Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 81

Chapter 80: The Idea Of ​​Changing State-Owned Enterprises Into State-Owned Enterprises

(The second champion is out. Brothers like Ximachimo and dogod will add another chapter. Thank you for your support; there should be normal updates after the early morning)

Shen Huai didn’t know which staff member Xiong Wenbin knew that he was coming to eat. Zhao Dong and Xiao Mingxia followed Xiao Jiangang upstairs, and Xiong Wenbin came over and said that Secretary Tan was also eating in the South Garden, and asked him to speak.

Shen Huai had to leave Chen Dan in Cuihua Building and go to see Tan Qiping with Xiong Wenbin.

The South Garden is the reception office of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. After Wu Haifeng became the director of the Municipal People’s Congress, he was rarely exposed here, and Building No. 1 became a special place for Tan Qiping to entertain people of all kinds

Tan Qiping just stopped after meeting with the officials of the Provincial Planning Commission. Shen Huai and Xiong Wenbin walked in. He was sitting on the sofa in the living room reading the materials. When he saw Shen Huai walking in, he said with a smile, “We’ve all gone to the South Garden, and we’re still here. Silently, like a devil entering the village…”

“I can’t predict,” Shen Huai sat down on the sofa beside Tan Qiping and joked, “You know that Secretary Tan is in the South Garden, do I dare not come over and report to work?”

Tan Qiping actually didn’t mind Shen Huai being called his uncle and nephew at all. Seeing that he was not restrained in his demeanor, and the appellation was strict, he thought that maybe he didn’t want others to realize that he was Song Hua’s grandson and Song Qiaosheng’s nephew. …

Tan Qiping admired Shen Huai’s drive to make a career without taking advantage of his family status. He touched the black hair that was combed back, and said with a smile, “Then come over and report to me on the work, how is the steel plant rectified? So, why did Meixi Town come up with an ‘asset management office’ with the county?”

“Ah,” Shen Huai was stunned and asked, “How did you hear this from Secretary Tan?”

The town enterprise office itself is a temporary organization. Shen Huai thought that changing its name to the “town asset management office” and adjusting its functions should not be a big deal.

“I’m focusing on system reform now,” Tan Qiping said. “Donghua’s development has lagged a bit over the years. There are many reasons for this. The rigid economic system is also one aspect. I will give a briefing on the situation in Meixi Town, and hand it over to me. The name Asset Management Office is quite new, and since you are in Nanyuan today, I will listen to you face to face…”

Zhao Dong didn’t delay anything, so he rushed over. The staff on duty led him in. Shen Huai stopped the topic just now and introduced Zhao Dong first: “Zhao Dong is Lao Xiong’s proud student in the city steel mill, give me Pull to Meixi Steel and help me rectify production together…”

“It’s all young and promising,” Tan Qiping asked Zhao Dong to sit down and talk, then turned to Xiong Wenbin and said, “Look at their youth, remember when I was young, I was chasing ten years of turmoil, or I went up and down the mountain with the flow. Township, or write a review for being locked in a cowshed, they can’t do anything major, and they have the opportunity to make a great career at such a young age…”

Zhao Dong was also meeting Tan Qiping for the first time, so he was inevitably a little nervous. Fortunately, Tan Qiping was also approachable in front of trusted people, and told him to get used to it quickly.

“Ji Gengxin, an economics professor at Yenching University, put forward the concept of state-owned and collective asset management in 1991. Professor Ji Gengxin also wrote to the State Council, hoping to carry out more in-depth reform of state-owned and collective enterprises, rather than just staying At the level of responsibility and contract management of the factory manager,”

Shen Huai explained to Tan Qiping his idea of applying to Xiapu County to restructure the enterprise office.

“Township and village enterprises have developed a lot in the past few years, but it was quickly due to the local urge to expand production scale and increase tax sources. Huaihai Province took the lead in piloting a tax-sharing system in China, and local governments lost the motivation to support enterprises to expand production scale. Many problems that were previously covered up by excessive development, such as poor management, duplication of construction, excessive competition, corporate triangular debt, and a series of problems, were immediately exposed. I went to Meixi Town to be in charge of economic work and presided over the rectification of steel plants. I found a lot of similar situations. At this time, I thought, is it necessary to change my thinking in order to improve the township economy, I just read the articles of Yan Da and Professor Ji, and I am very inspired…”

“Ji Gengxin is a national policy advisor of the State Council. He is a very skilled person. The theory he proposes is of high level, but there is still some controversy in the central government.” Tan Qiping also served as deputy secretary in the following cities in his early years. Even if I am not proficient in things, I still have some understanding of several well-known domestic economists who are hired as national policy advisers and their main economic propositions. “Some of his articles were shown to me by Xiong Wenbin. It’s quite advanced, I didn’t expect you to do research…”

Although Shen Huai studied urban economics and commerce in France before, he was really an uneducated apprentice with an empty stomach. However, Shen Huai, who taught himself a Ph.D. Professors of science and their economic theories and academic achievements have been studied in a targeted manner.

In fact, after sorting out Shen Huai’s previous life experience abroad, he made him understand some issues more thoroughly.

Before Shen Huai, although he said that his life was very bad, when he really sorted out those messy memories, Shen Huai also found many things that were beneficial to him. 1+1 was often greater than 2.

“The economic systems of European and American countries are still worth learning at home,” Shen Huai said. “The governance of large foreign companies is generally based on the separation of ownership and management rights. Today, even in a township, there are ten or twenty township-owned enterprises. There are nearly 300 municipal-level state-owned enterprises. If the government has to decide all kinds of business decisions, the problem will be very serious: First, there are professional restrictions, and no one can be an expert in several professions at the same time. It is because the individual’s energy is always limited, and it is impossible to deal with the problems encountered in management in a timely and flexible manner. The current factory director-manager responsibility system is mainly to overcome the drawbacks in this regard. However, the factory director-manager responsibility system has certain effects on the enterprise. If there is no effect, what indicators should be used for evaluation, how should the factory director and the management represented by the manager be motivated, there are still many problems in China that cannot be solved. I propose that Meixi Town should be transformed from an enterprise management to an asset management office. In the final analysis, it is If all the indicators are blurred, it depends on whether the operation of the enterprise has economic benefits, whether the assets have increased in value, whether the enterprise has a better development prospect, and whether it is necessary to further increase the investment of resources. And whether the operation of the enterprise is in compliance with the regulations, this is the It is entirely the responsibility of all government commissions, offices and bureaus. The social functions of state-owned and collective enterprises, especially some large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, which have hospitals and kindergartens, are completely a small society, which does not meet the ‘efficiency priority’ proposed by Deng Gong The principle of the company must be stripped out, so that it is possible to make the operation more efficient…”

Shen Huai made the order very clear, even Tan Qiping, who was not very proficient in economics, listened well and said: “It seems that you have learned something after a few years abroad. You went to manage a steel factory before. I’m still playing the drums for you in my heart, and now it seems that I’m a little overly concerned. You have a mature theory and a capable assistant, and you can do a good job. ”

Tan Qiping thought for a while, and said, “As for asset management, Meixi Town can experiment first, and we must have the courage to cross the river by feeling the stones. Ji Gengxin’s articles tend to be more theoretical and less practical. Is there any operation? There is some controversy in the central government. I think you can write an article on the actual economic work experience in Meixi Town, from the perspective of township enterprises…” He asked Xiong Wenbin, “Old Xiong, do you think Xiaoshen’s theoretical level is too high? But it’s not enough? He helps him write the article first, and then you check it out for him…”

The extraordinary ability reflected in Shen Huai’s body has long since eliminated the impression that the previous rumors gave to Xiong Wenbin, knowing that even if Shen Huai is a bit arrogant, he has this ability completely.

When Xiong Wenbin first saw that Meixi Town proposed to set up an asset management office, Xiong Wenbin thought of the theory of Ji Gengxin, a professor of economics at Yan University. He did not expect that Shen Huai also had a very solid foundation in the theory of economic system.

Xiong Wenbin smiled and said, “I’m half-baked, I’m afraid I can’t take care of Shen Huai…”

At this moment, the staff came to tell them to go to dinner, Shen Huai and Zhao Dong couldn’t get out, and during the dinner, they shared the details of the steel plant’s rectification and also reported to Tan Qiping.

There are some things that can’t be bragged. Tan Qiping has been immersed in officialdom for half his life, and he can tell the difference between those who can do things and those who play tricks with half an eye.

I didn’t have the opportunity to listen to Shen Huai’s talk about the rectification of the steel plant in such a detailed manner before. We started chatting at the dinner table, and before I knew it, ten o’clock Finally, Xiong Wenbin reminded Tan Qiping to get up early tomorrow and go to the province , to end the conversation.

Tan Qiping pressed his hand on the table and said, “Well, Meixi Iron and Steel Plant can achieve quarterly profitability next year, so I will go over to investigate, and by the way, I will also put some pressure on other companies in the city. If it went down a year ago, it would seem a little rushed. now…”

There are seven counties and three districts in Donghua. The districts are directly under the jurisdiction of the municipal party committee and government, and each county is entrusted by the province and handed over to the municipal party committee and government, and the relationship is more complicated. Before the Meixi Iron and Steel Plant showed its actual results and there was no suitable excuse, Tan Qiping immediately killed him to inspect and directly cheered Shen Huai…

After sending Tan Qiping and Xiong Wenbin to leave the South Garden by car, Shen Huaicai and Zhao Dong returned to the Cuihua Building. I don’t know if Chen Dan and Xiao Mingxia were also angry when they were thrown in the Cuihua Building.

The banquet here has long since dispersed. Even if Tang Chuan, director of the district construction, wanted to get acquainted with Shen Huai, he could not be shameless and wait here with Lai.

Here Xiao Mingxia and her parents are still waiting with Xiao Mingxia and Chen Dan.

Seeing Shen Huai and Zhao Dong approaching, Xiao Jian stood up nervously, sweating in his palms.

“It’s all night, why is Section Chief Xiao still waiting here?” Shen Huai stretched out his hand to shake Xiao Jian’s hand as if nothing happened that night.

Xiao Jian stretched out his hand and said with a face full of ingratitude: “It’s not too late, it’s not too late…” Then he didn’t know how to continue, he just held Shen Huai’s hand tightly, wanting to give him to him earlier. make up for mistakes.

Calling Xiao Jian’s sweat on his hands, Shen Huai could not wait to wipe them twice, but no matter how much he hates this kind of snobbery in his heart, he wants to give Zhao Dong and Xiao Mingxia face, and he doesn’t want to have too much with Xiao Jian. Contact, withdrew his hand, and said to Zhao Dong: “It’s not too late, you can send Section Chief Xiao and Mingxia back first, we’ll see you in the factory tomorrow…”

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