Steel and Mana

Chapter 7 – A Witch

Oleg arrived right by dawn. He looked out of breath but still full of energy, followed by a dozen warriors, all from my father’s personal men.

“You were fast.” I laughed, welcoming them, ignoring the two who were still tied to the trees, moaning, and admitting we weren’t kidding about who we were. 

“Of course, Young Lord!” He hopped down from the horse, breathing out with relief that I was okay. “We should be enough to deal with any ragtag bunch who took up residence in our forest.”

“I already investigated where they are.” I said loudly, looking at the rest, dismounting their horses. “Do you all know where the old logging site is? Good!” I grinned, seeing them nod, “We are going to travel there on foot; tie the horses up.” I explained, showing them a drawing on the ground. 

While waiting, I wasn’t just chatting with the prisoners. I made sure they told me everything about the place, and I drew it out, making my plans. We would surround the site and ambush them. I told Oleg that there was a wild mage inside, and his face went dark, listening to everything I said. First, he wanted to complain it was sneaky and… dishonorable to do so, but after saying there is a witch… he no longer complained. That is the power of magic. I already knew it was a rare and unique gift, so much so that most people thought a mage could do anything.

“Don’t worry, she is untrained and weak,” I continued, trying to keep the men calm and collected, “and we want to capture them alive, okay? Use non-lethal attacks!” 

“What?” They asked, making me twitch my eyes.

“Don’t kill, please? I need them. Think! If we can capture them, we can control the witch. If you kill them, what if she goes apeshit? And conjures something to kill us all? Huh? Think a little man. With hostages, she will come with us peacefully.”

“My Lord… are you sure? With a witch around…”

“It will be fine! I want her to join us, not to threaten! When the initial shock has settled down, let me talk, okay?”

“Young Lord?”

“Relax! Trust me! If I come in like, oh hello, I am the son of the Lord of this region, I am here to recruit you, blah blah blah… She would think I want to place a collar on her and keep her as a pet. Why else would she be out here? She values her freedom, for sure. So, I think the quickest method to get her is to be more straightforward and... well, we need to show our strength. Show her we can do this multiple ways, and I am open to taking the cooperative route.”


They had no real answer to my monologue, but that was good. I was already excited to do it, so we left for the logging site after going over the plan a second time. It wasn’t that far, only an hour of walking distance, following the old route now overgrown with shrubs. When we got close, we could hear the noise they were making, waking up and starting their morning routine. Spreading out, I also took part in the ambush, rushing in from the front side of the place. 

Surveying it, it had some old warehouse, a few buildings, and many shabby ‘tents’ held up by sticks, leaves, and whatnot. It was worse than a shanty town from my time. I think some homeless people lived better than these poor men and women. Yes, both were present… hell, I think there were more women than men! Not that there were many of them, around twenty people at most, all of them scrawny and dirty. 


I quickly singled out who I thought must be the witch. She had a different aura covering her. Yes, her clothes were rags thrown around her bony body, her thick, bushy, dark, orange-colored hair had leaves stuck to it, and her face blackened by dirty spots… but she exuded something unnatural from her pores that even I could pick up. It is hard to put it into words, but it is the same feeling when you open the door to a cool cellar on a hot summer day.

I was aiming for her from the moment I noticed her coming out from one of the wooden sheds. She was clearly panicked, not knowing what to do, but I couldn’t take chances. If she really was a witch, she could be dangerous. I read about how those who never were educated cause themselves and everyone around them to blow up. Of course, I had my doubts, but… it never hurts to be careful. I was before her in a few seconds, using the techniques from my past life, quickly wrestling her to the ground before she could cast any spells.

“Don’t move or try anything! If you try releasing any magic, I will have to hurt you!” I shouted, seeing and feeling her tremble while I knelt on her back, pinning her to the ground. 

“Don’t hurt them!” She cried, thinking this was all caused by her… well… it wasn’t that far off the truth. 

“I won’t.” Pulling her up, I held her arms locked behind her back with one hand, holding my sword with the other. She was unhealthy and slim, so much so that I think I could have broken her bones if I had twisted her a little more. “Don’t struggle, and you won’t be hurt! We are soldiers of the Lion himself! As the son of Kalash, I give my word you won’t be killed if you give up now!”

I was surprised that my words had any effects. Many stopped struggling or trying to fight back. They were simply… giving up. Looking at me, my blazing red hair probably gave it away that I wasn’t lying. Besides my mother, I didn’t see anybody with the same scarlet color parading around this part of the country. When everybody was under control, I made them gather, and my men tied their arms behind their backs as to my instructions. I did the same with the witch, and to be extra careful, I also covered her mouth. I know they had to say incantations to cast a spell; I just hoped saying it in their head was not enough.

“Listen!” I looked at them while Oleg and two other soldiers stood behind me, holding crossbows at the ready. “Two of you attacked me yesterday!”

Seeing how they looked around, realizing who was missing, and the change in their faces… I knew the two, left with the horses, were probably hiccupping like mad. Hehe… totally deserved. Fighting back the urge to laugh, I continued seriously, as if I was taking a huge risk here.

“I ought to execute all of you for this capital offense.” Ignoring the loud cry for mercy, I continued on, “If not that, the simple fact that you are squatting here is worthy of serious punishment. Not to mention… having a rogue witch…” I looked at the girl who had tears in her eyes, looking around at the others, trying to apologize with her gaze. Now I truly felt like a villain… shit… well, suck it up, Leon, and continue! “Look…” I switched to a much lower, kinder voice, “I’m not here to cause you trouble. I need… people. I have ambition, and tell you what! I am here to offer you two choices.” I walked up and down, explaining it clearly and simply, “First, you get punished, according to the law. Or, you come with me and be my subordinates. Not the church, the Empire, or my family’s subordinate. My subordinate! What do you say?”

I didn’t expect a quick answer, but many of them almost immediately chose the second option. Huh… that was… relieving! Of course, I wouldn’t trust them just like that, not immediately… but they will have time to prove their worth and loyalty. First and foremost, I needed to secure the witch… without anyone knowing about it. I don’t know if my parents would approve of it, but for the things I have planned, I will need their help, so I will find a way to convince them. 

“Will you cooperate?” I asked, but I only had the witch in my sight; who knew I was pinning this question directly to her. With a slow nod, she gave her answer, and I waved my hand, and we started to empty the camp. 

It was time to go home. Visiting the mountains? That can wait. My travel around the countryside? Will also wait for me… this was much more important!

“I will take this out,” I mumbled, helping her to stand, personally guarding her, loosening the cloth in her mouth, and letting it fall to her neck like a weird, saliva-soaked scarf. “Just don’t start mumbling a spell, or I will have to do something I don’t want to!”

“I can’t really cast spells…” She sniffled, looking crestfallen, “If you think you are capturing a strong witch that can level cities… You are making a big mistake.”

“I don’t need you to blast my enemies with lightning or summon a flood.” I chuckled merrily, “I just need someone attuned to magic to help me with my research. Studying magic is like a blind man trying to learn writing and reading for me. I can't use it!”

“You are learning… magic?” She looked at me weirdly.

“Kinda. It's… complicated. Listen… what I said is all the truth! I am here not to punish you all. Honestly, I am here because I heard you were capable of magic.”

“So it was me who brought pain to everyone… again…” She lowered her head, and I saw tears falling to the ground while we walked.

“Temporary pain. I told you. I’m not going to hurt you.”

“Said the soldiers, before they murdered my parents…”

“...” Now, that was… something I didn’t expect. Nor did it add up to the other two’s tale. Not that they could have been important or somebody close to her. Well… I had the source walking next to me while holding her still-bound arm with one hand. “What is your name?”

“Sasha. That is my real name… the one given to me by my mother. The people here call me Queen; please ignore that, My Lord! They don't know better!”

“No problem. Well, I am Leon; good to meet you! We have a long road to walk, so… care to enlighten me what happened?”

“What if I don’t want to?”

“Fair.” I shrugged, “No pressure. How’s life? You all look dreadful…” I switched the topic immediately, making her raise her head with surprise, amusement… and anger. “What? You said you didn’t want to talk about it. I have other questions that need answering. No? Okay, then… how old are you?”

“16… or… 17… I don’t really know.”

“Tsk, tough. Favorite color?”


“Cats or dogs?”

“Huh?!” She repeated, getting lost by now.

“What are your three sizes? Looking at you, they are probably in the minus category, as not even a bulimic model aspirant looks this bony.”


“Nah, ignore it, we will-”

“Just stop!” She moaned, half crying, half laughing, letting out a defeated sigh, “I’ll speak… okay? Haaah…”

“I’m all ears, Sasha~! And do take your time… I’m not in a hurry.”

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