Stolen Love

Chapter 116 - Escape from heaven

Qi Mo and Lan Si listened to the heart of the glass and Feng Yun said this, and immediately looked at it, and Qi Mo immediately sighed: “Broken.”

Lance shook his head and said: “I am afraid of causing a series of explosions.”

It is no problem to blow up the open water, but there can be no sparks, otherwise the explosives placed on all sides will be ignited, and the consequences will not be expected.

When Lans’s voice fell, a few people fell down again. They couldn’t use a bomb. It was difficult to dig. The walls of the castle could not only be a little thicker, but also by digging. Is this possible? The heart of the glass and the wind cloud suddenly came across the face, and at this time, the timer that William Williams had been holding in his hand suddenly snorted, and a faint light flashed and began to jump.

A few people suddenly breathed and looked at the past, Fengyun looked at the timer in his hand, his face pale and pale and Shen Sheng: “Only ten minutes.”

The start-up time is too long for ten minutes. This is too much load on the connection, and there is no connection. It is necessary to start the batch of explosives at the same time. Ten minutes is also the shortest time. When William sees the explosives, Probably guess the time needed, just can’t think of when it will be turned on.

Everyone is silent when the voice falls. The underworld of the underworld is even more silent. Ten minutes, a lot, but not much. It is enough to escape, but not enough.

The heart of the glass can’t help but shake the body slightly. It is obvious that this is the case sooner or later, but it is really at this point, and I still feel scared.

Qi Mo felt that the body of the glass heart was shaking slightly, and could not hold the hand tightly to hold the glass heart in his arms, and the warm arms gave silent comfort.

“Don’t blow, the castle has a self-destructing device.” The Count of Andi, who had never spoken, suddenly spoke.

As soon as Lanss grabbed the collar of Earl of Ande, he quickly asked: “Where? Where are you going?”

The Earl of Ande said that he also reminded the authentic master of King Joseph that he nodded and said: “Yes, yes, this castle was built when the castle was built, and the river was flooded to inundate the castle. Fried, there are ways, there are ways.” While screaming in surprise, while quickly searching for the oldest building materials, find ways to open.

Although the three of them can’t escape, their family and their people are in the hands of all the underworld. The gangsters don’t have much affection for their loved ones, but they don’t mean they have no feelings for the family. The point is definitely not what they want to see, and even if everyone here is buried with explosives, their power will definitely avenge their hatred. In any case, it is the danger of destroying the family. Just let everyone here leave safely. It is the best policy, so the three people are really doing their best.

“Hurry up.” Lance snorted.

And the blue dragons around him and the shadows that have never appeared, and the red eagle around Qi Mo, Yu Wen and others are silently waiting to be on the side, with a clue to do it, they are waiting for orders, the first time to execute .

“Here.” King Joseph quickly excitedly took a picture and said with excitement: “This is where all self-destructing devices are opened.”

Qi Mo, Liu Xin and others suddenly looked at it, only to see that it was hidden in the secret road, a small iron gate, which was rusty, obviously forgot what they did, and the iron gate The place is surrounded by dense explosives, just like other passages.

“Where is the key?” Qi Modun shouted.

King Joseph was stunned by the ink, and suddenly he looked at him. He looked at the Prince of Helian and the Count of Ande a little. The latter two also looked straight at King Joseph. It was the place of King Joseph. Even if Earl of Ande had a good relationship with him, this is still unknown.

“There is no key, I have never seen it.” King Joseph was kneeling in the local area. The moment of excitement suddenly came down. The look on his face was anxious and annoying. These centuries-old things are not used today. I thought that there is still a self-destructing device. I usually think of this, and when he bought this castle, he did not seem to have seen the key here.

“Idiot.” Lanston couldn’t help but slammed his fist into the face of King Joseph. King Joseph was suddenly beaten back and his mouth blew.

“What now? What should I do now?”

There is no hope, it is better than hope of letting go of despair. The people in the hall originally burned the heart of hope, and the words of King Joseph entered the abyss again. At this time, they could no longer control the excitement. The spark of anger caused the atmosphere in the hall to rise to the top.

“I am going.” The heart of the glass leaned against the arms of Qi Mo, and it was a sigh of relief.

Qi Mo looked down at the glass heart. Seeing the eyes of the glass heart was full of persistence. He grabbed the arm of the glass heart and pinched it. He turned his head and began to command the Red Eagle, Yan Wen and others.

Lans listened to the glass heart and said that Qi Mo began to command him. All the words were escape orders, and all aspects of preparation and cooperation with each other, suddenly looked at the glass heart and turned around. Commanded Lan Lan and others to cooperate and cooperate for the first time in the history of Qi and Lanbang.

The secret road, Qi Mo holding the glass heart quickly shuttled in the secret road, Lans and another big brother, followed by, Huang Ying stayed in the computer room to monitor the actions of King Joseph and others, so that in case it is another Inviting the enemy’s plan, trapping Qi Mo and others in the secret passage.

The Red Eagle went to the outside to arrange everything. The gangsters gathered in the hall were also under the command of the two giants. There was Feng Yun, William, leading their work, all nervous and hurried.

“Turn 20 meters to the left.” King Joseph’s voice rang in the secret passage. Qi Mo and Lan Si followed and turned over. The monitor really had the benefit of a monitor.

Iron gate, the rust has not seen the iron gate of the original, almost the same color as the surrounding stone. If it was not the affirmation of King Joseph and the way it was seen on the computer, the glass heart could not confirm that it was iron. Doors, it is no wonder that those who wear explosives are arranged as secret roads.

Qi Mozhen held the glass heart and pushed the glass heart to the front of the iron facade. Shen Sheng said: “Don’t be nervous, there is still time.”

Lance holds the timer and said: “You only have three minutes.”

Enough, open a door to the heart of the glass, less than 30 seconds, three minutes, even the time to retreat is enough.

The heart of the glass did not speak at the moment. He reached out and quickly wiped the iron door. After finding the password lock, his hands were constantly interspersed, and the door began to open quickly.

Lance stood on the sidelines and looked at the movement of the glass heart. He couldn’t help but pick up his eyebrows: “It’s not bad.” What is the identity of the glass heart? He has been investigating very carefully, knowing that the heart of the glass has this ability, so in the ink When I ordered the order, I did not hesitate to order it. It seems to be good at this time.

The glass heart smiled pale and smiled and said: “That is of course.” But the hand stopped at all.

Hey, a slight voice came out. When Lans and Qi Modun went together, they pushed toward the iron gate. They didn’t move. The two men joined hands and pushed, but there was no movement. The black road boss on the side watched the explosives on the ground. : “Is it rusted?”

The heart of the glass heard a ring in the hand of the eyebrow, and the filament made by the steel in it was suddenly pulled out, and the head did not return to touch the body of the ink, and the ink quickly recovered the hand. Holding a glass heart and lifting it up, the glass heart suddenly pierced the iron door, and when the ink was suddenly followed, the glass heart was pulled down.

There is no sound, no sparks, just like the speed and convenience of cutting tofu, the iron gate is suddenly drawn by the fine steel wire in the hands of the glass heart.

Lans first waited for the glass heart to close, and suddenly pushed forward, and said: “This is a good thing, give me one later.”

“Don’t think about it.” With the opening sound of the iron gate, the cold voice of Qi Mo followed.

Lance quickly pushed the door open, and said faintly: “I saved her life.”

“You can save without you and me.” Qi Mo took the glass heart and stepped in.

At this time, the heart of the glass made Qi Mo hold her action. When she ran out of the secret road, she remembered to hang Qimo and explosives. She did not care about her own injuries. At this time, she stayed with Qi Mo and felt at ease. It is the feeling that the whole person is tired and rude. After opening the door, the operation inside should be very simple. It should be difficult to slap the ink and the blues. The thoughts of the strong support will be loose, and the whole person will be groggy. It is.

When Lans saw this slightly frowning eye and took out a capsule from the body, he gave the glass heart to the past. Qi Mo saw this fast one reaching for Lans’s wrist and sighing: “What?”

“Drug.” Lans eyebrows a look at Qi Mo, cold back, Qi Mo heard the face suddenly sinking, Lan Si coldly sighed slowly: “If she wants to die, you can not give her to eat. ”

Qi Mo frowned fragilely at the moment, and glanced at the glass heart that was a little groggy in his arms. This is not tired and faint. This is caused by the loss of vitality. If it can’t support now, go to sleep. What the consequences are, it is really difficult to control.

Lans saw Qi Mo to understand the meaning, could not help but scream, hand on the hand to break the ink, put the capsule into the mouth of the glass heart, cold and cold: “I have already given her a meal. “When you turn around, turn around and start another person and start searching for the device that is turned on.”

Qi Mo heard his eyes sinking and sinking. Seeing the rising face of the glass, he couldn’t help but hold the hands of the glass heart. Lance’s hands are definitely the essence, and although Lance is a drug, he does not touch drugs. The body should not be too bad, this is the premise that he let Lance give the heart, and the drug is not addictive twice.

“**, all rusted.” The gangster, who rushed in and began to look for self-destruction devices, saw that everything was rusted, and moved two places. He was forced to move directly to him. Broken, suddenly holding two switches that do not know whether to start the device, standing on the side of the face is not good.

“What is Joseph the one?” Lance looked coldly at the gangster boss and asked with a deep voice.

King Joseph and Prince Helen and others kept looking in the computer room of the hall. Some of the underworld who monitored them underneath stood still and waited.

“The leftmost wrench on the wall, pull it down.” Earl of Anthony studied the drawings transferred from the computer and quickly found the starting device.

“Left left, **, bastard.” Lance looked for the past according to the Count of Ande, and saw that there was a place where there was a wrench. The switch was broken and there was only a bare trace of the place where it was. The next side of the underworld boss also stunned, looking at the switch in his hand, the expression on his face could not be said.

When Lanston was furious, he burst into the air with a fist. The boss of the underworld was suddenly knocked down by the fist of Lance. His face was bloody, but he was silent, and the face was completely gray.

“Enough, is there any other way?” Qi Mo’s face was quite unsightly at this time, and asked with a roar.

King Joseph waited for his face to be ugly, and there was no open handle. The device was in disrepair for a long time. It had already been combined with the steel rust of other parts. There was no place to intervene. What place is it looking for now? Think of a way.

Silence, silence, Lans, Qi Mo, etc. did not speak, King Joseph in front of the computer, everyone in the hall who left the surveillance did not speak, a suffocating silence, so the atmosphere was almost suppressed to the extreme, disappointment, hope Such a subversion, the nerves of all people have collapsed to the extreme, almost no need to look at, only with the more and more heavy breathing, that murderously filled the old castle.

“Look carefully, there are other switches, look carefully.” After taking the medicine of Lans, the heart of the glass was sober and sober, and the people were much more spiritual than before. The dialogue of the people was heard early. In this, the voice is quiet.

King Joseph waited for silence in front of the computer room, and everyone in the eyes flashed a trace of despair.

The heart of the glass did not hear the sound from the loudspeaker, and could not help but shouted loudly: “Continue to find, there must be a total switch, hurry, don’t want to die, hurry.”

The heart of the glass was so loud, and suddenly the King Joseph and others waiting in front of the computer room were shocked. They couldn’t help but watch the picture through the computer and fixed the look of the serious heart.

Huang Ying saw the glass heart full of seriousness, and the look was calm when they rushed with them. They could not help but wrinkle and quickly shouted: “Quick hands, our mother, you dare not listen, she said there must be.” When King Soul waited for this, he couldn’t help but take a quick breath and quickly find it.

The glass heart leaned on Qi Mo, clinging to Qi Mo’s hand, closing his eyes and frowning and thinking: “The things hundreds of years ago have double insurance, one is not the last one, and this is three hundred years. Features of all previous buildings and other industries.”

She studied antiques and thieves. Italy is a place with a long history. She is quite familiar. When stealing, the castle is also old. In order to know ourselves and know, the heart has devoted himself to this. Kinds of buildings, have a very deep foundation for these castles, and also know the habits of people at that time, so dare to open this mouth.

Lans saw the affirmation of the glass heart, and now took a breath and glanced at the timer that kept beating in his hand. Shen Sheng said: “There is still one minute and eleven seconds.” It was absolutely enough for three minutes. The strength of ink is only a little more, so he is so relaxed, but he can also have something to do with the heart of the glass. At this time, the situation has changed. This time suddenly becomes tense, and he is too leisurely.

“Hurry up.” Qi Mo heard a loud sigh, and the sound spread through the megaphone, which immediately increased the speed of King Joseph and others.

“Yes, there is, there is really a master switch.” Earl of Ante quickly browsed the drawings, and suddenly he stumbled and stood up.

Prince Helian kept gasping and kept talking: “At the top of the head, there is a main switch inside the iron plate. Just press it, you can.”

“Fast, fast, just above your head.” King Joseph was also anxious at this time, and stood up and looked at a few people in the computer.

The people in the whole hall gathered together. Everyone’s eyes were gathered on Qimo, Lans, and the heart of the glass. Everyone’s face was anxious and nervous, silently holding their fists waiting for their actions. Breathing almost stops at this moment, and there is only one concern in the world.

In the control room, there is no place to borrow power, Qi Mo, Lans is tall, but a little power is not borrowed, to stay at the top of the head more than two meters high, this can not be done.

When Chamorton frowned, he hugged the glass and said: “You come.”

The glass heart nodded and did not hesitate, and was directly picked up by Qi Mo, standing on the shoulders of Qi Mo, and stretching his hand just enough to reach the top of his head.

The iron plate has already been rusted, there is no place to open, and the glass heart can’t be controlled so much. The thin wire on the ring is rubbed into the iron plate, and no matter where it is correct, directly on it. A square was drawn, and the iron piece fell silently and was caught by Qi Mo.

The location is correct, although not the most correct position, the glass heart saw inside the iron plate, only one finger-sized button, has been tightly rusted.

“You still have forty-three seconds.” Lance grabbed the time and reminded him of the heart.

The heart of the glass did not speak, tighten the filament around the iron button, cut the rust off the side, and put a finger in the hand, and put the ring on the button, and press it up.

Do not move, the silk does not move, the glass heart almost put the strength of the whole body into it, or even a little moving bullets, the Qimo below feels the glass heart is struggling, the moment holding the feet of the glass heart, the virtual support Try to push the glass heart up, so that the glass heart is convenient.

“Thirty-three seconds.” Lance holds the timer, and there is no consistent seductiveness on his face, only serious and cold.

“I can’t press it, I don’t have enough strength.” The heart of the glass has already sweated. I didn’t have any strength when I was injured. Now I am inspired by Lance’s drugs, but I don’t have the strength of the past. Plus this button is rusted. For a hundred years, her power could not move at all.

“**.” Lanston’s curse screamed, grabbing the dark-skinned boss, and holding a palm on the man, leaping to the arm of the glass heart, grabbing the hand of the glass heart, The two of them joined forces to go up and down.

Hey, hey, with the help of Lans, the heart of the glass only feels a big force in the hand, and immediately presses the button up, only to hear the sly, oh, the sound of the rust in the rust is ringing quickly.

Lansi helped the glass heart to push the button in. A backflip fell from the air. At the same time, the hands of the ink were loose, and the glass suddenly fell down. Before it came to the ground, Qi Mo squatted and hugged his waist. Hold the glass heart tightly in your arms.

“Opened, retired.” On the computer screen, King Joseph and others looked clearly. Huang Ying suddenly screamed for the first time, reminding him that he had completed the task.

The voices fell, and everyone in the hall began to retreat quickly. King Joseph and others were escorted by the hawks of the Yellow Eagle and Lans, and the entire hall was sealed with a bang.

In the secret road, the yellow eagle heard all four people. When Qi Modun turned and held the glass heart, he ran out, and Lance and another person rushed out quickly.

The sound of water and the sound of slaps of water rushed over quickly. Nearly in a moment, the secret road was leaning against the river, and it began to flood into the inside. The secret road was built on the underground of the castle, and the river. The water level is flat, and even some places are still lower. The first is the secret road.

“Left turn 17 meters, there are still seven seconds.” Lans ran aloud while running, and did not say anything in the heart of the glass, followed by Lans, followed by the direction, to exit from the secret road It’s unrealistic to run out of the place. The hundreds of curved roads are so fast that you can’t keep up with the current.

The sound of the water is getting bigger and bigger, and it is forced in from all directions in an instant. In the connected secret passage, the water has already been knee-bound, and the time has risen by 50 centimeters in a few seconds.

“On this, there are three seconds, two seconds, one second.” Lans stood in a secret road, staring at the time, counting to a second, quickly crawling into the water, Qi Mo hug The glass heart also receded and sank in the water, tightly guarding the glass heart in his arms, and the four people quickly protected themselves.

Boom, Lance’s voice just fell, a small but not too small explosion sounded at the top of the secret road, just one or two meters in front of the head of Qi Mo, etc., smashing down large blocks of stones, the power of explosives Let the stones splash around, spurt out and hit the water, and the sparks annihilate the figure when it meets the water.

In the explosion, a hole that can accommodate one person is blown out. This is the Red Eagle’s drawing of the secret road, finding the closest to the control room, and at the same time the weakest place. The calculation is that after the water has passed. Only then can it be blown up, or else the fire will encounter explosives, so the result is not necessary, so the time is only three minutes, more than one second, less than one second is not enough, what is necessary is an excellent cooperation.

Lansi grabbed another person, and also supported the other’s shoulder. One leaps and grabs the hole at the top of the head. After wearing it out like a power, one turns over and hangs down. The underworld boss suddenly provokes. Grabbing Lance’s hand was quickly pulled out by Lance.

“Zi Mo.” The heart of the glass was lifted up by Qi Mo, and he shouted a low-pitched voice. Qi Mo held the leg of the glass heart and sent her up. He said: “Hold it.” Lance did not say much, grabbed the glass heart and pulled it out.

As soon as the glass heart went out, it didn’t stand still and hung upside down. He shouted at Qi Mo’s hand and shouted: “Fast, Qi Mo, grab my hand.”

The speed of river water refilling is too fast. In just a few seconds, it has already been drowned in the neck of Qimo. At this time, because the self-destruction system has started, the lighting, monitoring, nothing, can only borrow Looking at the light passing down, the glass heart looked at the water at the neck of the ink, and suddenly the sound began to tremble.

Qi Mo sees this but frowns tightly, watching the glass heart not moving, the glass suddenly rushed: “Quick, what are you doing, grab my hand.”

The blues above saw this cold scream, and the back collar of the glass heart came out to the living, and coldly said: “You are pulling this body to move him?” The eagle threw it away, and while he was swaying, he hung upside down. When he saw that Lanston had reached out, he was thrown out by the blues when he was drowning in the river.

Qi Mo was pulled out by Lans, and the body of the glass suddenly flew toward Qi Mo, and a smile appeared in the eyes of Qi Momei. He reached out and hugged the heart of the glass, and hugged her to the top of the castle. go with.

Boom, everyone did not say anything and ran outside, only heard a bang, the river has been filled with secret passages, drowning the entire underground, at this time through the hole is rapidly spreading upwards.

“The old castle is sinking.” In the running, William, who had already rushed over, quickly ran up and looked serious.

He took the gangsters back to the highest point. There was nothing left, but at the agreed time, he suddenly felt the castle sinking. Fengyun knew that the glass heart and so on had definitely opened the self-destruction device. Was smashed, sunk, exploded, and that one was destroyed.

Qi Mo held the glass heart and ran towards the highest point, and he sighed: “The other side of the house…” The words have not finished yet, and suddenly there is a bang in the ear, and the ink and the heart feel the earrings at the same time. The original mixed voice suddenly became clear, and at the same time, there was a constant call in the earrings. There was communication, and the interference was found to the founder.

“Get in touch with the plane, hurry up.” A series of orders came out at the time of Qi Mo Dun, and Lan Si saw a sudden opening of the ink. Wearing earrings, a series of orders began to be issued, Lanston picked an eyebrow.

Sinking, the castle slowly and quickly began to sink, the water level is getting higher and higher, ten minutes has arrived, the time bomb did not explode, but if the speed is not fast, I don’t know if the castle is flooded, there is no What other self-destructing devices.

Qi’s plane quickly flew up, hovering in the low air and falling down the ladder. The newly-followed settler was just in front of him. He grabbed the ladder and waved quickly toward Qimo. When he climbed up, it was Qimo’s. Rules, life and death are better than first.

Other gangster-level characters, when they suddenly called, and the planes of Lanbang quickly flew over, and other planes followed.

At this time, I can’t take care of who is the plane. I grabbed the ladder and took care of him. The water flow below it was soaring. The speed of the old castle sinking quickly was almost gone. Everyone is standing at the highest point, and the rest is almost flooded onto the feet.

The high-altitude Qi family was the first time to sort it out. The glass heart was held in the arms by the ink, sitting in the plane, through the window, and the strong light from all the planes in the night sky, looking at the opposite side of Lans The plane, Lans turned his head in the window, swept the two, and browed slightly, facing Qi Mobi with a pistol shooting posture, and restored the seductive and arrogant in the eyebrows, just a little more bloody. .

Qi Mo snorted, the murderous moment in the eyebrows was undoubtedly exposed. Lance saw a sudden laugh, laughter could not hear, only to see that it was very pleasant.

The glass heart couldn’t help but pick up the eyebrows, but when he saw the ink, he waved his hand and the plane circling and began to fly high. At the same time, Lansing began to sail, and the two planes flew in two directions.

The glass heart looked down through the window, only to see that the castle had no shadow. In the dark night under the illuminating lights of the plane, the river rushed away, and the rushing and rushing, the glass heart did not speak, and heard a burst of bang. The sound came, and the river below it splashed and flew like crazy.

“Setting up.” Qi Mo holding a glass of cold and cold with a voice to settle down, the settler quickly walked over, unveiled the clothes of the abdomen of the glass heart, began to check the injury of the heart of the glass.

The glass heart turned around and looked at Qi Mo. Seeing that Qi Mo was determined to look at her, the singer in the eyes was full of arrogance but also rich, and could not help but hold the neck of Qi Mo, and hooked the head of Qi Mo, deep Kissed up, how it will be in the future, now and crazy.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. …………………….

The cheese, it’s time to finish the countdown.

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