Chapter 36: Transfer (1)
"What do you mean? Raine's going away?"
The sitting room of the castle is filled with the sounds of Alice's sobbing. She has broken down into tears at the revelation.
Oh, please stop doing that; it's hurting my heart.
"Alice, this is something Raine has to do. He's leaving to get strong enough to protect his kingdom." Stella calmly replies.
"Bu-but, you said he could die!"
"Although I said that, Raine is strong enough to endure. He will be alright."
I nod along as she says that. It's true that I've grown a lot more in strength since I was last here. I had an armored coat and a mask to conceal my face. In addition, I was able to call forth the ideal weaponry from the "War God's Perfect Arsenal."
Dual pistols with an endless magazine with two small blades, capable of cutting through solid steel like paper, linked to the grip. They were the ideal weapons for someone like me who was skilled with daggers and had previous expertise with firearms.
In case I ever needed to use them right away, I had both of them packed in my coat along with a variety of other weapons.
"Alice," I kneel down in front of her and wipe her teary eyes with a handkerchief, "I'll be fine, I'm actually pretty tough. Plus, all my comrades are very strong."
"But," She sniffles, "what about me? You're just gonna leave me behind, right?"
Okay, that really hurts my soul.
I briefly think about how to approach this issue. A brilliant idea quickly occurs to me.
I pull out a communication mirror from my pocket. I thoroughly examine what it was constructed of with my "Eye of Absolute Certainty." I proceed to use magic to perfectly create each component before putting the new one together.
"Here," I hand Alice the one I had just created, "That way, despite the distance between us, we can still communicate with one another."
After I hand it to her, she clings to it fiercely.
I then used "War God's Perfect Arsenal" to call out another creation. It was a deep blue knife about a foot in length. It had a nail-like sharp tip and a straight edge.
I give Stella the item.
"Whenever the kingdom is truly in trouble, stab this into the ground."
She nods and I stand back up. I then move closer to Cassie and Casy. I call forth two more knives.
I gave Casey the one that had a curved blade and was completely black. I gave Cassie the other, which was pure white with a needle-like edge.
"A few last-resort weapons, just in case."
"Ah, thanks, Raine," Cassie speaks up.
I nod. And walked back to Alice, who was still holding the mirror I gave her. I give her one final head pat before heading to my room.
I cross the spacious room and head into the corridor. As I'm walking down the hallway, I pass by the library. Since this will be my last day living here, I decide to enter.
I open the large doors to the library and am instantly struck with a nostalgic scent.
I haven't come back since I was eight years old, around the time Cassie abruptly stopped coming. I also stopped going since it grew too lonely to browse books by myself. I walk over to the anatomy section, the first place I had gone when I was given my ability test.
"Let's see, it should be here somewhere."
My finger eventually stops at the title I was seeking for after tracing through the books on the shelf. The book 'How to Best Pleasure a Woman', which for some reason has no dust, is the one I take off the shelf.
Although I had memorized the entire book in the past, a physical copy might prove useful later on when the facility will likely be occupied primarily by hormonal teenagers. It's preferable for both sides if you feel good before getting busy.
Aside from that, if I'm right, there should be two very compatible people there whose love is essential for bringing peace between the Knightford and Azure kingdoms.
After I stuff the book into my coat pocket, I turn around to see a tall, bearded man dressed in casual attire standing behind me.
Ah, it's father… he just saw me steal the book, so perhaps I should return it? He stopped me as I was about to reach into my coat.
"My little Raine is finally growing up." He gave me a thumbs up, "You have no need to worry, I already have a copy of that book right here."
He pulls out a duplicate of the book I had just stolen from his robe pocket. He stows it away and moves to a table.
Well, my opinion on Father has changed drastically. The thought of Father applying the methods from the book against my mother disgusts me greatly. Simply thinking about it made me shiver.
"Come here, Raine." The king gestures for me to come sit down as he pulls out two chairs. I accept his invitation and take a seat in the chair across from him.
"Raine, while I am proud of you," He pauses and takes a deep breath, "if you have any qualms about your arrangements, I can call it off."
I raise an eye at my father. His expression is gloomy, but who could blame him? He is enlisting his son in the conflict he had fought in order to bring about peace. A typical young child of my age would be terrified, but I was unafraid.
"Father, I have no issue with this decision." I continue calmly, "If I'm able to save people by doing this, doesn't that mean it's a good thing?"
He looks at me and smiles, "That's right, you've been raised well."
He laughs before pulling a large bottle of alcohol from his robe, "Then, would you like a drink before you go? It's the finest alcohol the kingdom has to offer. I was saving this until you became an adult at fourteen, but we probably won't be able to do that."
"Offering alcohol to a minor? With all due respect father, isn't this illegal?"
He merely chuckles while removing two glasses from his robe.
Does his robe possess a limitless storage capacity, just like mine does? He sets one glass in front of me and one in front of him.
"Raine, I'm the king." He pours the drink into my glass, "I make the laws."
So that ended up taking a lot more time than I thought.
The king had fallen asleep drinking and I had been left alone, so I left him and began my way to my room.
I had been continuously casting detoxification on myself, a specific form of restoration that removes toxins from within the body. However, the alcohol in question was stronger than I had anticipated, so my detoxification wasn't enough to remove all of the alcohol.
"Honestly, that father of mine." I wobble around as I make my way forward.
I came to a stop at my room's door. When I open it, I recognize the sight very well. The large bed, the abundance of desks and closets and magic tools, and the scattered failures of clothing and armor concepts.
I sigh and use wind magic to organize the area, shoving the garments up and onto my bed. I use earth magic to make a rolling suitcase and walk to the closet where I keep my best designs.
I pack a ton of black and white designer sweaters, long sleeve shirts, and turtlenecks. I move to my drawers and start packing necessities like undergarments and socks. I then start to pack pants, most of which are black and white with extravagant designs on the surface.
The closet where I kept my footwear is my final destination. For special occasions, I pack a pair of dress shoes, and for better leg strength, I pack a pair of black, high-top athletic sneakers that I had enchanted.
I take out a pair of prototype combat boots that I spent the past four years developing. This is the culmination of my scientific expertise from my previous world.
They have ports on the back that could project both wind and fire, allowing me to move with greater speed while they were in the air and flying. They were powerful and could easily kick through a building if I so desired. Additionally, they were light, weighing only a fourth pound each.
Even though I toss everything haphazardly into the suitcase, it all manages to fit nicely when I tossed the boots inside. I absolutely love this luck skill I have.
I took a seat on my bed and started organizing the weapons I had removed from "War God's Perfect Arsenal."
My coat contains a variety of explosives and gadgets, a bag that can produce an endless supply of small blades, and many other weapons and blades. It wouldn't matter if it's all clumped together either because, thanks to my luck, I will always be able to take out exactly what I need.
I collapse back onto my bed, partially worn out.
There has been a lot that has happened today, a lot of fresh knowledge that needs to be processed, and not enough time. I raise my hand. It was covered with a glove, so I couldn't really look at what I wanted, so I lifted my sleeve instead. From there, I was able to use 'Eye of Absolute Certainty' to view my stats.
[Raine Knightford]
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Title: Genius Youngest Prince
Universe Mage- Rank 1
Earth Mage- Rank 1
Light Mage- Rank 2
Water Mage- Rank 3
Wind Mage- Rank 3
Fire Mage- Rank 4
Swordsman (dagger)- Rank B
Strength- 6
Perception- 10+
Endurance- 6
Charisma- 10+
Intelligence- 10+
Agility- 9
Luck- ∞
Mana Capacity- 147,000/147,000 (2,100,000) mp
'War God's Perfect Arsenal'
'Perfect Causality'
'Time Freeze'
'Time Barrier'
'Time Alter'
'Eye of Absolute Certainty
'Eye of the Reader'
'Goddess' Charm'
'Interdimensional Storage'
'Double Aura'
'Spell Merge'
'Gifted' (was quick learner, but I ain't writing allat)
'Perfect Memorization'
'Expanded Brain Capacity'
Description: Reincarnated into this world as a prince while keeping his memories. He has a strong desire to protect what is close to him while also having the capability for sympathy toward the unfortunate. Favored by many.
I grin at the sight.
Heh, not bad, my power is nothing to scoff at. My stats seem to be quite outstanding, and the amount of stored mana in particular had caused my mana capacity to increase significantly during the previous six years.
It seems that the continual infusion of mana throughout all these years had the exact effect I had anticipated.
After what I had witnessed, this kind of power could possibly compete with Aaron's, so I have a shot.
I smile while thinking about it. Having the power to stand up for my favorite novel's cherished characters. I can spare them so much suffering and I could make all of their losses disappear.
I begin dozing off. Night was approaching, and I had to get up early to leave. I stayed up for around ten minutes before finally drifting off to sleep.