. They only regretted that they were not strong enough and could only hide and tremble.

The cold wind howls and the snowflakes dance.

I don’t know how long it took.

The wind gradually died down.

The snow finally stopped.

The town gradually returned to calm.

"it's over?"

After a while, someone timidly poked their head out.

I saw that the whole town seemed to have been frozen, everything as far as the eye could see was white and covered with frost.

However, the ice and snow are gradually melting.

The cold wave subsides.

The loess ground was dripping wet.

The air in the originally dry desert town was now damp and cold.

"Who's winning?"

The spectators came out of their hiding places one after another and walked towards the competition stage cautiously and nervously.

The arena was covered with thick ice.

The ice was covered with spiderweb-like cracks, and in the center of the cracks stood a striking red shadow.

Like a strong red flower blooming in the world of ice and snow, full of flamboyant vitality.

"Unparalleled Sword!"

"Unexpectedly, Wushuang Sword won!"

The audience's pace slowed down, and everyone's eyes were filled with awe.

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