Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

Chapter 49: Sigrún and Eleonora have taught him well.

"Come on, Liliana, you know that knight is a Peak-Ascended, which makes him at least four times stronger and probably over 300 years old. Being able to match him in hand-to-hand combat is an impressive achievement," the blonde woman replied, glancing at Liliana, who responded indifferently.

"Please, Elara, this is just getting started, and you're all already making a fuss. It's not that big of a deal."

"It's not just us. Look around; everyone is amazed by Disciple Erik's skills." The dark-haired woman chimed in, prompting the other two women to look around and see faces full of surprise or even infatuation everywhere.

"That doesn't change the fact that you're overreacting just because he's a bit handsome. Also, Zoe, since when do you call him Disciple Erik?"

"Well, he's the first disciple of Master Eldurdóttir, so it's necessary to show him the proper respect." Zoe replied with a soft smile, her tone calm and elegant in response to Liliana's words.

"Hmph, you two are just smitten. You'll see it's not that big of a deal. Besides, where did all that disdain go when you were calling him a coward?" Liliana retorted irritably, watching the fight more closely to see what all the fuss was about.

"Well, while it's true I got carried away by first impressions and spoke out of turn, it's also well known that wise people correct themselves. Disciple Erik has shown he's not a coward in the slightest. Not only does my attitude need to change, but a direct apology is also important. So, if you could introduce us, I'd appreciate it."

Zoe spoke elegantly as she sipped her tea, her gaze fixed on the young man with starry hair fighting with incomparable grace, making Elara, who was in a similar position, nod in agreement.

"That's a good point. It would really be nice if you could introduce us, Liliana, so we can apologize properly."

"Hmph, as if I have time to waste on such things. If you want to meet him, do it yourselves; I'm not getting involved in those silly matters." Hearing her friends' words, Liliana could only huff in annoyance, bringing smiles to the two women, who couldn't help but speak in unison.



In the center of the platform, the intense exchange of blows, which had only resulted in minor scratches on Percival's leather armor, paused as the young knight took a step back, then mockingly commented with disdain.

"You're pretty decent for a privileged kid."

"Privileged?" Hearing the curious term, Erik couldn't help but ask, confused, as he looked at Percival, who had a scornful smile.

"What else could you be? Enjoying since childhood the fruits of countless people's sacrifices, like me, who struggle every day to survive, while you privileged ones take the best for yourselves."

Hearing the young man's words, Erik's eyes widened slightly, genuinely surprised to hear such a speech in his new life. This inevitably led him to ask, part curious and part disdainful.

"Let me guess, do you find the arcane order system terribly unfair and want to change it to distribute resources equally or something like that?"


Upon hearing the question, Percival couldn't help but laugh loudly, genuinely pleased, before adding in a serious tone, as if he were discussing a matter of great importance.

"It seems you're not so dumb. You're right, that's exactly what should happen. We're all human, and it's terribly unfair that only a few have all the resources while real talent is lost because they can't level up as fast as you privileged ones."

As the nearby spectators heard the brief argument between the opponents on the platform, their gazes couldn't help but change slightly, especially toward Percival. Some looked at him with disdain, others with confusion, and a few even seemed to sink into thought, something that pleased the mercenary deeply, as he began to smile arrogantly.

For his part, Erik, confirming his suspicions, could only sigh softly while shaking his head, genuinely disappointed that even in a new life, with magic and intergalactic travel, he couldn't escape encountering people like that.

"The human struggle to try to live off others really has no end…"  Erik remarked, his tone full of disappointment and disdain, which immediately enraged Percival, who quickly retorted loudly.

"Hmph, only a privileged person would say something like that. It's not about living off others; it's justice!"

"Well, super genius, enlighten me then. How do you plan to distribute limited resources among an ever-growing population?" Erik asked, looking at the fool in front of him with disdain. Percival proudly responded right away.

"Hehehe, of course, the truly talented will receive a special allocation that allows them to level up quickly, so they can then secure better resources for everyone."

"And let me guess, you're one of those 'truly talented' ones?" Erik asked, full of contempt, already knowing the answer to his question.

"Of course! I've fought on countless battlefronts and returned undefeated!" Percival declared loudly and with great pride, to which Erik could only sigh tiredly before adding.

"And you dare say you don't want to live off others? You're nothing more than a jealous thief who wants to steal from others to improve your own life, hiding behind cheap rhetoric of 'justice' and 'equality' to try to boost your image. You're trying to fool the naive and gather rats like yourself for support.

If the arcane order system is so unjust, why do legions of people flee from other factions to join it? Because they flee from that so-called 'equality' you crave. In the other factions, they have the very 'equality' you dream of—80% of the population is trapped in poverty, living practically with chains around their necks.

What makes the arcane order so successful is that it offers the only two things needed for prosperity: equality before the law and freedom. This is what deeply bothers envious rats like you because it makes it harder for you to steal on a massive scale. And let me tell you something: that mindset you proudly flaunt is something only the mediocre and cowardly would seek. True warriors only seek freedom; it’s the only thing we need to achieve our dreams or die trying."

Erik's words seemed to awaken the crowd of spectators who had been reflecting on Percival's statements. They began to cheer loudly in support of Erik, as, after all, it was true, and many of them were living proof. They were real warriors who had changed their destinies.

The most appealing aspect of the Arcane Order to the world was the incredible freedom it offered its members, along with, of course, its legal system. This has proven to bring great prosperity and unlimited opportunities for those willing to work for it.

Many of the people present had fled from other parts of the galaxy with nothing, hoping for a better future, and the arcane order did not disappoint. Not only was there more than enough work, but most people found jobs on their first day, with wages that would have been impossible back home.

Additionally, if they worked hard enough, they could even enroll in the arcane university, the most important in the galaxy, and change their lives forever. Even though not everyone succeeded, the arcane order also had other universities, which, while not as prestigious, were still infinitely better than what other factions had to offer.

"You son of a bitch, you're just a privileged bastard defending your privileges!"

Realizing that his little plot to confuse his opponent had not only failed but left him humiliated, with everyone around looking at him like he was trash, Percival screamed furiously as he charged toward Erik at blinding speed. A geometric magic circle appeared on the tip of his spear.

For his part, Erik calmly observed the situation, noting that the magic circle was much smaller and 'simpler'—nothing like what he was used to—making a mental note to investigate it further later.

When the small magic circle disappeared, the tip of Percival's spear became engulfed in powerful orange flames, leaving a brilliant, beautiful trail in its wake. At the same time, not only did the spear become more dangerous, but Percival's appearance also became much more 'heroic' and appealing to the spectators.

At that very moment, as the fire appeared, several runes formed in the air around Erik, and soon after, he was entirely surrounded by black lightning. This caused his starry hair to rise, making him appear almost like a lightning god, an image that awed the audience and filled them with excitement, completely overshadowing Percival's little display.

Without waiting a second longer, the two opponents charged at each other with great speed, meeting almost in the center of the platform. But something had changed—Erik was now much faster than his opponent, and his movements had evolved from simple and basic to a rapid, aggressive flurry of blows, precisely targeting his opponent's weak and vital points.

Despite the rage consuming him, Percival demonstrated his extensive battlefield experience, keeping a clear mind. This allowed him to recognize the disadvantageous position he was in and act accordingly.

In response, Percival shifted his stance into a defensive mode, enabling him to block Erik's attacks with minimal movement while delivering several counterattacks that grazed the star-haired young man. These counterattacks left trails of fire that resembled serpents.

The exchange of attack and defense continued for a while until Percival abruptly changed the fight's rhythm, sending Erik flying back with a clash of their weapons. He then raised his spear, where another magic circle appeared at its tip—this time, a bit more complex, though still not overly so.

Moments later, Percival swung his spear downward with force, unleashing a powerful blaze that caught Erik by surprise. Erik quickly reacted, forming a beautiful and intricate geometric magic circle in front of him, conjuring a barrier of solidified Myst to shield him from the attack.

"That was close, hahaha," Erik commented with amusement as the attack faded. He was starting to really enjoy the thrill of combat.

"You son of a bitch!!!"

Furious, Percival charged toward Erik again, a new magic circle forming at the tip of his spear. Erik merely smiled softly and dismissed his barrier, while another, even more intricate magic circle appeared above him. From it, multiple crystal-like arrows materialized and shot toward Percival from different directions at high speed.





In the meeting room of the arcane order, several individuals gathered around the conference table, watching a hologram that displayed the battle between Erik and Percival in real-time.

"Is that solidified Myst? How is he able to control it so freely?" A man with long silver hair asked, somewhat surprised as he observed the scene. Another man, with short black hair, chimed in.

"Sigrún and Eleonora have taught him well. He’s excellent at switching between magical systems, though eventually, he’ll have to commit to one. The way he leverages the strengths of each system is quite fascinating."

"Indeed, but what impresses me the most is that he has a contract with a mature spirit at his age." A stunning woman with radiant ebony skin and long, intricately braided silver hair remarked with interest, drawing the attention of several others present.

"That black lightning is really from a spirit, Ngozi?" A tan-skinned man with brown hair asked curiously, looking at the woman, who nodded calmly.

"Yes, it’s a spirit, and most likely a mature one. I had already been wondering for some time where Eleonora got the contracted spirit she now has, but for the boy to have one as well leaves no doubt that they know something we don’t. Should we inquire about it, Director?" Ngozi turned her gaze toward the director, seated at the head of the table, watching the hologram with interest.

"It would be good to know how they accomplished it, but first, we need to prepare a tempting reward for them to be willing to share the information. Let’s wait a while before asking, though, because if we do it now, they’ll demand something ridiculous for letting their disciple engage in a duel without their consent."

"The director is right. Those women will give us a headache in the near future." Adrian, seated beside the director, remarked wearily, prompting everyone present to sigh. However, the moment of melancholy was abruptly cut short when the director commented.

"But that boy Erik most likely has a super rare affinity that allows him to manipulate solidified Myst with such ease. The problem, though, is that he's using up too much mana for elemental spells—he's consuming about twice the amount of mana a person with affinity would, and that’s even with using the most efficient runes for it."

"If that's the case, the boy is going to have a tough future ahead. What a shame..." Ngozi murmured softly, with a hint of regret, but then the director said something that surprised everyone.

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