Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 96

Chapter 95: Problem Loan

“What kind of investment project is the Evergreen Group?” Shen Huai knew that he was a little embarrassed, but if he wanted to intervene in this matter, he had to ask the context clearly.

“Yet Credit Bank plans to open a branch in Donghua, and Ms. Sun is actually a representative sent by Yexin Bank to Donghua for inspection. However, Evergreen Group is a foreign shareholder of Yexin Bank, and Ms. Sun is also from Evergreen Group, saying that she is The representatives of the Evergreen Group are also good,”

Xiong Wenbin said,

“It’s not a big deal just for Yexin Bank to open a branch. But you also know that the Evergreen Group founded by your great-grandfather has a deep connection with Donghua. Secretary Tan hopes that this time will deepen the connection and promote Evergreen Group is making a bigger investment in Donghua…”

Shen Huai mourned in his heart:

That **** from before was really utterly ignorant. At least before his inheritance rights were deprived, the Evergreen Group involved his fundamental interests, not to mention how much he knew about the business of the Evergreen Group, even the Evergreen Group was a foreign shareholder of Yexin Bank, so he didn’t know such an important piece of information. , it is really enough “it doesn’t matter”.

It is also a pity that the 30,000 US dollars living expenses after he returned to China were all transferred and exchanged at Yexin Bank.

Shen Huai has some knowledge about Yexin Bank. It should be said that Yexin Bank wanted to expand its business to Donghua as early as last year, because Meixi Iron and Steel Plant has a production working capital of 16 million yuan, which is Yexin Bank. Loans issued.

Since Yexin Bank has no branch in Donghua City, the loan was transferred through Agricultural Bank.

The source of this loan is somewhat strange. It was brought together by Wu Haifeng, the former secretary of the municipal party committee, and the mayor, Gao Tianhe, for the Meixi Iron and Steel Plant when they attended a meeting in the provincial capital.

On the surface, it seems to be a model example of the municipal party committee and municipal government supporting the development of Donghua township enterprises, but stripping off the glossy appearance, they just hope that Meixi Iron and Steel Plant can support it for a longer time, so that they can give more to their affiliated enterprises. Suck some blood.

Yexin Bank is also not familiar with the Donghua area, but with Donghua City zhèngfǔ intervening, the loan was easily released.

Shen Huai also said why “cousin” Sun Yalin knew his deeds in Donghua so well. It turned out that he had to follow the lines of “loans” — Shen Huai was the director of Meixi Iron and Steel Plant, and the legal representative was also changed to yes He, the filing materials submitted by the steel mill to the Industrial Credit Bank will also have corresponding changes.

Since Sun Yalin is a business representative sent by Yexin Bank to Donghua to inspect the construction branch, there is no reason not to care that it is probably the only loan business that Yexin Bank has released in Donghua.

Shen Huai’s understanding of Yexin Bank was superficial.

The previous Shen Huai didn’t care about the family business at all. After Shen Huai accepted Meixi Iron and Steel Plant at this time, although he knew that he owed a loan to Yexin Bank, the finance department also regularly transferred the interest payment every month, but he did not expect to To understand the shareholding structure of Yexin Bank.

Shen Huai generally knows that Yexin Bank is the first joint-stock bank established in China. It is dominated by state-owned shares and occupies a controlling position. However, in order to learn advanced foreign financial management experience, foreign shares are introduced for the first time, and the management of the bank basically accepts foreign investment. shareholder recommendation.

As for the detailed ownership structure of Yexin Bank and the list of foreign shareholders, it is obviously not the information that ordinary people or township cadres can access.

Yexin Bank is the first gap opened by the opening of the domestic financial industry to the outside world.

Although the original intention was to set up a nationwide commercial bank, zhōngyāng was quite cautious in financial liberalization, so the number of branches that Yexin Bank could open each year was limited.

Donghua’s economic development lags far behind, and banks’ deposits and loans are small.

Normally, Yexin Bank would not give priority to setting up a branch in Donghua – if Evergreen Group is one of Yexin Bank’s foreign shareholders and has sufficient influence on Yexin Bank’s development in China, this is easy to understand.

“In recent years, Donghua has lagged far behind Pingjiang and other cities in the south in terms of attracting investment,” Xiong Wenbin said with emotion, “Secretary Tan also said that if Donghua’s economy can develop rapidly, we must pay close attention to it. The work of attracting investment…”

In the past few years, foreign investment in Donghua City has not even reached the scale of 20 million US dollars in actual use of foreign capital every year. It is really far behind.

At the prefecture and city level, the division of labor between the party and government is much clearer than that of the townships below. There are often two or three members of the standing committee of the city.

In this political situation, which is gradually developing towards collective leadership and collective decision-making, it is very difficult for the secretary of the municipal party committee to completely suppress the mayor. No matter how much the province supports Tan Qiping, it is impossible to support Tan Qiping in Donghua. Moreover, Tan Qiping is still an outsider and cannot control the entire Standing Committee in a short period of time.

The mayor is in charge of economic development, but attracting investment is the overall situation, and it is normal for the municipal party secretary to personally intervene.

Tan Qiping needs to be able to make some achievements in attracting investment in the very weak link before Donghua, which can not only make Gao Tianhe’s face, but also make the current balance of the Standing Committee change more favorable to him.

Seeing that Xiong Wenbin attached great importance to Sun Yalin, Shen Huai smiled and said, “I have a very normal relationship with this distant cousin.” He covered his crotch and said, “You guys go in first, I’ll pee and come back, just be us. I didn’t meet you outside…”

Shen Huai came back from peeing, Kan Xuetao was scolding the staff on duty, and the four gangsters were directly detained; Xiong Wenbin apologized to Sun Yalin on behalf of the municipal party committee in the next office…

It is no wonder that foreign businessmen are domineering and superior to others in the country. Officials in various places are more servile than Xiong Wenbin in order to attract foreign investment. The phenomenon of “first-class foreigners and second-class officials” is still very common in China.

After Shen Huai entered, he cooperated with Xiong Wenbin to play “Secretary-General Xiong, why are you here? I told Secretary-General Gao that the matter was not serious, and my cousin was very satisfied with the handling of the city bureau” before turning to the topic. superior.

Xiong Wenbin asked Sun Yalin in surprise: “Miss Sun and Xiao Shen are really cousins? Oh, yes, I heard before that Xiao Shen is an overseas student, a party member and cadre in our city, and a senior intellectual like Xiao Shen. , it’s really rare.”

Sun Yalin looked at Shen Huai, but she didn’t hide the contempt in her eyes at all. She believed that he was an ignorant guy who just used the bad name of studying abroad to confuse these stupid officials in China. He also despised Xiong Wenbin and others.

Seeing her cousin’s slapped face, Shen Huai couldn’t wait to slap her, but he also had to consider many practical issues:

At present, it seems that the decision on whether or not Yexin Bank should open a branch in Donghua is really in the hands of Sun Yalin. If this matter goes viral, not to mention how bad it will be for the fight between Tan Qiping and Gao Tianhe, it will definitely have a negative impact on Donghua’s economic development.

To develop the economy now, the key is to have investment. Whether foreign or domestic, more financial institutions and more lending can effectively promote local economic development.

In addition to increasing the amount of local lending, the management of Yexin Bank is much more formal than that of domestic banks and credit cooperatives. Through strict lending management, the local investment efficiency can be greatly improved, which is exactly what Donghua desperately needs.

However, there was a malicious smile in Sun Yalin’s eyes, making Shen Huai feel chills: he suspected that Sun Yalin might recover the loan from Yexin Bank to the steel mill in advance.

At present, the working capital of the steel mill is only about 20 million; if the working capital of 16 million is withdrawn all at once, it will be a life-threatening situation.

Yang Haipeng called at this time. He had already sent Xiong Dini, Xiong Dailing, Zhou Ming, and Xiao Li back. At this time, he was returning to the city from Meixi Town. Shen Huai asked him to come directly to the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Shen Huai said to Xiong Wenbin, “Yang Haipeng drove over to pick me up, and I’ll take my little cousin and the others to the hotel!”

Seeing that Shen Huai took the initiative to take the matter over, Xiong Wenbin nodded and said yes, he originally intervened on behalf of the municipal party committee in this matter, so that Tan Qiping would have an excuse to directly ask about the matter in the future.

Although Sun Yalin didn’t like Shen Huai, she resisted and didn’t ask the Municipal Public Security Bureau or the Municipal Party Committee to send a car directly to take them back to the Nanyuan Hotel.

Yang Haipeng drove over, and Shen Huai asked Sun Yalin, who had no good intentions, to get into the car with her companions. After saying goodbye to Xiong Wenbin and Kan Xuetao, they drove directly to the Nanyuan Hotel.

Along the way, Shen Huai sat in the passenger seat and didn’t say much.

On the other hand, Sun Yalin sat in the back row and couldn’t help but provocatively said: “Meixi Iron and Steel Plant took a loan of 16 million from Yexin Bank at the beginning of the year to use it as a working capital for production. I came to Donghua this time and learned some things, which can explain The loan application materials submitted by Meixi Iron and Steel Plant to the provincial branch are very problematic. Donghua City is willing to help Meixi Iron and Steel Plant to defraud the loan, is it true that I say this?”

Shen Huai was silent.

Nowadays, banks in various places lend money, how many are not sick? If this matter is revealed, Wu Haifeng and Gao Tianhe will definitely be beaten, but Meixi Iron and Steel Plant will definitely give it a lot of trouble. At present, the total assets of Meixi Iron and Steel Plant are 120 million yuan, of which 80 million yuan is owed to various banks. The suspension of lending by Yexin Bank may cause a chain reaction.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Sun Yalin felt complacent when she saw Shen Huai’s sore foot, and wanted to put her face on Shen Huai’s eyes, “Please, I may be able to suppress this matter for three months before reporting it. go up…”

Yang Haipeng didn’t know what happened after he left, and he didn’t know what was the relationship between Shen Huai and his French cousin. His face was a little ugly, so he could only drive the car first and didn’t ask anything.

“It’s only been less than three months since I took over the Meixi Iron and Steel Plant. Do you think this matter can threaten me?”

Shen Huai’s face was sullen, looking at Sun Yalin’s eyes in the rearview mirror with an unkind and open smile. He looked through his previous memories and knew that the relationship between the children of the Sun family was not very and the previous Shen Huai was particularly annoying, and there were many grievances with this “cousin”…

“I didn’t threaten you, I just told a fact.” Sun Yalin said proudly.

“This Miss Sophia is your cousin’s assistant, right? By the way, cousin, you have done everything possible to get Sophia to China as an assistant, and for such an important inspection activity, cousin, you will bring a Sophia to China. Donghua came and fought with Donghua’s local gangsters in the middle of the night, so they really won’t think much about it?”

Shen Huai picked up the cigarette case from the dashboard and lit a cigarette. Regardless of the airtightness of the space in the car, he took two puffs, causing the car to be filled with smoke.

Sun Yalin choked on the cigarette and coughed, but she didn’t care about it. After listening to Shen Huai’s words, her hair stood up, and she asked in a sharp voice, “What do you mean by this?”

“It’s nothing, I forgot to tell you, little cousin. After I returned to China, I worked hard to learn English.” Shen Huai turned around, smiled and said, “I think cousin, you must really hope that I will tell you what I just said. Did you forget everything you heard in the car?”

“Your mother, bastard!” Sun Yalin didn’t expect that Shen Huai would shamelessly eavesdrop on their conversations, but at this time, she used it to threaten them even more shamelessly, gnashing her teeth and reaching out to grab his collar, “Stop talking to Meixi Iron and Steel Plant. Lending, I follow the rules, how can you be so shameless?”

Shen Huai was very helpless to this tall “cousin” who had studied violently since childhood and had spare time to learn taekwondo. He said very sternly: “It has nothing to do with me whether the Meixi Iron and Steel Plant is Rong or Min, but it is related to the jobs of 900 workers. If you dare to smash it, don’t think that I will not be able to do business. I will kick you first. Go back to France.”

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