Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 204

Chapter 203 – Nalutora

Thinking that if the owner of the hardware store was really a member of the Youqi tribe, there might be people watching around, Yan Yu prepared to put on a disguise before going out.

She changed into burlap, changed the color of her pupils with a spiritual method, concealed her soul power, and walked into the shop among the crowd.

The old lady didn’t sit at the door today, instead she was rocking a chair behind the counter, Yan Yu pretended to pick out a few things before going over, and tapped her fingers on the table to attract her attention.

The old lady raised her head, but didn’t look at her face. When Yan Yucai took out the maze design from her sleeve and put it on the table, she recognized him and said calmly, “These are my I don’t remember if there is any stock, please follow me to the warehouse to look for it.”

Yan Yu nodded.

The two entered the inner room one after the other, and the old lady quickly locked the lock.

“Is this the picture you gave Yin Miao?”

The old lady straightened her back slowly, and said straight to the point: “I am Song Qing.”

I have never seen a real person but Yan Yu has heard of this name. The current patriarch of the Youqi clan. It is rumored that she has a weird temper and is not easy to provoke, but she did not expect that she is quite kind-hearted.

One thing is the same as what outsiders said, she likes children very much.

“Mag is threatening you, right?”

It is not difficult to guess, Youqi has always been a firm neutral stance, and even said that they hate too much contact with foreigners. In recent years, they have frequently worked for Mage, which is obviously not in line with their original character. The biggest possibility is Mage Pinched Song Qing’s weakness.

Song Qing looked like a person with an arrogant temper. In this state, the dissatisfaction accumulated day by day, and it may have reached the breaking point long ago.

Song Qing didn’t waste time, nodded, and asked directly, “Stillborn, can you save it?”


A stillbirth is a soul orb that has not been fully conceived. It may be caused by improper pregnancy, or it may be that both parents left before the conception was completed. As a newborn soul orb, it will slowly lose its soul if it has no energy source. Force until it becomes an empty shell.

There is almost no possibility of a stillborn fetus surviving, because it cannot absorb the energy of anyone other than its parents. There is indeed a drug that can barely maintain its survival time, but this is only to slow down the speed of loss of soul power, and it is a way to treat the symptoms, not the root cause.

The problem of stillbirth existed a long time ago, and no matter how powerful an imperial master is, they are helpless when encountering it, but Yan Yu is not.

“It can be saved.” She said firmly.

With a “plop”, Song Qing knelt down in front of her, “Please save my granddaughter.”

Although he didn’t have much time to deal with Yan Yu, Song Qing had investigated her privately, so he had some understanding.

She saved the eldest princess of the Kingdom of Jin. Even though the Queen of the Kingdom of Jin was hostile to her at that time, she even brought back to life the brother of the genius doctor Lin Hegui. For the common people of the country, compared with those magistrates who claim to be noble but refuse to save them, she not only has better skills but also has more medical ethics.

She didn’t like to be involved in foreign affairs, and even more hated to owe favors to others, but she couldn’t just watch her only granddaughter die.

The child’s soul power was running low, but the Mage people were completely unaware of the urgency of the matter, and only knew how to exploit their value.

It is not difficult to imagine what those people will do when they have no value to use. Not only will they not keep their promises, they may even tear down the bridge.

“Don’t kneel down to me. If you still refuse to save me if you have the ability, you will lose my original intention of learning Imperial Art.” Yan Yu helped him up.

Song Qing’s nose was sore, maybe it was because Yan Yu was Yin Miao’s mother, who made her love her house, at least at this moment she felt that she could trust her unconditionally.

“As long as I can save my granddaughter, I will promise you no matter what the conditions are.”

Yan Yu held her hand, “We are companions.”

As soon as he went back, Yan Yu found Ruan Yuexuan.

“Are you asking me to borrow a bone needle again?” The latter glanced at her casually, and was used to asking, “Who was injured?”

“The granddaughter of the patriarch Youqi.”

“Huh?” Ruan Yuexuan raised her head and asked doubtfully, “What are you talking about, you beggars?”

Yan Yu sat down opposite her, “Her granddaughter is stillborn, I want to borrow some of your blood to save that child.”

Ruan Yuexi put down the things in her hands and sat up, “Stillborn?”

This is not what surprised her the most, but that Yan Yu actually knew that using her blood could save a stillbirth, that is to say…

“You know all about it.” She was also a stillborn child.

Only the blood of a surviving stillborn can save its own kind.

“Sometimes I can’t control my abilities.” So when she accidentally bumped into Ruan Yuexuan, she would see something she shouldn’t have seen.

The omniscient ability also tried to pick out some demons that the client cared about most to show her.

“I haven’t mentioned it to anyone, so don’t worry.”

“Yeah.” Ruan Yuexuan nodded, obviously not thinking here anymore.

She wasn’t worried about Yan Yu’s loose mouth, but she was caught off guard and brought up this incident, which awakened many bad memories in her.

After she was abandoned as a stillborn fetus, she did not die quickly like most of her kind. On the contrary, she awakened her powers before hatching, which is the current immortal body.

But this enviable physique was the beginning of her pain.

She can’t remember how many times she died and how many times she was resurrected. Of course, the fragile body of a baby cannot resist the harsh environment and the minions of fierce beasts. She has been frozen to death, starved to death, and fell into evil countless times. The mouth of spirits and beasts.

For a long time, she would feel sick to the point of vomiting when she heard the sound of flesh growing on her body, and it took a long time to get used to it, and slowly began to accept this kind of herself.

She once resented why God couldn’t let her die cleanly. She didn’t know the meaning of living until she had everything she had now.

Give her the chance to go back to the beginning, and she will actively choose to survive.

“If you feel uncomfortable, I can find another way.” Although the situation is urgent and there is not much time to develop new drugs, Yan Yu does not want to force Ruan Yuexiu.

“I’ll save.” Ruan Yuexuan stretched out her arm and handed the dagger to her, “It’s just a little blood.”

With Ruan Yuexuan’s blood thick, Yan Yu wore the invisibility cloak Song Qing gave her, slipped into Youqi’s base by bypassing Ma Ge’s eyeliner.

Song Qing asked her a question before going in.

“Aren’t you afraid that I’ll regret it after it’s done?”

Yan Yu shook her head, “Not afraid.”

If Song Qing was really a person who didn’t keep his word, he wouldn’t hate to owe favors to others. This kind of people would like to pay off their debts sooner, and feel uncomfortable even one day later.

The stillborn baby was protected in the ice room, and the light on its body flickered like a beating heart, but Yan Yu could feel that its soul power was already minimal.

She fetched a clean basin, wiped it with disinfectant grass, and then poured Ruan Yuexuan’s blood into it, soaking the dead fetus in it.

As soon as the round bead touched the blood, it twisted as if it had its own consciousness, and the light on its body began to brighten.

Yan Yu began to apply spiritual techniques with a serious and focused expression.

Song Qing waited anxiously at the door, the steps were almost leveled by her and finally waited for Yan Yu to come out.

“How is it! Did it succeed?” She was nervous but afraid of hearing bad news from Yan Yu.

“She will hatch within a day.” Yan Yu told her the good news first, and then continued, “However, this child has been delayed for too long, and there may be some sequelae after hatching.”

Because the soul power must protect the most important heart first, followed by the brain. After hatching, limbs like feet and hands will be slow to respond, or even unable to move.

“But this can be recuperated slowly. It may take a long time. After all, it is not completely hopeless.”

“It’s good to be alive, it’s good to be alive.” Song Qing held Yan Yu’s hand, crying so much that he didn’t know what to say.

“Don’t cry, you still have many happy things waiting to be done.”

Since the two countries joined forces, the Mage army has continued to increase, and finally even sent a multi-beast soul army to join the battlefield.

This team came aggressively, with brutal methods, and soon Jin Ling’s side began to decline. Yang Pei was so angry that his blood pressure was high, and Yan Yu was sent to the palace on the day he received the battle report.

Yan Yu had been paying close attention to the situation on both sides, and it was expected that she would be summoned.

“Now do we have any chance of winning?”

Under the current situation where Mage frequently provokes the fire, they all know that a big battle is inevitable, and all they can do is to increase their odds of winning as much as possible. .

Now that Yang Pei has no idea, she can only ask this legendary omnipotent goddess for an answer.

Yan Yu took the pen and paper and analyzed it with her.

“Know yourself and know your enemy and you can fight a hundred battles.” She wrote down two words, advantages and disadvantages, “How many advantages does Tianlai’s army have.”

“Their division of labor is very clear. The soul domain unit led by Ashley is a powerful weapon to consume and delay the enemy’s combat power in the early stage.”

This team is composed of dozens of super beast masters who have awakened their soul domains. They will deploy their soul domains on the battlefield to quickly and massively consume the enemy’s advance troops.

But this is not impossible to solve, because if a soul domain accommodates too many people at one time, the owner of the soul domain will be difficult to control, which will lead to the collapse of the soul domain. As long as you pay attention to the control of the density of people, this first hurdle is not a problem. difficult.

The second hurdle is the opponent’s Taiju team. They are agile, powerful, and lethal. They are Tianlai’s main force. Fortunately, physique is not the weak point of Jin Guo’s army. It can be almost a tie.

But that’s the problem, because in addition to this, Mage also has the world’s best royal master troop. If the enemy is weak, rear support can also be used to improve the endurance of the army, and the final victory can be achieved by prolonging the battle time.

In comparison, there are too few imperial masters in other countries, and even if there are, they are generally invested in the elixirs, exorcisms, or education industries. After all, no one is willing to throw such precious talents on the battlefield where the possibility of sacrifice is extremely high. .

“The Imperial Artisan is indeed a problem.” Yang Pei lit on the table with his hand.

“I will find a way to solve this matter.” Yan Yu stretched out his hand to cross out this item, “In addition to these days, there is a special army.”

“Air Beast Legion, isn’t it?” Yang Pei answered.

Due to the geographical relationship, most of the beast souls awakened by the Tianlai people are flying species, and they took advantage of this advantage to form the Air Beast Legion.

Imagine that during a battle, the attention of both sides is on the enemy in front of you, but at this time there is a team circling above your head, and from time to time they will send down a sneak attack with spiritual techniques when you are not prepared. It is estimated that everyone will have a lot of pressure in their hearts.

The most important thing for the army to fight is the people’s hearts, and the combat effectiveness of a panic-stricken team will definitely be affected.

The more Yan Yu analyzed Yang Pei, the more worried he became, “We don’t have an empty beast army, and we can’t gather a few people for the temporary formation.”

“Maybe we need some surprises too.”

Yang Pei knew that she had something to do as soon as she heard it, and asked quickly, “What’s the surprise?”

“Yao Miao.”

Compared with the four major kingdoms, the Yaomiao Kingdom has the weakest combat power. Perhaps Tianlai’s super beast master alone can destroy a team of them, but the people of Yaomiao Kingdom are best at hiding and defending. Where it is good for them to play, maybe they can get miraculous results.

Yang Pei nodded, and asked again, “You said that Tianlai has so many advantages, so what are their disadvantages?”

“It’s just a bunch of walking dead.”

The author has something to say:

There will be no change tomorrow, and it will end next week.

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