Stolen Love

Chapter 14 - look

The heart of the glass looked at the front of the car and there was no change in the head. The smile on the corner of the mouth was more intense. Her car light modification used tens of millions. The world could not find the second one. Don’t say that the crash, it is no problem to hit the train. If you hurt Xiao Yun, use this to reward him.

The dark cloud is out, who is fighting with the front, only this sports car that has a little thought on the whole, has succumbed to the idea of ​​shooting her, such a configuration, whoever wants to die will crash into it.

Jin Hongyi rides the dust, the back collision sounds constantly, the car crashes, the car crashes, the two cars hit one, the two collide each other, and there is a target with no target collision, but the explosion sounds constantly, the fire is not in the golden sunlight. How did it start to bloom, the screams were covered up by the roaring car, everything was carried out under the unspoken rules of the world, but it was even more arrogant.

Black market racing, that is the cost of life, there is no morality, no rules, no politeness, only win or lose, only bloody, and this time shrouded in such a background, everything is even more intensified, f1 field played a **** world The first event.

“Why is this?”

Wu Sen gently calmed the frightened Xiu Shui, frowned and looked at Xiao Yun said: “Is this the game?”

Xiao Yun completely admired the golden red sports car. He listened to Wu Sen and asked him to look at other scenes in a blink of an eye. He was surprised and said: “No, I have not participated in the car king competition.” Although he is ranked higher on the black market, But there has been no fate to participate in the first game on this black market.

Jun prayed for a while and suddenly said: “If you want to go, can you come back alive?”

Xiao Yun shook his head and shook his head. “It’s not dangerous to say it.”

Xiu Shui suddenly heard aloud: “Why? Can’t you be like her?”

Xiao Yun looked at the golden red sports car riding a dusty dust. He raised his eyebrows: “Big sister, do you know who she is? She is a dark cloud, the king of this underground car market. Her car is the most perfect modification. Just now, you can see that there is no change in the type of collision. Who will go with her, and then say, the reputation of the car king, I don’t know how many people can influence, who dares to confront her. Take the egg and hit the stone. Who do you say will win? No one dares to take the risk to hit her, not to mention the speed. It is a myth.”

The implication is that the dark cloud of the car, there is no full grasp that no one dares to hit, but if he wants to go, that is everyone will dare to hit, to see the degree of this fierce, it is really hard to say that life is dead.

“Who do you think she is like?” Wu Sen stared at the Golden Red Sports Car and suddenly opened his mouth.

Jun prayed and turned to ask: “Who is like?”

Xiao Yun, who has been excessively admiring the dark clouds, listened to Wu Sen at this time, frowning and frowning and muttering and snoring: “That big rotation is crisp and straight, the technique and technique I have seen there.”

“Is it the day of escape?”

“Yes, yes, that is, it is a hundred and eighty degrees of rotation, this time is three hundred and sixty degrees, I said how so familiar, it is her, is it her?” Xiao Yun suddenly thrashed his thigh Up, the eyes are both surprises and excitement, and the surprise is taken.

When she said this, she shook her head gently and looked at the glare of the golden red sports car, revealing the gentleness she did not notice. The glass heart used her own way to tell her apologies, so jumped. A person who is dislocated, but his mind is delicate, such a woman is heart-warming.

The harsh brakes sounded, and Jin Hong did not suspend in the first position. The corner of the glass heart was with a smirk, walking down from the door, slowly leaning against the front of the car, letting the wind blow the black long hair and listening. A fierce cheer.

The heart of the glass is a faint smile. I haven’t ran for a long time. I love it. Fortunately, these are for the ground competition. From another scene, it is not a real car. It is not for racing. It has another meaning that is given to it. In order to pursue the speed of the car, it became a touch field, so that she took the first place without suspense.

Sitting on the front of the car, the glass heart gently touched the shiny and bright body of the hand. Last night, I used the power of Qijia. I took the car from New York to Washington in one night. The baby that hasn’t moved for several years is still So sharp, the heart of the glass could not help but send a kiss to his beloved sports car, suddenly heard the screaming shouts coming from the sky.

In the noisy middle of the glass, I felt a sharp vision falling on myself. I couldn’t help but look up. I saw the front of the podium. Several people were getting up and slowly drifting away. I couldn’t see the face when I was far away. I could only feel it. The man who was surrounded by the middle, with unmatched domineering, the eyes that looked over gave people a feeling of good life and oppression. The heart of the glass could not help but frown, turn around, open the door, start, accelerate, and go away.

Hotel, Jun prayed at the empty room, cold face: “No one”

Xiu Shui was anxious and said: “Is there something going on? The heart of the glass is leaving before us.”

Wu Sen sees Jun praying with sullen face, Xiu Shui and his face full of worry, just want to comfort and suddenly listen to Xiao Yundao who has entered the room: “There is a letter.”

Jun prayed and grabbed it to pick it up. There were only four words on it. There will be a period later, and suddenly the face will come cold, and the room will be silent.

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