Steel and Mana

Chapter 25 – Duel

The next day, early morning, it was time to head down to the marked location. Of course, I wouldn't go alone; that would be stupid and reckless, so the people I brought along all of them were accompanying me. Being a noble had its advantages, as now I had a sword on my side, and nobody could question me why. And… After entering the district where their base was… I was pretty sure they would be used.

It was in the northwestern part of the city, and it reeked more than the other side. It wasn't horseshit that troubled me; it was more of the stench of cheap ale and unwashed bodies that passed by us. It was like walking into a changing room of rugby players after finishing the most brutal match of their lives. Tsk… Wherever I looked, the wooden houses were old and faded, and some were in complete shambles, propped up by sheer luck and will of their occupants.

I knew there were city guards, but probably they rarely ventured into this part of the city, or if they did, they only came when there was a reason for it. I was sure of my conjecture after we walked pretty far, and the watchful eyes doubled… then tripled. Every big city has its streets where the dregs of society gather and where laws become suggestions. Nobody bothers with places like that as people need it… it is like the sewers. Where those who can't fit in get flushed down by the rest of society. As long as they are policing themselves and the shit doesn't overflow to the streets, they won't bother with it. Well, I was determined to never let such a slum develop in MY city.

"Lord…" Oleg leaned closer, speaking in a low tone, "If trouble comes knocking, stay with us. We will escort you out as soon as possible."

"Thank you for your concern, but if all goes well, we won't need to kill anyone. Or too many. Don't forget that my Father also taught me, and I was good at it."

"Still… Lord, you never really fought before. This is not like training!"

"Well… I know." I shrugged in answer.

Yes… and no. In this life, I did not take anybody's. Not yet. Also, he was right in that my Father did teach me a lot, but I was not that versed in his techniques. What I was confident in was my previous military training. Even being a techie, basic training didn't skimp out on any soldier. I had to go through the same stuff that a grunt or a marine had to, at least in the first year. We were all taught close-combat techniques, be it unarmed or knife fighting. Well, I had a shortsword, so it could be applied to it, but we will see. If it comes to that, I can fall back on my knowledge of hand-to-hand combat and use it here.

From what I have seen so far, here, it is less developed than in my time. What my Father taught me resembled the basics of budding martial arts, but it was still not there. It was born from his experience, and although it had good technique, it wasn't streamlined. Well, it is up to him to refine it; I can't and won't get in his way in that. I will use what I am familiar with, and I am confident that the people here won't be able to cope with it. Simply because it does not exist yet. About taking a life…? I don't think I would have an issue with that. It wouldn't be the first one, and when I was deployed on the front? I saw people becoming a mist of gore. I know how it sounds when you stab someone in the back and hear the air escape from their lungs.

"Keep alert!" Oleg hissed, his hand gripping the hilt of his sword, and it was his voice that brought me back to reality.

The street was empty, and the houses on both sides were all boarded up. We also reached the very end of the district as the high, grey city walls were casting a shadow on us. When my feet stopped, so did my soldiers', and I listened closely… Even though we were standing still, footsteps were still echoing between the houses, and looking back, the entry was closed off by five figures… all women.


I hummed, looking at their leather and fur armor, swords, and shields while two of them had crossbows in their hands. In the front, six others appeared in similar dressings, except one… She was a woman with a striking body and posture, with porcelain-like white skin, in contrast with her nasty, reddish scars visible on her almost naked torso. She wore a metal plate over one breast that was intact while the other was missing entirely, replaced with a nasty scar. Just one of many that filled her body... I was thinking about what was she wearing under her tight, leather pants? A dick or a pussy? Probably both. Looking at her grinning face, it was also scarred, with one of her ears having a chunk bitten out of it. I knew that because her black hair was shabby, looking like a bird's nest, revealing it. What was more striking was the twin daggers she was playing with, dark red from the unwashed blood sticking to their edges.

"Lost?" She asked, remaining where she stood, showing she was not that reckless and probably wary of any throwable weapons we may have had on us.

"Oh no, no!" I smiled, standing firmly in my place while my soldiers were ready to fight, separating into two groups, one looking at the girls behind our back and one at the same party I was talking with. "I was looking for you, Miss Yuribisaida."

"And why would be that, Mister Nobleman?" She asked back, but she couldn't mask the surprise in her voice. Was it because I knew her full name? Maybe. Maybe not...

"Because I have a business proposition! Simple!"

"Are we looking like people who-" She started laughing mockingly, but I cut in with a smile.

"I need killers and robbers. Easy."


"What? Is it not what you do? Maybe you are freedom-fighters? Lost in the lands of your hated enemy? Should I call you terrorists instead?"

"No, no." Yuribisaida raised a hand, scoffing at me, "I don't care about that, so you are going in the wrong direction, boy! I was just surprised that a noble like you would say something without coating his words with honey-looking shit!"

"Ah, I see. Well, I hate drawing things out, so here is the deal! Let's sit down and talk without resorting to any bloodshed, hm?"

"Too bad that I love bloodshed... and I don't trust nobles."

"Haaah... I see. So?" I shrugged, my grip tightening on the hilt of my sword.

"But I like your style, kid! Here is what we should do! You and me, one-on-one! No rules, just go at it, and if you survive, we'll talk!"

"Lord!" Oleg cried out, but I silenced him with a hand and walked forward.

"Come! Just don't regret it later!"

"At least your balls have dropped... good!"

With a quick burst of speed, she had already rushed at me, wielding her two daggers and aiming to stab me in the groin as her first attack. I expected her to be wild, looking at her injuries, but she was as dirty as this place! When my sword met with the edge of her blade, it twisted and turned while using momentum; she changed aim to stab at my neck with her off-hand weapon. When we separated, there was a slight cut on my neck, only enough to let out a thin trail of blood, not dangerous enough to be threatening.

"Yum~!" She grinned, licking her blade while looking at me. "I will cut off your cock and eat it for dinner."

"That is no way to speak to your Master." I countered, looking into her dark eyes and seeing sadistic flames dancing inside. She was not right in the head...

"I am my own master!" She roared, attacking again while I mostly dodged, using foot techniques from my old life to keep a distance between us and let her exhaust her explosive energies.

"You will be my mad hound, and you will do what I say... and you will enjoy it." I continued, sidestepping, feeling her daggers pass by my chest.

"I will enjoy making new underwear out of your skin, bitch boy!" She cried again, turning on her heels, kicking back like a horse, going for my groin again.

"Okay... that warrants a punishment, one that will remind you who I am..." I grunted, forgoing my sword, which surprised her and the spectators.

"And who are you?" She giggled even when I caught her ankle. I had the perfect chance to break her leg... but I needed her able for what I was planning to do.

"Leon, your owner!" I spat at her while bringing her leg up, and without any hesitation, I punched her in the pussy. Straight on, without holding back. Who said they are not as sensitive as boys? Because she sure dropped her knives as pain coursed through her body.

Of course, I was not done. Bringing her to the ground, I hurriedly brought her into a chokehold, turning her face redder than her scars. Yet she wasn't giving in. Instead of fighting back against my arms, she stretched out with her bare feet, trying to reach the dagger.

"So..." I continued choking her, whispering into her ear like an abusive lover, "Here is the thing. I need a group to rob and kill other nobles I have problems with. I can't do it myself for obvious reasons, but I can let a capable group of rabid dogs do it... and even keep half of the riches. Sounds fair, doesn't it?"

"!" I couldn't tell what she was saying, but she sure spat all over my arms as I pulled her further from the dropped daggers, watching her face turn purple... but she was still struggling. What surprised me was that her people didn't attack... was this some kind of honor thing? Weird...

"Stop struggling if you are in! If not? I will break your neck and find someone else to do my work!"

She just wouldn't stop it; by now, she was gurgling, and her eyes rolled up, yet she still tried to bite me... in the end, I choked her unconscious. When I stood over her limp body, the others were finally drawing their weapons while I stepped on their leader's neck.

"She is not dead. Yet. If you lower your weapons, she will survive... as I need her for a job!" I shouted, looking at them unperturbed, ready to fight to the death in this shabby, empty street, "Keep aiming those crossbows at us, and I will kill her, then kill all of you, too. Choose quickly... I am out of patience..."

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